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Sweet Assassin 3 - or ‘I am willingly not playing this game correctly.’ (Fateverse, SI)

We were finally in Marseille.

The flight was uneventful, so was our relocation to our paid hotel room, but when we reached the private beach we were planning to spend some time in… well, that’s where a few issues manifested through my refusal to summon anything at the time.

“Why not?” Medusa asked, surprised. “I thought that you were planning to.”

“I ‘was’ planning to, then I realized there’s a big danger in doing it here in France.”

Stheno huffed. “Which is?”


“...Who?” The ‘perfect goddess’ inquired, but Medusa seemed to recognize the name.

“Oh, is that one of the Twelve Knights of Charlemagne? He was present in the books I read about the topic.”

Stheno frowned a bit more and I finished explaining it to her why it was ‘bad’.

“So, this ‘Astolfo’ is a boy with a girly body and the promiscuity to pursue both men and women at once…” Stheno slowly summarized once I was done telling her the full truth, ignoring Medusa’s little breakdown at the notion that such a character, who was neatly depicted in Ludovico Ariosto’s books, was actually such a klutz. “Yes, it’s best to refrain from any summoning for the time being, Master.”

With that common thought approved by the three of us, the rest of the visit to the beach went on without much of a bump. Medusa was a bit reluctant to go out with the bikini that Stheno picked for her and I could see why.

The poor girl literally had an open window to her butt-crack and her breasts, small as they were, still made a bit of an indentation on the bikini-bra. Still, since there was no one else but Stheno and I, the embarrassment was easy to lessen for the girl and since Stheno decided to ‘rest and bask in the sun’ while we went out to play some volleyball by the water, it was just the two of us.

Despite her height disadvantage, it was Medusa that had to hold back on me since her Servant’s abilities made her way too tough for me to deal with at full power. Beyond some tinkering on strength and speed, we ultimately managed to enjoy a nice game. A few hours went by and then we moved back to the reclined chairs while Stheno moved to get herself a quick bath.

As we were drying up, Medusa asked me something. “Master, can you… help me put on some sunscreen?”

Many would just think it was an invitation, but I had seen what happened when she asked Stheno for help. Assassin could really get petty when she wanted and was rather chatty while going through that task. Quite negatively so if I have to be blunt about it without being too ‘honest’ on the words used.

Lying down and with her bikini’s straps undone, I started to work on putting the cream on Medusa’s upper and lower rear. She shivered and got a bit nervous as I got to her butt, but didn’t exactly plan to go too deep about it as I just handled around her crack and then worked down to her legs.

The Lancer then turned around and allowed me to do the same with her front. It was clear she liked being touched and just couldn’t say no to get her tits and groin teased a bit before I was done with the overall job.

“Phew, feeling a bit cooked up?”

A meek nod was my answer as Medusa’s face was beet-red. Still, right as I was done with that, I noticed that Stheno had been back for a while and was staring at us both with an intrigued look.

“I suppose this was just some friendly sunscreen application,” The Assassin remarked and I shrugged. “I see… then, Master, would you mind if I helped you destress a bit?”

The request came out of nowhere, and as Medusa put her bikini on, she was a bit surprised when her sister asked me to stand up as she got to her knees.

Suddenly, my swimming trunks went down revealing my half-erect length much to Medusa’s surprise as she eeped at the unexpected reveal. But Stheno paid it not much attention as she just started to lick the tip for a while before starting to swallow a few inches from the dick into her mouth.

It didn’t take a genius to know what Stheno was up to. The sudden sexual display was a provocation and a display of possessiveness. She saw me ‘playing’ with her sister and got jealous. Rather than just tell me she wanted this, she just tried to put some dominance-spin to this.

Sadly for her, I was a man that had gotten a fairly honest glimpse of her real self when it came to sex.

And I knew how to turn this back to her in a fun way~.

“So… you forgot yesterday night, Stheno~? I’m not exactly a toy.”

There was a hint of surprise flashing through her eyes as she was sucking rather meekly at the cock but… that hint became an alarmed look when I grasped the sides of her head and started to fuck her face nice and roughly.

Medusa’s shock doubled over this turn of events and she turned her eyes briefly to me.


“Medusa, you need to know that your sister is rather possessive. So, when she saw you getting the sunscreen she got a bit… upset. You can understand that she is rather vindictive when it comes to this sort of stuff, right?”

The girl nodded, but was mesmerized by the sight of her sister gagging at my cock. And I had just the right idea to make this funnier.

“Say, Medusa… do you want to help your sister?”

A curious glint flashed through the Lancer’s eyes and she listened to my commands while Stheno struggled with what I could tell was her first blowjob. It wasn’t even tied to what happened the night before, but how she was handling herself right now. The way she started to suck was indeed ‘tame’ compared to how I would expect an ‘experienced goddess’ to be capable of, so I had this little thought that she was quite… unprepared for this.

So, to punish her attempted effort to one-up poor Medusa, I decided to turn this back to her.

“Ghhkl! Gmph! Sllrrp~! Hmmm~!”

Loud noises of slurping, sucking and gagging were soon followed by muffled moans as Medusa, now standing behind her, slowly reached for the spots I told her to touch. One hand to tease Stheno’s nearest breast to it, the other palm reaching between her sister’s legs and-

“She is so… wet!”

Surprise poured out of her nervous voice, mystified by such a development but letting it become a reason to keep on touching and teaching. Despite the stubbornness from Stheno to not give up too fast, she was ultimately driven to a quick orgasm by Medusa’s clumsy touch.

And shortly after, her mouth was invaded with cum. I half-expected her to swallow, but she actually pulled away and… proceeded to kiss Medusa on her lips. The Lancer’s eyes widened in shock but then a pleased look ruptured her confusion when I saw her drinking up the cum pouring inside her own mouth.

The kiss broke once they were done with the deed and… Stheno gave me a rather amused look.

“That was an interesting subversion of expectations… Master~.”

I smiled back, unaware that we were currently being spied upon by someone with binoculars and… rubbing her legs nervously at the sight she was watching upon.

“This is… interesting. How lewd,” The girl’s yellow eyes had a bit of a heart-like symbol appearing. “This will make for… a good mission. Yes.”

In a world of sinners and worshipers, Caren Hortensia was happily threading the middle ground, but not too shy from dive-bombing towards such a wonderful display of debauchery.

Now, how to get into this too~.



Caren will always find a way. To both be with a fellow Italian and also betray the church somehow.


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