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A Grim Bond 14 - or ‘The Grim Adventures turns into Broken Tales’ (Grim Tales from Below, OC!Brother to Mandy)

If someone was to ask Grim Junior if he thought his life at the castle was too strict, they would be surprised by a generic shrug from his part.

Despite being savvy in seeing his peers handling childhood differently, it never got to the point where he could truly think that. So… this new life situation not only caught him off-guard, but it allowed him to ponder on the topic.

Waking up a bit later than usual was a bit of a surprise, not having to be painfully strict on his own morning schedule was quite a shocker, but it was perhaps the fact that his uncle was not putting him through tests or watching his every step as if to expect him to do something ‘worthwhile’ that left Junior confused.

How could this man be his mother’s brother? Both behaved so differently! Mandy was the ruthless Bitch Queen, while Arthur was… the ‘average guy’. He was strong, there was no doubt in that as he easily made Junior’s mother back down from returning them to the castle, and while some may say it was sisterly worry, in truth there was none of that when Mandy snarled at his brother.

There was something intense that bubbled in that look, something that most of those around saw as her wrath, but after what he and Minnie saw in that old journal from their father, Junior knew it was also ‘pain’. Pain of losing a brother that she loved too much.

Despite that, Junior didn’t feel like this was too bad. After all, there weren't any active skirmishes between the two. Plus, his uncle was quite nice to the two siblings and… there was also the fact that Minnie was clearly the most accustomed to this. There was no doubt in his mind  that it had to do with Minnie having been there before, but there is also the fact that she now behaved so… ‘lightly’.

Of the prodigious heiress to Castle Grim, only a fraction of that elegance persisted in their current ‘home’. Minnie had dropped out of the usual attitude to be the best at everything. She was still radiant despite that, behaving as a rather energetic girl that wanted to try out a lot. It was childish to the core, yet Junior couldn’t help but remain blindsided by such a development.

It was clear it had to do with what his sister showed their uncle. At a time, Junior thought it was what they saw their mother do during her nightly visits back when she and their uncle were quite young, but it was clear it was something else. Something that Junior didn’t know about and… that had to have been huge from what his uncle’s reaction had been.

He could just feel the pure ‘Mandy’ wrath coming from him- no, it was so much worse. One thing was to live with someone that had just stoic and angry as two main phases, another was to see someone that is hardly angry get so furious so suddenly.

And part of Junior wanted to know what had happened back then. Sure, he could ask Minnie, but everytime he approached her she would just… coax him with a lot of distracting things.

A new game? It is a smart game she can’t do? It was so sudden, but Junior was drowned by the pure sisterly delight coming from Minnie as she decided to behave like how many described a little sister should be. Giddy, a bit spoiled, and yet a sweet thing that made him ‘concede’ all the time.

It didn’t help that he was the only boy of the group, with Mimi becoming something of a chaos-inducing anomaly. And that’s not to say Junior disliked her. In fact, there’s much to say in regard to the opposite.

To say that Junior really liked Mimi would also be an understatement. Despite her cool demeanor, her general lack of interactivity with others and the fact she was a girl of a few words, Junior felt attracted to Mimi as more than just his first friend ever.

There was something strong that ‘tied’ him to her. A sense of understanding, kinship even, as they both were quiet individuals at heart. And as he decided to be bold and ask his uncle why he felt so compelled around her, the man had a rather unusual answer to that.

“Well, considering the fact you have social anxiety and Mimi is an introvert, the fact you both shy away from most social situations could be what makes you so open around her.”

And that felt right. Junior doubted he could make a friend with someone that behaved just like Minnie- or ‘worse’ in that regard. But it didn’t feel wrong to do the same with Mimi.

At least until he realized something. Mimi… was painfully aware of this. And she loved to tease him left and right. At first, this was bearable, but then, after two days of doing this, Junior was stunned by something his sister had to say.

The first day saw Minnie look at their interaction with a degree of perplexity, but then she said something that really changed everything. They were in Mimi’s room to play some Monopoly when a rather giddy Minnie brought up a rather unexpected topic.

“Oh, by the way, how is Chi?”

Mimi didn’t seem to mind the mention and hummed. “She is fine. Still clingy.”

Junior wasn’t usually too invested in people, but there was an emphasis on that name that got him… annoyed.

“Who is that?”

“Oh, that’s Mimi’s girlfriend.”

Ah, that makes sen- wait, girlfriend?!

“Y-You mean you like girls?”

“She is a friend. Who is a girl.”

“But you two kissed,” Minnie argued, “That makes you a couple.”

Mimi didn’t seem to believe as much, shaking her head. “I kiss close friends.”

Before Minnie could have further pushed back on this, she was surprised when Mimi crawled up to her and tackled her. Junior was surprised, standing up to check if these two were fighting or something but… what he saw would permanently leave an ‘odd mark’ in his brain.

Mimi was… kissing his sister. On the lips. A blush burning red on poor Minnie’s cheeks as she found her first kiss stolen. Junior was utterly shaken to the core… but he wasn’t spared by this either.

As he tried to rationalize the situation, he found himself caught by Mimi’s claws as those rested on his shoulder and… his ‘lips’ were claimed too. Differently from Minnie, Junior didn’t exactly have the natural means to blush- but he had magic that reacted accordingly. And he felt his brain melt at the gesture.

Once Mimi was done with it, she pulled back and turned to a very confused Minnie.

“You are both precious friends too.”

It was at that very moment that Junior decided that, while he may not be able to still call it an improvement from his life at the castle, living at his uncle’s place was surely weirder. In the fun way of that word.



If someone doubted it, then I can assure you that Mimi did, in fact, inherit her mother’s Reverse Harem tendencies.



Gracias por el capítulo


I can hear the internal screaming in Minnie’s brain after the kiss and I love it. Thanks for the chapter and great work!


Minnie.exe and Grim_J.exe stopped working, please reboot the system.