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It’s a Matter of Peace 4 - or ‘I became a God and screwed with the Heavens’ (Eight Archon!SI Genshin Impact)

Meeting Rex Lapis plus the entire Guili Assembly proved to be a pleasant occurrence.

Despite some grievances in regard to Haavria’s interest to relocate her followers near to Ferrea due to ‘recent events’, they all managed to find peace knowing that this decision was driven by the interest of ‘keeping close’ rather than growing distant to them.

It was also no secret that Havria had been struggling to find a place for her followers to properly settle as these plains could handle so many people before it became overpopulated. Thus, the migration allowed for less pressure on the Assembly and a chance for relations to be fostered between Guili and Ferrea and some intellectual exchanges were allowed.

The one deity there that got my attention the most, out of her curiosity more than anything else, was Guizhong or Haagentus. She was inquisitive and giddy to receive papers to expand potential mining operations within the region as to allow more buildings to be conceived.

Rex Lapis himself was particularly intrigued by this, and I managed to entertain a bit of a private talk with him over not ‘wanting to cause disturbance by approaching Guizhong beyond mere friendship’. He was ‘confused’ by the topic, but I remarked there was something ‘sweet’ between ‘the rock and the dust’.

He didn’t even dare to appear dumb at this, but refused to get teased, thus putting an end to that topic but… nodding in appreciation for the understanding.

After all, Guizhong was an adorable individual in my eyes. Headpattable, quite the bookworm but overall a driven person when it came to improve on the present to ensure greater hopes than those achieved in the past.

I ended up encountering Streetward Rambler too. She had ‘introduced herself’, ‘thanked me’, and then showed me how much she improved on some of the songs I employed.

Surprisingly enough, she made some clever additions that warranted praise. I gave her a few ‘critical points’ too, just to not sound too appeasing in that regard as I knew how much of a perfectionist she was and how she would love to improve more and more on the music she composed.

A most pleasant event, but the overall migration was a bit of a complex topic.

Havria’s followers were compliant to the relocation, especially when their sea-trip would be watched over by two deities rather than just one. The issue was a bit with the more ‘prideful’ elements of my society.

“Those islands are ours by birthright!”

“No, they are not,” I found myself rebuking flatly at the staunch moron of the hour. It’s been a while since I engaged in such an ‘ambush’ of people trying to set ‘claims’ that I don’t remember ever giving permission to any of them to make. “In fact, I would dare to say that those lands are mine because I can put living beings there and claim them as ‘mine’.”

“My Lord, isn’t this too… too hasty? Surely you are not getting seduced by such a divine creature but-”

“The opposite happened if I have to be honest,” I admitted. “Havria and I are both close, but I wouldn’t say that I was the one that ‘conceded’ to her since I was the one bringing up the topic. She was planning to actually relocate somewhere remote due to the issue of overpopulation and, since these lands could benefit from becoming an essential aspect of Ferrea without stressing the birth-rate, I would say that’s another win and no one loses.”

Reluctance persisted, but the overall public accepted the novelty as new ‘brothers and sisters’. The relocation worked wonders as the new denizens settled down and established a swift society that recognized some of the relevant economic and social customs of their new neighbors. A temple was also built for Havria, and I gave it a visit to ‘ask for a blessing’.

She was utterly embarrassed and flustered, just to the point of eating her with loving kisses.

Peace would go on for the ensuing centuries, just a few, never too many. Stability was rekindled, harmony was found, Ferrea’s culture allowed some customs of the ‘Salt People’ and soon there was… War.

I had been expecting this- I had been worrying so much about it to the point of having spent several decades preparing Havria to fight. She was no frontline brawler, but her control over Salt still made her quite a threat once she learned how to manipulate individuals’ own salt count and use it to kill them from within. Unpleasant but severely helpful for what was to come.

It would be a lie to say I didn’t expect some ‘care’ in the assault to our fronts. We were anomalies within the Heavenly Principles that demanded Seven Archons, one for each element.

When the Sustainer appeared, she was not alone. Her plan was to outright destroy Ferrea as she relied on the support of various monstrous entities to try and gain the upper hand on the human civilization there while she took care of me…

Said plan faced a very ugly prospect: Peace was not stagnation, Peace was progress. And Peace was sacrosanct to the point of dying for the sake of preserving it.

That was a mantra the Ferrea’s military had been drilled for centuries, with technological novelties sharpening it in a tool that no monster could ever hope to shatter.

Winged beasts? Meet anti-air 30mm rapid-fire cannons.

Ground enemies? Have fun with HMGs and APCs’ turrets that had long been trained to the natural shooting range of dealing with any hostile creatures frequently trying to get in the main islands.

The human won that without much of a fright beyond the first wave of troublesome threats, but where Ferrea stood its ground with mighty fervor, the one I was principally involved against the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles wasn’t as one-sided as I would have wanted it to be.

Those damn cubes were getting on my nerves with how resilient they were despite the sheer star-power I put behind each attack to shatter through them. I could still pierce them, but the high-energy output of the damn bitch was quick to create some issues, even as I got some clean shots to her body.

Ripping legs and arms did little as she regenerated fast, but as I started to rip more into her, she slowly realized that she was facing another opponent right as her right arm failed to grow back… as Salt bubbled from her blood and almost managed to clot it.

She pushed away, trying to get more difficult of a target to intercept, but when spears of salt started to rain from below through the ocean, her concentration was further weakened and… then it happened.

I couldn’t do much to really get too close to her up to that point, but then, with her attention slipping away, I managed to hit her with a large blast of stars. Her cubes were tanky, her body not as much as only a head remained when I was done. One with a panicked look as she just disappeared from sight and… allowed us to call it a minor win.

Ferrea stood against the heavens, and won against its judgment.

Havria was fine as she managed to keep away from any dangerous threat’s reach, I was slightly tired due to the intense pressure caused by the exchange but my wounds were quick to heal up.

That was, however, good news as it gave me the means to advance a good warning to the Guili Assembly: ‘If Celestia was pissed at Havria and me, then they would have a greater reason to plan the destruction of the Assembly’.

The reasoning was sound and I heard that Guizhong had been focusing on further improving the defenses there… while Morax got my note on keeping an extra attention on Guizhong’s protection as she could be seen as the ‘binding string’ over the assembly, thus making her a big target.

If Celestia wanted to play a game with me, then I was going to play to not only win it, but cheat to accomplish such a goal.

The Archon War was currently over in Ferrea… but the rest of the world was already facing the tumultuous age where only a few more would remain. Hopefully, the ‘Heavens’ shall be reminded that we can punch as fiercely as they can ever do with us.

But while the war ensued, a new ally was soon to tag along this loose alliance of divine entities seeking peace. This one from… Inazuma.



It’s not Ei or Makoto.



Neat. Also the link isn’t working. But still nice moments with Havria and protecting your people


Stars and salt Wishing and getting salty The real OTP