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It’s a Matter of Peace 2 - or ‘I became a God and screwed with the Heavens’ (Eight Archon!SI Genshin Impact)

There are many ways to entertain the encounter of a new civilization.

Many countries would just send envoys to provide a cultural exchange and reach an understanding, may it be a good agreement or a negative one depending on the exchange itself but… I had other plans.

I was a bit bored, with civilization in Ferrea more than equipped to survive my absence for just less than a week when I announced I would be focusing on new technologies to expand the yielding of the minerary operations with no greater risk for the miners.

It was a bit of a lie, but it was better than just telling my worshipers that I was going to be away from Ferrea itself for that long as I prepared a bag with items I needed and then departed in the middle of the night in my swag duck form.

I may be small, but my might and speed allowed me to easily make the trek beyond the ocean and into what would eventually become Liyue harbor. The place was barely habited at this point as the ‘Guili Assembly’ experiment was still ongoing with Morax and other Gods and Adepti trying to make a most enlightened civilization work through the cooperation of deities and mortals.

It was a feasible experiment, if not for the fact that ‘Celestia is a bitch’ and that the Herrscher of the Void Expy was a mouth-breather that needed some proper teaching. And no, I wasn’t lazing my ass around all day back home as training my divine powers was imperative.

If a white-haired bitch wanted a fight, I was going to give her the ass-beating she needed to find her own clarity. Sustain these two fat heavens!

Now… I am getting a bit worked up for something that had yet to happen- but I wasn’t going to let some pseudo-higher deity boss about and cause a bloody and destructive war because she’s Voldemort fans and liked the number 7 like the horcruxes.

Back to the business I was dealing with, my first trip to the Guili Assembly was a most peculiar journey. I took the identity of a young merchant from the deep south, well beyond uncharted land and bringing with me a few token resources to sell for the sake of prosperity.

It wasn’t much and I didn’t try to overshoot what I could offer but I decided to also not be a mere extra within the lives of the civilization there. Once I passed through the southern entrance, I took care of setting up a small trading tent with a special item that I took some time to properly build up. It was a very simple tool, and yet it gained attention right as I was done preparing it and then, as I sat by the comfy chair I prepared my fingers and… I pressed the first keys.

A piano is a tool that one needed to refine music, and I decided to have it learned and discovered by the people of Ferrea to broaden their concept of musical culture.

What they originally had still existed in the form of ‘lively and simple music’, but a more refined form of music was conceived through the piano and other instruments which allowed for some of the richer children to pursue in an effort to refine their capacity with a wonderful hobby.

To me, however, the self-teaching I had to go through for some of the songs was painful considering how many years I spent exercising, but my body was now perfectly fit for this sort of exercise. And as I started to play tunes through such a wondrous piece, I admit that I had to moderate myself with some of the tunes I played. I gathered some attention, but I tried to not attract too much on me as I knew it would have gained other ears to me.

I had many customers that day, some intrigued by the music, some wondering if these cheap prices were a cover for deceitful products. All in all, a good first day in Guili… There was, however, a noteworthy sight that made me even more wary of what songs to intrigue people with.

I was unsure if it was an Adeptus or a noble lady, but with hair so purely white, blue eyes and such a wonderful white dress, I couldn’t help but feel like this woman was quite important. That and her tits couldn’t be owned by a mere mortal NPC. There was also something to her appearance- something that went beyond the material world… and it made me extremely careful the next day.

That hope didn’t last long as the next day, the lady was there from the very moment I started to play, making it seem like she had purposely waited for my arrival and patiently wished to hear another few hours of musical orgasm.

She wasn’t alone as… I recognized the other lady that sat beside her, mostly hidden by the rest of the interested crowd. This one was named Streetward Rambler, someone I remember being introduced to in one of the last events I played in the game before I woke up in this life. Some information I worked so hard to keep in mind even now, especially with how relevant those were in the long run.

Like now as I knew that the girl was an Adeptus, which made the silver-haired beauty not a mere mortal. To make it simpler to my mind on what mannerism this Adeptus had, I recalled that her future name to those that would become denizens of Liyue was Madame Ping and the one that would aid many Travelers in creating their own Serenitea Pots.

Before her mournful retirement, she was known to be a professional musician and one that loved to share time together with Guizhong, the God of Dust and the one that shared the title of Founder of the Guili Assembly with Rex Lapis.

I ruled out trying to skip a performance the ensuing day and I wasn’t displeased when, the next day, I was met with a question by the Adeptus herself.

“May I try this instrument?”

The question was formal, but the drive was childish in its curious shell. I nodded, stepping aside as Streetward Rambler was rather keen to study all keys first.

It took her roughly an hour to produce a simple song I provided her, with Twinkle Twinkle Little Star being something of a humiliating beat… until I introduced her to its twelve variants and progressively offered her a challenge that seemed to last eternally through her dedication to learning.

It was a curious sight for many, but one that ended in a bittersweet note as the Adeptus was pleased, but genuinely upset that she couldn’t get her hands on such a unique tool.

On my last day on Guili, I proceeded to do something that I could tell she appreciated as she presented herself before the location of my former shop, finding not my tent with the buzzling activity, but a box with a bow to it, a gift of sort, and one with a few things within dedicated to the Adeptus.

A letter, first and foremost, that she was more than welcomed to read.

I found your drive to music warming my heart as it is a show of care and love for the soul of one self and many others in a manner not many can see or appreciate.

I also noticed you were eyeing this instrument with interest and yet sorrow as you thought this was but a unique piece not in your collection. Fear not for I will forfeit this to you, for I think that you will have great chances of spreading peace in the hearts of many through it.

Attached to the Piano, notes and scripts for other songs which I invite you to learn and even expand upon to add your own gorgeous touch to it. I will await more tunes of sweetness and of blissful care from your mind and core.

With hopeful thoughts,

Murmur, the God of Peace.

Post Scriptum, don’t mention this to the public, I wish not for my believers to think I am going to brief holidays out of my country whenever I am ‘exploring new ways to expand the mining processes’.

At the time she found this and the full gifts, I was well out of Guili and back home, discussing plans I made already to expand the minerary prospects at an advantageous pace and care.

Two days after my return, I received a letter from Guili. Well, two actually but both channeled in the same document. The primary letter was penned by Rex Lapis and he inquired of my stay in Guili without their awareness, requesting a response in regard to why I decided to employ subtle methods to explore the city and ignore customs to greet my fellow Gods.

I was tempted to ignore the letter itself, but the second half saved it because it really got me chuckling like a moron. It’s been a while since I got hit by something this amusing, and I was quite surprised to learn through it that the white-haired girl was none other than Havria, the God of Salt.

She literally asked if she could visit a few days to ‘listen to more music I could produce’. I had a feeling from the way she asked this that she was looking forward to more than just that- but I refrained from assuming on the spot. I just knew one thing through this peculiar development.

As someone that was seen by many in my previous life as a salty man, having the Salt herself fawn after me sure felt like a bit of an ironic turn of events.



The Salt wants the Duck.



Havria? The goddess who wished to stay neutral, but was ultimately put in a bad situation due to the Archon War... holy shit, her and Murmur would be two peas in a pod. Peace buddies!


We ALL want the DUCK man.