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High Saiyan Destruction 2 - or ‘This is why DBZ Saiyan SIs are difficult to write at a moderate pace’ (Pre-DBZ, Saiyan!SI)

Seripa was a responsibility.

I wouldn’t call her a burden or a blessing as neither addressed the sheer amount of irritation and relief her mere presence provided. To make it simple, she was convenient to me and she was willing to listen if my advice meant making her strong.

A quick look at her Power Level confirmed why she was more than happy to listen to what I had to say- she was stuck at 845, having been born with a 329. It was scandalous how little she did despite being around my age. Maybe a few months off but… it didn’t change the fact it was stupidly pathetic.

Of course I didn’t tell this to her face as she showed a bit of temper when I called her dumb to think that it was going to be simple. Both a tomboy and on the verge of becoming a tsundere- it’s never a good sign to be stuck with this sort of chibi powderkeg, but she represented two very important things I really needed in the long-run:

1) The first one was a ‘cover’, or rather- if I end up using a lot of power for someone my age and people noticed, I could just chalk it out as the two of us powering up and being at the same level. Scouters at this point were not as precise and effective as they were in early DBZ.

We are talking about several decades of advances having yet to come to update the current variants. Still, it was good enough to notice oddities if it was just me going around.

2) The next aspect, quite crucial for the ‘post-Frieza’ efforts, was having a solid base of supporters because… let’s be honest here for a moment- like hell I was going to let anyone of the Vegeta dynasty rule once I was done with the Arcosians.

It didn’t help that Vegeta’s grandfather, the current king (which bore the same goddamn name as his other relatives in his main family line) ate rocks for breakfast with some of the shit he tended to spit about our ‘devotion’ to Frieza.

There’s bootlicking, and then there’s a genuine lack of charisma that made it too blatant how forced some words were. And it really didn’t help that people were spreading rumors of ‘Prince Vegeta whining about having to bow to Frieza’.

So yeah, I am not letting these morons rule once I was done with Frieza, his daddy and his mean big brother. And to start that very crucial operation, I needed Seripa to become the first of many members of my future team. Hopefully, it will be bigger than the one Bardock’s own group would be in terms of membership, but I wasn’t looking forward to an excessively big inner circle of followers.

Which is why Seripa had to be in her best mood and mindset to achieve the role of second-in-command. I didn’t need her to grow a bigger brain, I just needed her to be able to instinctively know what battles to pick and which ones not to.

She literally challenged me to a spar to ‘show her how I move’. And I think I learned more about her fighting style than she did with mine. To make it quite curt, my combat stance was very reminiscing of the Turtle School kata. Not the proper discipline, but what I remembered from the show and various games.

It felt almost ‘impossible’ for me to not base it on that specific style, and it was nowhere as perfect or remotely similar to it at this point. I trained a fair bit and my short size and abundance of energy made the fighting style more reliant on using blasts to bolster my combos.

I held back a bit, but I have to admit Seripa’s own skill forced me to be quite cautious around her attacks- she was… flexible. I remember playing her character in Budokai Tenkaichi 3 and finding her attacks surprisingly good despite being improvised- shame is that she lacked in speed to make the complex combos somewhat more effective.

Which is why, with that in mind, I was a bit disappointed by how basic her current capacity was in that regard. Faint echoes of that very stance was there, but she was too much of a rookie to have built the right ideas on how to expand her current combos.

We went sparring for an hour, and I won twelve times against her. She was also stubborn, but not stupidly so much to my delight as this made her a wonderful piece of clay to mold into a formidable warrior.

I had her pushed into the kids’ bathroom when we were done as she whined on not wanting to clean herself. I refused to let a subordinate of mine miss a degree of cleanliness- while I wasn’t going to go germaphobe on anyone, that didn’t mean I was going to skip on bathing when possible.

Illnesses were the second most lethal thing in this universe, and one you couldn’t fight off by skills alone.

Once again nude, once again glad that puberty was far from being a trouble for me and the girl as I had her clean up until she was damn squeaky clean. Irritated much, but nonetheless thankful for the experience, I was surprised to learn she didn’t have parents. An orphan- this was nothing new considering how easily some Saiyans died in expeditions. Either ballsy idiots going for literal suicidal missions or a mistake of ranks forcing low-classes into facing dangerous threats they weren’t prepared for.

With that in mind, I decided to do what a smart man would do in this position- I offered her to live in the same hut Gine and I lived in. Seripa didn’t spend much time thinking about it as she was quick to thank me, crying a bit but still smiling as if she wasn’t storming with tears as we moved around. It was a very anime-like sight, but I did ignore it as I just took her to see Gine- she was the oldest of the two of us, so she was the one calling the shoots.

“Of course Seripa can stay with us. Look at her, she is so pretty~.”

Simplicity is the keyword for how compliments worked among ‘female Saiyans’, and Seripa was instantly pleased and annoyed by the ones she got from Gine.

“I-I am not pretty. I am tough.”

Cue Gine just babying her a bit more and Seripa discovering that having a female older sibling is not such a bad idea. It was a peaceful moment that was wonderful and not enough to prevent a scowl from appearing on my face when my scouter got a new mission notification.

That was unprecedented. I spent a while learning how the rules were in mission-handling, and while older teams could get missions right after returning to Planet Vegeta, kids had to go through these breaks to not ‘break them’.

There were laws to think of, but I realized one thing about this very matter- even if I had enough to be on the right side of that legal dispute, rules could be broken within reasons: such as the fact I would be fully healed by next day and that Seripa hadn’t gone out for a month and roughly two weeks- that was going to influence any judicial representative to rule against any opposition on the enforced mission.

So yeah, this is going to be a pain in the butt.

Seripa was happy to go, Gine was more conscious of what this meant in the context I was aware of and… she asked me something that made me even more willing to go.

“I could talk this to my supervisor and-”

“No,” I replied flatly. “We will manage, you don’t need to worry about it.”

Gine was a bit stunned by the firm rejection, but said nothing about it much to my relief. The reason why I found the notion of involving someone else on this matter was a troublesome option- especially when it was older men.

It was no secret that Gine was eventually becoming a potential wife-material for many male Saiyans around. She already met Bardock as he was a neighbor, but if other males- stronger than Bardock and I - got notice of Gine’s potential… yeah, that was going to be a real issue while we were not around to protect her.

So yeah, fuck you world- I guess I am up to go back to work again. At least the pay was going to be reasonable this time around as the mission was ranked higher than what a single kid would have to deal with.

Plus, I needed a nice place to go through Hardcore training- and Seripa had to go through that too. She was smiling eye-to-eye at the notion of going through her first mission with me, but, let this be a promise to the universe-

She will come to hate going on training missions with me.



Spoiler Alert (or not, really), the opposite happens.


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