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Cunning God of Cuddles 5 - Or ‘This Little Birdie is truly a Cuddly Bio-Weapon!’ (RidleyClone!SI Xover)

From a boss fight to another.

Then again, this Pseudo-Ridley was not truly able to sustain too much aggression and right now it was a worse situation that he would have been in the canon gameplay.

Most of its skin was already getting strong enough to deflect pre-Prasma attacks. The only weak spot I was familiar with was his tail as it was swinging fast and behaved as one of his main attack methods.

Snarling, despite Samus technically being the toughest opponent in that moment, the Pseudo-Ridley bastard was looking at me. I was his main concern and… this Chicken Nugget ain’t getting killed now that it is so close to ‘em needed headpats!

His tail tilted left and right and then stabbed forward, trying to kill me instantly. I just side-stepped, letting the sharp end of the lengthy thing slam on the ground, firmly sticking into it. I turned to its weak spot and… took a bite out of it.

If the bastard wants to fight, then I am going to show him who’s boss!

The bastard snarled in shock, pain and outrage, but it was nothing in regard to what I did next. I pulled out a sizable chunk of the flesh, showed it in my mouth before his own eyes and then spitting it to the ground before flashing a disgusted look.

The power-move was not missed by the ugly-looking motherfucker. Pseudo-Ridley actually recoiled in brief surprise… that mutated in murderous fury as it rushed forward to try and bite me back.

Grinning, I timed a jump over his head, morphing into a ball and rushing through his back while laying down bomb blasts that tore into his reinforced skin. Then, with the momentum carried through the rapid-paced action, I slammed onto the tail and landed a few bombs there too.

The monster was agonizing, turning its belly to the side and exposing it to… Samus’ Arm-Cannon as she started to hit him hard with Missiles. The exchange was intense for a moment, just enough to weaken him a lot and-

“Here comes papa!” The heavy specialist exclaimed, I think his name was ‘Higgings’ or close enough. The Plasma Cannon usually takes a while to charge, but the shots were as powerful as a charged Plasma Beam blast.

And Pseudo-Ridley got a grazing wound from the shot, a large gash just erupting from his left side that got him fully awake and on flight mode as he rushed away from reach and hurled himself through one of the walls.

The large hole through the holographic barrier caused part of the structure to collapse and… open up a new area to explore. With Pseudo-Ridley’s retreat, the rest of the Federation Soldiers took care of the monsters. Samus was listening to the Plasma guy before their attention was claimed by the rest of the group.

Pseudo-Ridley’s first victim, a scientist, was now within sight as there were no more monsters to worry about. I approached the sight too, aware that this may lead to a major reveal and… I had to act accordingly. As the group studied the corpse, I took a step closer to it, leaning and sniffing. Then pulled back, flashing a disgusted look and looking at the blood.

Adam had noticed what I was doing, the experienced commander seeing me following green blood that ultimately led to behind one of the vehicles. Samus had done the same, so she was almost there to see where the monster came from.

So, double the surprise as I pulled the emptied husk of a fellow Little Birdie to sight.

There was shock, there were thoughts and… she looked down to see me nuzzle against her armored leg, tilting up and presenting my head. The bounty hunter was tense, still pondering on the ramifications of what was going on but- despite some reasonable unease, she lowered her free hand and patted my head.

It was something wonderful. My body, my head, my senses- I was overwhelmed by a soft pleasure that didn’t stir any awkward feelings. It just eased me, bathing me in pure and wonderful delight.

Objective: Headpats! is now complete~! Ho Ho~!

It was bliss. If before I hesitated in the beauty of being in the perfect frame to be highly-destructive, deadly and headpattable, now there was no doubt in my body. I loved it, and it made me feel at bliss.

Sadly so, this wasn’t meant to be a forever thing. Samus was interrupted by Adam. The mission had yet to be completed, so she quickly went on with her steps by going for the hole created by Pseudo-Ridley.

I quietly followed, hoping to keep by her side for long but… we were soon staring at a long fall. One she could easily make, and one I couldn’t at the moment. She spared me a brief look and then… jumped.

Fuck’s sake, I need to find my biological equivalent to Space Jump.

I couldn’t follow her right now, and while I wanted more headpats, I wasn’t stupid enough to not see that this was a fall upon my doom.

Despite that infuriating development, I noticed a hole big enough to accommodate my Morph Ball and I used it to get through the room in the hopes of eventually reuniting with Samus, this time for longer headpats.

I was so close to greatness, I tasted glory- And now I wanted more of that~!


Data was aptly saved as MB-276 finished her assessment.

‘Little Birdie-I’ was clearly different from the rest. The fact she was able to fully confirm he was Ridley was good, but the extent of its potential had only started to fully unravel- and it was clearly above the original. Compared to his siblings, this original clone was seemingly gifted with Ridley’s cunning mindset.

The battle with its evolution proved two things: one, her current subject of interest had the potential to eventually outmatch someone like Samus Aran given the opportunities, and two, this clone lacked Ridley’s brutal instinct. At least, it wasn’t as prominent and antagonistic as the rest.

At first MB-276 thought of it as a ruse to achieve his foe’s weakness, but the dopamine levels unlocked by the head pat she could notice through the visor’s self-scanning tool confirmed that this little entity was indeed going through all those hurdle for a rather selfish and simplistic gesture.

Or, that was how MB-276 saw it. Animals were odd in those matters, seeking a degree of affection that wasn’t truly necessary. Yet, the efforts it went through was well above what many more intellectual entities would have gone for in return of such a limited reward.

Was she missing something out of this point? Sure, the Dopamine was a good enough reward to many larval creatures but it shouldn’t be enough to warrant those labors.

It was going to be a rather entertaining study, that much MB-276 conceded to. And as Little Birdie advanced into the Pyrosphere, she just had the right way to test his ability-absorption. This unusual skill was not missed to the AI, and she knew the right target that would further develop her current subject.

Despite being an AI, MB-276 was… excited of what this new subject was adding to her study.



Little Birdie got a taste of glory. And next up he will get more upgrades!



So, will one of the Hands pop up? (You all know which ones i'm talking about.)

Pedro Jose Bello Belen

Congratulations Little Birdie, you got the long awaited headpats! Now you just need to get Samus to keep you! Speaking of whom will we get a Samus POV soon over Little Birdie?

gabriel bezerra

Johley has achieved victory, someone play Victory Fanfare(FF7) because headpat was acquired, this Ridley Clone Has Controlled Brutality,and now he will ascend beyond