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Ball Chained Accountant - or ‘This is not my finest Isekai opportunity, living as the new Dark Lords’ Henchman’ (Seeds of Chaos, Accountant!SI)

Working the fine papers into creating a lovely plan to sustain an economy is something I love to entertain in games.

Circumstances which could not present a real impact to the life around me and… the life I owned. Or rather, I once owned when I woke up in quite the predicament that not many would be willing to take part in.

Then again, I preferred to look beyond a mere case of dicking with a Demon Girl- the kind of dicking that sees me subjected to a worse fate than the one I was stuck with. I was stuck in a job that was as terribly evil as it was terribly bad- for me.

The only reason I was still alive was due to two reasons, I was needed, and I knew I could find a way to make it out of there. Sadly, that’s not a task that was simple for me as I had to rely on two issues I couldn’t ignore: I didn’t know this new world’s geography and I was monitored a lot due to my ‘importance’.

My name is John Bukharin, and today is not my first day spent in ‘The Six Realm’. I knew this was the name given to the continent, but that the place I was in was called Castle Bloodmeen and… it was where the previous Dark Lord once lived.

Nowadays, his two ‘kids’ are in charge of the place and I work right under them. But, knowing this much, I need to also expand on something: how did I end up here? The story is lengthy, but I will summarize it for this very sake.

I woke up one day in the woods, fended off some wolves, found a girl that had been poisoned and helped her to civilization. We were found, given help by a couple in which the husband had served as a soldier against the Dark Lord. A big shot at that, enough to be seen as one of the Goddess of Light’s own paladins.

Now he had retired and planned to be just a simple hunter, which was telling for someone his young age, but that merit had gotten him the many thanks from the world all around… and the scorn of the remaining evil forces that now acted against me.

I was collateral damage and, to a fair extent, the cause of their ruin.

The girl I saved, the cute red-hooded one that looked the pure representation of a Seiso Idol but in a medieval world? Well, it turns out that she was a Demon Girl. THE Demon Girl that I mentioned early in my mental rant and the one that pretty much plotted for this event.

And that’s where it truly pains me. I told her that I was good with numbers. She had been rather curious about it, back when she was still disguised, and she used this fake excuse that she had been trying to help her father handle the family’s finances and having issues with it.

She inquired of my assistance, I didn’t think much of it when I accepted the offer once things were better for the both of us. That smile, so devious, I should have known that was her reveal of the intentions that had festered for a while.

A Hero they needed to lead the charge and shatter people’s hopes, but the newly-rebuilt Chaos Empire needed one thing that they couldn’t handle on their own- their budget… it was shite.

Pure and utter shite.

They were running on deficit as if the booty warrior was after their round butts.

The girl that captured me, Jezera, was just part of the operation, with her twin, Andras, being the other half of the job- two Dark Lords, both of which shared the throne their father left behind when he was slain by the Goddess of Light.

I was now forcibly conscripted in a suicidal mission- fix the coffers, get the businesses running and find ways to expand the current economy to achieve all of the above and much more.

I was under pressure, and under magical commitment due to the crystal that was used to keep me bound. Dark Magic Crystal that was geared to work as a wristband to… keep me leashed to them.

I was a puppy, but due to my ‘irrelevance’ by what Andras said, I wasn’t outright brainwashed or slowly-corrupted. I was just meant to be their fucking treasurer until I fuck up somewhere in the near future.

Thanks to my awareness of the situation and the fact we had a functional library/research center, that’s not a viable scenario for me to worry about. I had an ally, a rather ‘unconventional’ one as she was more of a neutral bystander to my circumstance but willing to ‘learn more’ due to what I could offer.

Cliohna was a real mystery. Clearly not corrupted, clearly not blackmailed into this operation- but the elf had owed favors to the Dark Lord. Favors she still wanted to keep with the bastard’s children as she was more than happy to let all this madness happen… all for the sake of knowledge.

She was a double-edged knife, and not someone I could trust for a plan as I had yet to even consider the full implications of what I was dealing with. Rowan, the hero I mentioned a while ago, had already handled the sacking of a few villages and the capture of a nearby Keep.

This was both good and bad as it broadened the front the Demon twins were dealing with, thus leaving me with less pressure while I studied my situation some more. To begin with, I decided to entertain a few simple things that were needed to fix the mess I was handed from the very first day I was brought to the castle.

I needed a team of builders, planners and craftsmen. Due to the current circumstances as there wasn’t exactly much that the group in the castle could do at the moment, I decided to rely on the limited resources we had when it came to rebuild some villages and colonize those with Goblins.

While the idea may sound horrible within the concept of relocating large tribes of green-skinned midgets around, the good news were 2:

First, the Goblins of this world were civilized in most part, with those I was using to create new towns being capable of operating a proper society to pay fees to Castle Bloodmeen;

The second good thing was that the Castle was not within the point of operations where Rowan was active, but rather located far off from reach, with the only source of movement being the portal that allowed the armies moved by Andras and Rowan to work without worrying for attrition caused by the hostile lands where the Castle was really located.

So, relocating numerous Goblins from point A to point B wasn’t too expensive. The real kicker, however, was that while this allowed for the Castle to make fat stacks out of this development and lessened the need for Andras’ troops to garrison these areas so intensely, it also provided me with what I needed in my plan.

My first dive in rebellion.

The Laws of the Demon Lands are utterly simple compared to what one would expect. The Dark Lord that preceded the Twins was the last one that added some amendments to some rules, but overall refused to radically change anything of importance.

Such as the difference between a magical contract and a blood contract.

A magical contract was standard stuff for Demons- it was how vassals swore their fealty to their overlord and how negotiations and treaties were ratified. In most occasions.

There were, actually, blood contracts to overrule these magic contracts- but, there was obviously a catch in those too. Whenever a Blood Contract is signed, it can’t oppose a magic contract directly after the magic contract is signed.

So, the blood contract had to be ‘prepared and signed’ before the magic contract was completed. The other requirement, this one being the most dangerous of them all, was that a magical contract signed with terms that are strictly forbidden and still active for the blood contract was going to burn up on sight.

Which is where phrasing was a needed skill in the preparation of the paper. I can’t exactly detail the full length ad memoriam, but I can make the context clear still now:

In the eventuality of a Rebellion led by one John Bukharin, Tribe-Leaders Folgan, Elemti, and Lanishia shall rise to arms and support the rebellion and its leader to the dissolution of the Chaos Empire and the creation of a new equal system for all species.

I went through great lengths to put a fuckton of clauses to render any backstabbing impossible, so I felt safe in that regard. Hiding the copy of Blood Contract I had was also easy as it couldn’t be tracked down like a Magic Contract and I found a nifty hiding spot by a broken bit of the lower wall in my office, that was well-hidden and impossible to spot due to a pot I put there.

All in all, I made progress within Week 2 so… my hopes were high.

That was until I was given a wake-up call in the form of how dangerously tight my window of opportunity was. When I thought of Rowan, I would see him as this guy that had experience in handling dark magic.

I was kind of incorrect as the Goddess’ blessing was no longer with him and made him a mere hardened veteran influenced by a stronger crystal. So, I was caught a bit blindsided when Jezera asked me to drop my report to her in her bedroom.

I kind of expected to find her nude and wanting me to let go of my inhibitions- not like some build-up to that had been missing as she had desperately been trying to get me to be submissive towards her. She was really into the whole Femdom shit as much as Andras was a professional cucker from what I heard by the orcs making up his army.

Still, when I reached my destination and knocked at the door, I was surprised first when Andras told me to come in, and then some more when I did so and found out that brother and sister were sharing quality time by sitting on the mattress and… letting their human partners service them.

Rowan was on his knee, tongue deeply licking Jezera’s cunt while his wife took care of Andras’ boner. I was a bit tense, but after pushing aside the surprise, I just mustered the inner strength that led me to this point to speak up.

“Lady Jezera, I bring you my latest report as you have requested.”

“Hmm, thanks. Please, put the documents on the table there, John,” The Demoness purred, clearly pleased by being watched in such a circumstance. I merely nodded and complied with the order.

I felt a pulse through my crystal, lust mustering as I held tight on my wits while turning back to Jezera. The playful smirk was infuriating, but I maintained a cool expression while walking away from the table.

“If it is all-”

“Not truly,” Jezera hummed. “Tell me, John, do you have any request? I am in the most kind mood and I can reward a good servant such as yourself~.”

She actually stopped Rowan and pushed him away to show her nude body. So alluring and… so damning. I wasn’t that desperate for pussy but- damn, she is beautiful and I can’t deny that. A ugly woman with a beautiful body, not much of a surprise really…

I blinked at this, and then took a moment to ‘think’. First, I forced my breathing to slow down, then I thought of the fact that Jezera was as good as a piece of ass and tits as death herself right now. And wanking was still an option.

Next thing was… what to say now? She had put me in quite the pickle, but not in the worst position to be as I had a few options. Refusal was not one of them as that would get a bad reaction, but that doesn’t mean I could just work around it and hit her back with the opposite of what she expects.

So, I just retrieved some papers from my bag and remembered I had a Plan B through what I had originally planned to present to her beyond the report.

“Actually yes, Lady Jezera and Lord Andras. I wished to know if it would be possible for me to start a project to create hot springs near Bridgebreak.”

Jezera froze at my response, but Andras looked bemused by this idea.

“Hot springs? Would those be feasible and… how long until those are operative?”

“Roughly a week of working the ground, shifting some of the nearby river’s water and setting up some special heat crystals that Cliohna recently created. We should be able to produce this luxury project which will draw in richer lords from the Demon Lands to invest in the business.”

“That’s a… fine request and one that I believe is within budget. Correct?”


“Then it’s a deal,” She smiled forcefully and I could tell she had swallowed a bitter pill with this rebuttal. “Please, get back to work. I wish not to remove you from your position for too long.”

“Many thanks. Lady Jezera, Lord Andros.”

I departed shortly after, smiling eye-to-eye as I knew I just survived a Bad End and more. But while my task at hand was indeed to resume my job and keep on plotting this growing Empire’s demise, I recognized something else took priority.

Now, to find the nearest bathroom and wank this boner to submission…


Jezera stood up almost after the door closed, turning to the side and punching the wall out of frustration.

The demonic power rumbling inside her made her outburst a bit more damaging than needed as cracks appeared within the proximity of where her fist had landed.

“He is good at this.”

Andras’ voice irked Jezera even more as she stared at the result of reaction to John Bukharin being the infuriating bastard he was. So insufferable and… she was so foolish to think he was as broken as Rowan- the crystals were different but… she thought he would have been more compliant to sexual impulses.

Yet, John proved to be as good in accounting as he was in dodging her coochie.

And that infuriated Jezera to no end as she wanted him. It wasn’t like she was at the point she wanted to force herself to him- no, she wanted him to want it- to want her and to love every single moment of sharing the bed with her.

Jezera didn’t like talking about love. Demons should not feel love- or they died like her father did. It was when he focused on their human mother that it all started to fall apart for his Empire. He became selfish, more tame, more reluctant to be a brutal killer and… it all came to bite his butt.

Right now, Jezera wanted to not call it love, but Andras teasing and her own musings lead her to believe that her craving for simple sex out of John without being in control of him was just… unorthodox. It wasn’t something Jezera tended to do and… that made her uncomfortably unsure on how to tackle this.

Forcing him was a big no to her own heart, and wanting to seduce him was not simple as it wasn’t the same like the rest.

He wasn’t the same as the rest.

Him and his plotting, and his clever efforts to appear weak but clearly doing something behind their back to survive… he was no worm, but he knew how to play that role so damn well. Without groveling, only moving, roaching his way out of damning circumstances and avoiding bedding her even better than any examples she could think of.

Jezera concluded this thought with a promise to herself. Beyond Andras’ stupid teasing, beyond their plans to conquer the Six Realms, and beyond corrupting the Hero until he was the little puppet he deserved to be for being the one that killed her father…

She was going to get that dumb accountant’s dick to breed her.



John is sussy, Jezera is sussier.



Extra Info on Seeds of Chaos: https://vndb.org/v19474


Oh, this should be good. I know a bunch about the game, and I can't wait for John to fuck them over. XD


"planned to be just a simple hunger, " Did you mean farmer?