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Lewd Duty - or ‘Only guy in this fantasy town with the goal of creating a few generations’ (Sex Valley, SI)

My first few days in my new life after getting isekai’d in a new world have been relatively… ‘odd’.

Early on, I would have just said it was difficult considering the fact that I had to handle so many obstacles that had been keeping me on the edge even while I slept. In a world where there are some dangerous animals, my survival was a high priority as anything could potentially kill me.

I had no proper protection, no weapons and no ‘gaming feature’ as I would have hoped for at this point. I was just a simple human being with nothing special to it. Well, not exactly ‘nothing’ as I did find out I had a bit of good ‘important’ luck that helped me secure a rather simple ordeal.

While I was scouting around and taking all sorts of fruits and items I could use – I literally had rocks as a weapon – I ended up finding a young woman, unconscious as I walked up to her, behind slowly approached by… goblins.

I scowled at the classic. But I was confused by the fact that she didn’t look like the sort of woman that could fall against those little shits. The fact she bore no damage and the ‘strength’ within her posture also added to my perplexity on the matter. That’s when I saw a few broken bottles that were once filled with something. Two goblins in sight, and…

Fuck, these two barely look scary compared to me. I have brawled with bigger and tougher bastards!

I know that many fantasy stories have those lil’ shits being quite dangerous- but this duo didn’t even have a weapon on them. And I was validated in thinking little of them when I ‘entered’ the scene.

“You motherfuckers!” I growled loudly, walking towards them as I ‘pumped up for some aggression’.

Sure, they weren’t scary, but that didn’t mean mercy was on the menu today and I didn’t intend to leave fate to screw me over somehow by deliberately leaving them untouched for long.

The closest of the two rushed at me. Hands ready to claw against me as he jumped up in an effort to reach my face- Only for his flight to be cut abruptly by a kick slamming into his groin.

I made a Goblin flip backward after a nutshot. I think this was a fun achievement to accomplish during my first day here. The dipshit spat on the ground, holding his groin with both hands before bolting away in a panic. His buddy looked stunned and clearly frightened. A mere crack from my knuckles had him running through.

Ah yes, I can still bluff my way to victory through terror tactics. Still… it was best to relocate for now. I walked up to the girl, crouching down and started to poke at her face.

She groaned a bit, seemingly stirring her out of the forced unconsciousness she was dealing with. The young woman then further tensed as she broke out of her slumber and… I was soon staring at a pair of pretty blue eyes.

She blinked, still sore and sleepy. “W-What… who are you?”

“Someone that was passing by and saw you getting close to experience a bad end through goblins. How are you?”

“My body is… stiff. I can barely move.”

I slowly nodded. “From what I could see, they had thrown some bottles at you and I think we can both tell these are behind your current condition.”

The girl nodded and smiled a bit as I helped her stand up.


I nodded at her name. “John. Do you have a place where we can move to and be safe? I didn’t have the means to kill the goblins, so there’s a big chance they may return with a bigger group.”

“My… My tent. It’s nearby and safe.”

I nodded again, unaware I had hit a gold mine.

To summarize Parun’s background – she was born in Pursolis, a small seaside village that is known for its impressive public baths and the fact that the village’s lords are of draconic descent.

Pursolis was screwed when the Dark Lord War happened as all able males were conscripted and sent to fight. Due to the high tolls suffered, it was one of those rare towns that experienced a ‘total male extermination’ as only a single man made it back alive and this guy is Parun’s old master, Bengala.

The man was already old when he returned, and the sudden plight had caused the village to face a population crisis that has been going on for a few years now. While the notion of ‘asking for males from other villages’ had been forwarded, the local lady had refused on the ground that ‘we cannot be invaded by people lusting after the women’.

So, in the end, Bengala had to make a deal: he will move around to find a viable candidate to take on this task and then return with this guy. Actually, it was either him and his apprentice and-

“Do you want to be that man? The one that helps my village repopulate?”

…This is too hentai for me. I know I should accept but I felt it was too poor-tasting to just accept on the spot. So, I decided to provide a satisfactory response for my own doubts and Parun’s begging.

“I will come to check it and then I will give you an answer. I mean, it’s not exactly an easy-peasy thing.”

“...That sounds like what a good candidate would want!”

Did I mention that Parun was a bit of an airhead? She grew up a tomboy, wanted to become a soldier and thus pushed Bengal to take her as his apprentice. And here she was, a strong swordswoman that had little development in terms of her social skills.

Still, we went on that journey to Pursolis. I had promised I would have gone to see it and gauge the situation, but Parun decided to ‘convince’ me somehow. In the end, this all turned into a particularly amusing cliche ‘training’ session.

Parun was sexually inexperienced. She knew basic stuff but had zero awareness of the steps needed to enjoy it and foreplay in general. So, she first started to sleep beside me in the nude and I started to play with her tits.

Then it was her groin and butt. Then it was time to kiss her, something that really caught her off-guard since she never kissed someone on the lips before- cue her demanding to be my ‘first and foremost’.

Considering how adorable she was, the fact I relied upon her, and the fact I was getting led by fate to this lewd situation… I suppose that is fine and I decided to seal the deal the ensuing night by claiming her virginity.

Much to my surprise and delight, she didn’t feel any pain as I popped her cherry. Magic is just that weird in this world and some users could actually nullify internal pain instinctively. Parun was one of those cases, and she was quite happy to learn how it feels to have a cock firmly ramming into her treasured pussy.

Her twenty years-old virgin womb was then given the first of many creampies that she ‘needed’ now to ‘be happy’ around me. This was her ‘lingo’ for when she felt horny. She wasn’t a yandere as she wanted me to ‘fuck around at the village’, but wanted to be prioritized above the rest.

So, for the ensuing nights until we reached our destination, I kept on giving her baby batter. Mornings were for scavenging, training and fighting, and nights were for some wholesome but intense baby-making.

Parun was extremely wanting, but also weak in her stamina as she barely made it through round 2 before falling asleep. The girl just wasn’t as superhuman in bed as she was in combat.

By the time we arrived at our destination, it was raining heavily and it was night. Parun’s home was the closest to the village’s entrance, and she decided to delay a walk around the place until the next day - right now she was wet and wet.

“John please~”

I smiled, picking her off the ground in a bridal carry as she gave me directions to where her bedroom was. It was king-sized, and I smiled happily as I could finally fuck her in a regular surface rather than on a rather uneven one. A proper bed to fuck and sleep on, finally!

“Aww~, is my slutty wife feeling particularly lonely in her womb?”

The girl was undressed and presenting as she rested on the side.

“Y-Yes, babies! Let’s make babies~!”

I didn’t hesitate to give her another proper raw dicking session. Parun was latching onto me as earnestly as a cock-hungry whore could get. And while she was usually more tame than this, it felt fitting she was hurling her best now that we were in Purlosis.

For all that matters, she was rather devoted and managed to hold out until round 3. I cuddled her and flattered her with praise for lasting so long, the girl almost purring as she leaned against me and went to sleep with me.

As I closed my eyes, I thought that some ‘action’ would unfold by the morning.

I was not awake when an intruder entered the house from the window beside the bedroom. I was calmly snoring as said intruder woke up Parun, the girl surprised but mellowing in recognition of the intruder and, after a brief exchange and explanation on what is going on and how things have been, a little plan was made to ‘wake me up with a double surprise’.

The next morning, I was stirred awake by the feeling of a mouth servicing me. I thought it was Parun trying to give me a happy start to the day. My assumption lasted for a while… and that’s when a second mouth and tongue tagged along for some cock-slurping. I slowly opened my eyes to find two blue-haired women. One was clearly Parun and the other one was a wolf girl with too much of an innocent gaze as she suckled my balls.

“...Who are you?” I said, and soon enough I would realize this was the beginning of something more than porn but… with still porn here and there.



So, Sex Valley. The game is made by Zehmun and the plot is Parun’s backstory… as Parun is the Genderbent version of the Game’s MC! This last decision was made as I thought on how to handle this character. I thought of having him killed off, but it felt like the SI would have ‘replaced’ him in a rather distasteful way. This way it feels justified to have an extra girl (reference is Female Byleth from Fire Emblem, BTW) while also preserving some of the status quo of the game early on to better fit an alternative plotline.

With that being said, I have to establish important kinks about this story:
-Futa (There’s a plotline where a girl has a dick due to her being a magical clone to a mage and having fellow magical clones around in similar conditions. Her predisposition is to be dominant towards men and submissive towards women… yet she has never been with a guy, so that early bit ‘may’ be a facade);
-Oyakodon (There are two cases of it, but I will not explain- readers can either wait for it, or play the game since it is free in its public release);
-Shortstack (Not too short, but still enough to be confused for young teens at times);
-Bowsette Expy (You heard me, she is a thing and she is a light-tier tsundere);
-Twins (And they are maids!);


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