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It’s a Matter of Peace 3 - or ‘I became a God and screwed with the Heavens’ (Eight Archon!SI Genshin Impact)

There is a moment in time everyone has to question if things one knows from a specific world’s lore is to be interpreted as literal as many texts would or if there are some half-truths never mentioned.

After all, unions among deities are not uncommon- far from it. In fact, I would say that, ignoring most Archons, many Gods in the past had relationships to stall the pains of loneliness for such an endless existence. It was just a natural reaction and a fair one at it.

So, when the first visit from Havria unfolded, I could tell from a mere glance on her approaching frame as she witnessed the different culture of Ferrea, that the woman was smitten to the people.

It was odd- a God should never think less of their worshipers, but many faithful lambs tended to be quite… difficult. When I first became these lands’ god, I had many loyal subjects, but I had to sharpen them to be loyal through not just faith alone.

That’s the mistake many deities tend to make in the world of Teyvat: faith as the only glue to their people- it would never work as endlessly as our current lifespans do, not when people needed proof.

Gods could not hope for this job to be that easy, nor could they just punish their believers for thinking something fair- you can never know if your God is telling you something or not due to how mysterious it is.

So, I carefully worked to get that relationship I had with my people in a way that they knew I existed, they could see my face, hear of my deeds, know that I wandered among them to give them help and hope for a bright future without ever relying on ill-mannered ideas.

Peace was upheld with care by being actively involved in the duties of deity, and Havria saw that and she was most… saddened by it.

When she finally reached my ‘temple’, she tried her hardest to hold a sorrowful look away from me, but the music she asked for me to play was just what she needed to break into tears and cry through the simple song I played to her.

I didn’t even need to use a sad one to break her composure, and it got my attention as I never thought much of her lore beyond that peculiar quest explaining how she died.

The people thought of her as a powerful god, but her pacifism ended up ruined by a collapsing Guili Assembly and her own faithful believers turning against her- the very king she blessed to be the leader of those worshiping her being the one that slain her… ending thus his own kingdom when her leftover powers turned people into salt in what would eventually be known as Sal Terrae.

With that in mind, and with what I was learning of her plight regarding how distrustring her people tended to be, I gave her an offer.

“This is out of friendship and nothing more but, say, how would you feel if I taught you how to be a bit more pushy towards your denizens and perhaps reach your own manner of dealing with this leadership issue?”

Much to my surprise, she smiled and nodded.

“I would appreciate it.”

It took her four long days of listening and following my guidance, asking and then getting answered on her doubts- when Havria returned home to resume her duties as a God, I only heard of what deed she used to shuffle those that believed in her. This was the first thing she had to address and her method pleased me immensely.

She took notes from the tale I told her of a mysterious land where a promised king was chosen through a challenge of worth, one which relied on an item meant to be wielded only with the right kind of heart needed to use it the proper way.

A lance was used instead of a sword, and the blade was firmly stuck in the large block of salt created by her. She told the king and the many believers her challenge, ignoring the angry rant dispatched by the man as he proclaimed he was the mightiest by uttering two words.

“Prove it.”

And he did, out of anger and stupidity perhaps, as he reached for the lance, pulling hard at it as he thought that the foamy salt would have given up to his strength. But it didn’t.

Havria then left, knowing she had duties to attend as part of the Assembly but still keeping in touch with what unfolded in the competition. The king had the gall to try and impose an edict on the other people to not try as this was ‘his damn right’ to claim.

But no matter how much he tried, how many servants he employed, how many ruses he tried to employ to enhance his strength. Nothing moved the blade, but the failures moved the other people.

That’s when someone got it. It was early in the morning, no one was mostly around as just a few guards stood guard to ‘keep others from touching the king’s lance’. A young girl, of barely fifteen years of age, bravely stood and walked towards the lance.

The guards, either too tired to care for the order or thinking she would have failed it, allowed the girl to do it and… then they saw how the girl, with a determined look in face, took the blade.

Havria then manifested, and called forth her believers. This move, however, had the unintended effect of mustering others, Adepti and Deities, to see this peculiar circumstance unravel fast as the first of many new ideas Havria was given.

“What is your name, young lady?”

The teen was stunned, but that was just the beginning when she was enveloped in a hug. The girl blushed a bit, but the warmth cracked her cold heart as new tears broke into the world.

“Z-Zexian, Lady Havrian- I, I am sorry for-”

“Nothing. You just did what the challenge said and I can tell you sought the blade for a reason.”

“Freedom. From- From the one that says he is our king,” The girl admitted, still stricken by the sobbing.

The king had arrived, anger visible on his face, but his shouting and demands were ignored.

“What did he do to you, oh young child?”

“H-He put high taxes on us. Mom- Mother is- she had to do unpleasant things, my big- big brother got hurt because he fancied a girl the king wanted-”

“And much more,” Havria interrupted, nodding solemnly at that assumption she knew was true. “I have heard many things- many reasons that make me regret making the choice of creating a kingdom for my followers.”

“You dare to- Blurgh!”

Red foam erupted from his lips, eyes wide open as his body collapsed and disappeared into a foamy like substance that was pink in color, but soon as white as salt should.

A horrendous sight and one that Havria did regret going through but that she knew she had to see for the sake of no longer making that mistake. But while many were horrified, the most were rejoicing at the fall of a tyrant.

An apology from a Deity also swelled the morale for the many people that had grown disillusioned in Havria, and the promise of ‘fixing things personally’ felt more like a sign of reform.

The first of which was a new leadership- no more kings, now a theocratic administration would handle her mortal affairs, with Zexian recognized as the first Priestess of Salt and given the location and resources to build a temple for Havria, one meant to be devoid of lavish sights and prepared to handle the many plights of her people in an efficient way.

Weeks went by and the Assembly offered Havria the means to join their council, yet the God refused on the basis of having to focus on her subjects first and… also having other commitments. A bit of a surprise if I have to be honest when she decided to pay me a visit with these words in mind.

The peculiarity of this surprise being that she was waiting for me in my private bath, clothes discarded and a most lustful look on her face as she welcomed me with her legs open.

“This is out of love and perhaps more but, say, how would you feel if you made me yours and made what my heart is yearning for the truth, my beloved Murmur~?”

I licked my lips and I saw her gaze aimed at my length as it hardened at her exposed beauty. She drooled a bit, and then smiled when I answered her question.

“I would appreciate it.”



Salt get!



Go Murmur! So Salty! So Good! Btw, what would you say Murmur's power aligns with? It's not one of the common seven elements, so do you have a name for it? And considering it has a starry look to it, I wonder if the Traveler would feel familiar with it.


…does she taste salty?