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High Saiyan Destruction 3 - or ‘This is why DBZ Saiyan SIs are difficult to write at a moderate pace’ (Pre-DBZ, Saiyan!SI)

The mission was one of the simplest in the chart despite how sudden it was: clear the planet, destroy any building or ruins and then go back home.

The fact that this Planet, Tartassae, was classified as a no-intelligence and backwater planet meant that resistance was expected to be extremely low. Which was the case when we arrived to find primitive reptile creatures on the planet. No bipedal anthro shit, but legit odd-looking dinosaurs festering the planet and requiring extermination.

There was no guilt in that regard, especially since this was a good way to introduce Seripa to training. The first thing I noticed? Her energy-control was utter shit.

The very first thing I asked her to do was blast a T-Rex alike with one of her blasts- she delayed the confession that she could hardly get energy focused for an attack and it got me to pull her aside and her do the one thing I know Saiyans are very good at when getting to the first steps of training.

Monkey sees, monkey does.

…What? No! This is not racist. How do you think Goku learned the Kamehameha?!

And since learning how to use energy blasts was that but extremely downscaled, the girl got her mind in the game when I told her that I was going to reward her if she did a good job. And she took it like a puppy starving for affection.

I saw utter giddiness as she ultimately got that one done right, but I had to stop her from depleting her limited supply of that- we may be Saiyans with enough power to put a Raditz to shame at this point, but we were expected to use what we had in our bodies, energy-wise, to clear out the needed space to repopulate the planet by Frieza’s business.

The entire process, without relying on the Oozaru Forms, took roughly eleven hours. We had two breaks, slept for two of those hours and then we were done making sure the place was outright desolate. Due to how limited life was within the planet, the cleansing was perhaps the shortest thing one could expect from a mission.

Still, we were done and… we left 14 hours after we arrived. The extra hours were for the last hints of training I wanted Seripa to go through. She was getting her mind on the game at this point, so I decided to give her extra help in controlling her energy, get more attuned with it and… boom, her power level is now at 1022.

Not much, but it was pretty much the proof that confirmed something I was suspecting and just hoping it was true in this continuity: Saiyans had higher energy capacity, but most of it was untapped because they were not properly trained.

Sure, the body was given a lot of attention, but the energy focus was really… not expanded as part of the training facilities available on Planet Vegeta. And before we left, I gave Seripa the reward I promised her.

Confusion appeared on her pink eyes as I cupped her cheeks, perhaps not knowing this one thing many Saiyan parents did with their kids. Gine told me when she first ‘introduced’ me to this that it was something our parents used to do with her and a bit with lil’ me.

I started to scratch softly near her cheeks and trail a bit by the neck. Shudders erupted as Seripa’s eyes went wide open as if I had revealed to her the secrets of the universe. She mellowed instantly, tail twitching and she was literally moments away from going for full-purring if not for the fact that Saiyans do not purr.


After that interesting reward, Seripa further opened up to me about her traumas. Not necessarily seeing them as those as psychology was not a subject taught in our homeplanet and because she didn’t recognize those as that. Still, talking about it made a lot more good than just holding it all up and letting it devolve into aggressive reactions.

This was the first step, I knew, and I had to further get to training myself as time was by my side…

Until it wasn’t going to be like that.


1 Year Later…

Lots of things happened in a year compared to the previous five and, I’ve got to say this as seriously as possible:

Energy Training got a lot easier once we learned how to hide away part of our power levels. I couldn’t exactly eclipse all of it, but with my power level mustered at 40% all the time, made the full might of 14.061 a surprising but more ‘reasonable’ 5624 believable and worthy of nothing more but a bit of praise.

I mean that was half of what King Vegeta had and I was 6. The scientists just brushed it off as an early growth spurt warranting nothing more but a bit of surprise and nothing else.

Seripa got at a whopping 10.541, which turned 4216 to 40%. All in all, this was a decent boost and I was halfway to be able to overtake Frieza’s 2nd Form with the Super Saiyan Form.

In that regard, yes, I did train in it and got better at dealing with the energy drain and… no, Super Saiyan 4 was not something you can do with Oozaru by mixing it with just SSJ1.

I tried to do that with Seripa merely ogling at the sight with the expectation of something cool happening and… panicking when I just ended up losing my transformation and kind of faint while rushing down to the ground.

I wasn’t completely sure why that was not happening, but I just knew that trying that just caused me to lose focus, faint and then drop out of the Oozaru Form.

I was quite sure the issue was deeply entrenched in the fact that for one to be able to muster the right physical condition to handle SSJ3. This would make sense since the combination would draw a similar multiplier to the one offered by the SSJ3 and, without any doubt, even more strain than that form demand from a normal body.

So yeah, no sweet way to victory for the time being, but I could at least do something with my current abilities and it allowed me to score another ally in the form of our third and forced member of the squad.

Paragus was two years older, and got rejected by other teams for a reason that was not tied to his modest PL of 2451, but for being an utter little shit.

The first thing he tried to do when he joined was trying to exert dominance, which failed miserably when I successfully showed him how minuscule his PL pecker was compared to mine by beating the shit out of him in a ‘spar’.

Not only that, but he got the same treatment by Seripa too and ultimately had to accept me as the boss. Still, what sold his loyalty to me was when I showed him I could turn Super Saiyan- and yes, I know that it sounds extremely dangerous, but the bastard was a sucker for that legend as proved with his future son.

And while he demanded to know why I wasn’t going after the Arcosians (or whatever the species Frieza, Cold and Cooler were part of was called), I reminded him that this transformation was limited by its current multiplier. Best thing I could do is kill Frieza in his first form and that was it.

Not much but… It was still a milestone down the line for full freedom. I told him about taking over when possible and doing a bit of a ‘meritocratic’ reshuffle in the administration. He was good with that sort of stuff and he had been, due to this, discarded for his power level.

Speaking of which, it had increased in the weeks he was in our team to 5124 which, while an impressive jump, it lacked a lot in terms of energy control.

Also, Seripa did turn in a SSJ for a minute within a single occasion. Just once and within a controlled situation where she was putting her hardest to be angry. She was easy to piss off, but that drive didn’t last much within her SSJ form. Still, she could tap into it for a while and it mattered a lot.

Two SSJs were better than just one.

That being said, there was one small issue that really shaped the ensuing years due to some developments that were mostly out of my hands. It all started when King Vegeta assembled a small ‘greeting party’ made by the most promising Saiyans, with a quota for ‘kids’. I was a bit surprised by this, but then realized who was getting greeted and instantly grimaced when my team was conscripted to be part of that ‘small’ group.

I learned I also had a wrong idea of the current state of the ‘Trade Empire’ built by King Cold as the bastard was still in charge since Frieza was still too young for it. Likewise, however, his heir followed him left and right despite holding, in legal words, no power over the empire.

That didn’t mean he was restrained from using his powers when needed. So, I made this day a very special lesson.

“You will be humiliated, called names, compared to trash and filth- you will not raise a fit or cause disturbance. If you do, we all die. Not just you or the one beside you, all of us- no one excluded.”

These words were given to Seripa and Paragus, and while both were displeased by this submissive approach, they were keen to understand we were not ready to fight these two monsters as they finally came to visit the Royal Palace.

The place was not that great as most windows were closed shut, thus allowing no light inside but the electric and neon one that was produced by the machines around.

It was quite gloomy, but I was more dreadful when the doors opened and Cold Army’s troops entered inside. The soldiers formed two lines to frame the path taken by their rulers. Cold marched forth, his towering frame and even more towering power level making it awkward for anyone there, but it was his heir that caused the biggest stir for two reasons.

Up to this point, I realized a bit too late, Frieza was always referred to as the ‘heir’. Never once I heard son being used as the way for many to address him in regard to King Cold.

That didn’t seem much and yet it became a lot when King Vegeta spoke while bowing to the two.

“King Cold and Princess Frieza, my many thanks for being there and I, King Vegeta, shall happily oblige King Cold’s request to provide the princess for a playmate.”

Princess. Frieza. Princess Frieza.

These two words should not be put together at all. I was almost gagging if not for the one thing that made this unholy development somewhat acceptable.

“Daddy, what does the old monkey mean with playmate?”

The voice was a girly one. I would have jumped in to get killed if it had been a Dodoria situation. It was still bad, but not the worst situation. And, to make things worse, we were put in a line in front of Frieza, Prince Vegeta in the front to show he was ‘the quality candidate’ while the rest of us were behind him.

As I expected, Frieza ignored the Prince with ease, boring eyes aiming on the other ‘monkeys’ to decide from and… she went back and forth, clearly unimpressed by all of us and growing frustrated by this.

If she didn’t get someone, she was going to get annoyed enough to blast us all without a care of the world. Prince included. Still, I don’t know if it was 1) plot being a bastard or 2) my power level being roughly the second highest in the line after the Prince but…

Frieza ultimately stopped in front of me. and stared at my face as I stared at hers. Boredom met annoyance, and annoyance met boredom.

I may be somewhat nervous at this point, but I was also getting irritated by the general indecision I was dealing with. And that seemed to be something no one else but me had. Vegeta jr. was a little prick, but he was as stiff as a brick due to how incredibly dreadful this situation was.

“Your name.”

I blinked. “Lett.”


I didn’t react to that, and she blinked. “I guess I will play with this one. Seems like the most amusing of the bunch.”

So yeah, this is how I ended up learning Frieza is a girl and… that she is not exactly good with social interaction.



Things are bound to get weird in the next chapter.



Is the SI gonna be paired with girl Frieza or is death by super Saiyan still there also what about Cooler is he a she now as well?

Justin Portie

This is getting interesting


I watched dragon ball z as a kid with English Dub and I always thought Frieza was female until his final form.

Alpha_wolf_Omega Beta

YES, Frieza is Tsundere. I think. Eventually, Once adult, "Savage" Ravages the Princess roleplay. I was thinking about a OC!Saiyan Screwing Tsundere Fem!Frieza who hides her fetish, by calling them names(monkeys), loves Domloss, and being "Shown" her place. and she Gets a personal Bodyguard Saiyan and Rough Sex Happens. Obvious it will take at least a couple chapters till Lust and Hormones happen,(im not the only one that thinks Saiyan puberty must be hell to go through, ramped up Hormones and Urges, right) but Im Excited. Tomboy Seripa, Tsundere Fem!Frieza. Im just writting my thoughts, if anything is different to what im expecting i will be Pleasantly surprised regardless, of the future events. Thank you for the chapter


The plot thickens