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The Game-Man 3 - or ‘The Secret Wholesome Chungus Path for Guangdong by Nintendo’ (TNO!State of Guangdong, Nintendo Semi-SI)

Morita Akio was no idiot.

After getting hustled by Ibuka, someone he trusted as a brother in all but blood, there was very little intention in his mind to trust new people with his own honesty.

Suddenly poor, he washed up in Guangdong with the expectation to work for some other business that was not Fujitsu. Definitely not Yasuda- Matsushita? No, Akio had literally rejected Ibuka’s madness on the very principle Matsushita was based upon.

He would never sell his ideals, not when those were the right way. Tough and difficult the path he took, he knew it was also the one with the just results for a good business.

So, when Nintendo approached him, Akio jumped at the chance without hesitation but not without full submission. What he heard and saw of Nintendo-controlled districts within the State of Guangdong had easily swayed him to give it a try, with the happier and cleaner districts offering him a hopeful prayer to rely upon.

What Akio didn’t expect was for that job interview to go as smooth as it did.

Yamauchi Hiroshi was younger than him and yet the hierarchy made him his superior- so, the fact that the young charming fellow just displayed a degree of admiration towards him instantly mellowed the wounded ego of poor Akio.

“Akio-senpai, it’s truly an honor to meet you in person.”

“Your words are too humble, Yamauchi-san. I don’t deserve this much reverence.”

Yet the request didn’t seem to reach Hiroshi’s mind as that persisted through what felt less of an interview and more of a recruitment pitch. It felt less like Akio having to do something to be hired and more of Akio having to gauge if he should accept the job that he was being given.

“I didn’t know Nintendo sought to expand in Electronics. If I may sound a bit impertinent, why? Why make this big step?”

That was what really mattered to Akio. Why did someone like Yamauchi Hiroshi see a need to expand so aggressively and further alienate companies that were tapping at this untapped sector?

“If I have to be honest, Akio-senpai, I believe that it’s only fair for a man that had to turn a small fortune into a bigger one, but, at the same time, I feel it’s a personal duty to give back from where I got this money- the very workers that put mind, body and soul in the intense care of the work schedules.”

Curiosity, then skepticism. “The State is not exactly favoring workers at the moment. Why move here when you could have gotten higher chances of implementing new rights in the home islands?”

“...Many think that this is a ‘foolish’ step, that I exiled myself because I couldn’t handle the competition in Tokyo, but… Akio-senpai, do you know what makes Guangdong so special compared to the Republic of China?”

The question took Akio off-guard, having learned very little of the region but knowing that it was one that mattered to his relocation, it had to be related to greater profit. Faster mobility for resources? A cheaper workforce? Many things buzzed within Akio’s mind, but it was Hiroshi that answered his own question.

“The population’s growth, and thus the workforce’s increase, is three times higher than the one in the whole Empire’s controlled land.”

“S-Surely that’s not… how?”

“Japanese workers feel that their livelihood is threatened by competition. Here in Guangdong they can enjoy privileges and greater work prospects. Likewise, many Chinese people from the various warlords’ territories seek to find greater chances at life in places where ‘civilization cares for them’.”

Akio frowned at this, but his mind proceeded to build a quick calculus behind that notion. He couldn’t exactly do much without proper numbers, but he could at the very least gauge something else- the drawbacks of such a rapid growth.


“It will be dealt with in the lands Nintendo has a sway over. I am working on an ordinance with Chief Executive Suzuki to see this expanded to other regions but… the Kempeitai may try something in the LegCo, so I wish to secure some ‘agreeing souls’ in the group hosted by Matsushita.”


“Only if strictly necessary. I am trying to keep clean, same for anyone here in Nintendo as I am working to slowly give more strength to a good police force.”

A slow nod from Akio ceased the topic, but many questions remained- one of which was his ‘purpose’ in this company.

“Your job, Akio-senpai, is to lead a group of engineers, Chinese and Japanese, in dealing with a few improved projects. I will not give you a specific request just yet as I wish to see what you can do.”

“That sounds quite open. What can I do to make a valid profit without copying from potential competitors?”

“...How about a new radio? Something that can be easier to carry, cheap to make and sell?”

Akio opened his mouth, unsure if this was a good idea, but then backed off as he considered his current circumstance. Sure, he disliked Ibuka now, but if there was one thing he knew of the man was that he would be focusing on pleasing his friends at Fujitsu by improving what they already sold.

If he came up with an innovative idea, that would not only be a major slight to his former colleague but a display of his superiority. A small radio- no, a pocket radio? That sounded quite useful and it would have a valuable market. A smirk played by his lips as he nodded at the concept.

A portable radio, a way to please the past but tickle the future. Yes, it could be done. He just needed to get his workshop and… get started.

“May I see the contract?”

That was the last hurdle, that much Akio knew but… that was where the mouth-watering price for his loyalty was. It wasn’t even like he was shaking hands with a demon- Hiroshi’s cordiality was indeed matched by a genuine and shown display of wanting to improve things for everyone.

With a single signature, Morita Akio agreed to become the Chief of Nintendo Electronics, a subdivision of Nintendo Karuta meant to expand the company’s horizon by tapping into the world of electronics as the name would let many assume.

What wasn’t clear to many, however, was that it would then become the source of great innovations in ways that went beyond what Fujitsu could hope to consider about.

After all, Nintendo would ultimately become the first and greatest company on the globe.



There’s going to be so much synergy with the Hiroshi-Akio-Li Trio that the LegCo may as well get things packing because Guangdong is going to experience something different than the ‘Silicon Years’.



Pave the way for the Walkman, yeah!