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Rebuke of the Tatsu-boy - or ‘How SI!Tatsurou outfucked and outcucked the Dark Lord’s worst fiends’ (Taimaninverse, Tatsurou!SI)

I think we all agree that the world of Lilith-soft (the ‘original’ continuity, at least), is divided in three categories: the dominant fuckers/Cuckers, the weak fuckers/cuckolds and the fine hot pieces that were claimed by one side or another.

This was a bit of a crass way to put it, but it was pretty much how I decided to tackle the reality I was in as… waking up as a potential cuckold was never a good way to wake up. Especially when you are just a kid.

A little kid at that with a small potential in the Clan’s arts. At least in potential, but… I wasn’t planning to waste time with that. I was still a kid, my training had yet to begin and-

Let’s take a step back just for a moment to set up a clearer setting:

I am currently owning Akiyama Tatsurou’s body and identity, the youngest child to the Akiyama Clan and the current heir until I was given a reason to fuck up. Trust me, that’s not happening.

Now, I am not within the age of worrying about training as I was merely six by the time I started to be ‘around’. I had a good starting relationship with my older sister, Akiyama Rinko, who, at the age of seven, was already showing some tits not meant to be owned by a kid her age.

Small tits at that, but for someone at seven with that size, I have to say that genes are rather odd for Taimanin chicks.

Second relationship worthy of note is Mizuki Yukikaze. The tan girl was my age, but shorter, tinier and definitely a squeaker. Still, not an annoying companion to have around and someone that was a huge weeb in the making once her mind was flooded with anime and videogames.

With that being said, these two are not the source of my first issues in this world, and… no, it wasn’t even anyone else in the family. Father was already sick, but still in charge and bossing the elders in behaving nicely, but he treated me and my sister just fine- a bit coldly, but still respectfully nice within the limits of a single father.

No, the first issue I was introduced to was the one presented by the woman known as Mizuki Shiranui.

And I get what many would think: is she already getting influenced by the demons that would capture her before Taimain Yukikaze?

Yes and no. To make it simple, all Taimanin had a degree of weakness towards fluids produced by demons due to their demonic blood from ancestors that created the clans.

That wasn’t retained just by pee, cum or spit, but also blood. And since Shiranui was one of those heavy hitters that was regularly sent to singlehandedly kill numerous demons at once… she tended to get a lot of sexual stress because of the bloody massacres she was responsible for.

Now, as a married woman, that shouldn’t be a problem to deal with. If not for the fact her husband is just the average man with barely any boost through his Taimanin blood.

So, Shiranui was stuck in a particular dilemma that was slowly becoming more and more pressing as I could tell by her lingering gaze whenever I visited the Mizuki household.

Said dilemma ultimately manifested when she sent Rinko and Yukikaze out to buy some food and told me to stay behind so she could show me something for my upcoming training.

Once the two girls were out of sight, Shiranui presented me with her swollen breasts as the aphrodisiac effects of the Demons’ blood made her body quite… enticing- even more than usual.

“Tatsu-chan, can you see how big Auntie’s breasts have gotten? Can you help Auntie with those~?”

I blinked, a bit stunned by how brazen the woman had gotten with that sudden request and… after recoiling at the first surprise, I just shrugged.

“Sure thing, Auntie. But why are they bigger now?”

Shiranui definitely expected some reluctance, and not for my hands to instantly tease at her nipples. She shivered and squirmed at my touch as I tried to be a bit rough rather than tender with those. Face reddening at the groping, she gave me a caring look.

“Auntie has to deal with a lot of mean demons and their blood makes me quite wanting for a manly touch.”

“Wouldn’t that make it more than just a touch if uncle isn’t enough to satisfy you, auntie?”

She stiffened a bit at the mention of her husband, but I quickly added my thoughts to it.

“I mean, it shouldn’t be a problem- you are a powerful Taimanin, auntie, and your strong body may need more than uncle can offer because of how dedicated you are to your duties. Since you bathe in our enemies’ blood, I suppose it is more difficult for you to make it as easy as it was years ago.”

Shiranui slowly nodded at that, but was not a dumbass and raised a fair point.

“Tatsu-chan… how much do you know about what is going on?”

I looked a bit surprised at this, but, in truth, I had been preparing for this very occasion.

“Oh, I was told by my tutor that Female Taimanins tend to be quite influenced by these missions and that it is not unusual for companions to share intimacy despite having other relationships,” I calmly remarked, sounding a bit sheepish in the ensuing continuation. “I… also gave a look at some naughty books that explained how babies are made and how normal foreplay works.”

“Hm? And how do you think it works?”

“Well, foreplay is like preparation for baby-making, or… sex if it isn’t about making a baby. It’s like playing with the partner’s bodies until they reach… climax?”

“That’s the right word yes, hm~, then can you help Auntie with what you know of foreplay? If you don’t know much, Auntie can teach you a few other tricks~.”

I forced a grin as I doubted she knew more than I knew but… I appreciated the effort.

“Really, auntie? Thanks!”

And thus I proceeded to screw Mizuki Shiranui without actually screwing her. To make it very simple, I couldn’t get much if I fucked her in my current form- I was a kid, and while my cock was average for a child my age, it wasn’t going to matter much to Shiranui through either vaginal or anal. What I had, however, was my own arms.

Now, that may sound a bit risque and somewhat extreme, but let me paint the situation:

I was a kid, Shiranui was a fairly big woman in terms of proportions for her sexual curves, and… she had a bit of a gaping pussy. Not too extreme at it, but enough that my cock would hardly be perceived by the woman… but my fist was definitely enough to classify as a big fat cock.

Plus, the fact this was still cheating made her somewhat subdued on what to do about it as I revealed myself to be a bit of an aware partner rather than the little shota to coach in debauchery. So, by not fucking her, it was easier for her to stomach the idea she was doing it outside of her marriage since no vaginal or anal were happening.

The moment I slowly inserted my right arm in, the woman was clenching like crazy and moaning her soul out as I started to mimic how a dick thrusting in and out should, actually having to put effort as her pussy clamped on my limb quite tightly.

The entire session lasted roughly twenty minutes and I had her orgasm roughly three times before Shiranui called it quits. A bit surprising how easy her heat went down, but she also mentioned that it was getting time for us to clean up before the girls returned.

Sharing a bath with Shiranui was not how I envisioned starting this quest for greatness, but, at the same time, it wasn’t going to be an easy rise to epicness. I was still tiny, Shiranui upgraded me to ‘Tatsu-kun’ and decided to return the favor for being such a ‘wonderful young man’.

“A-Auntie,” I groaned as I felt in heaven with my dick ramming between her breasts. “You’re- you’re so beautiful.”

She was giggling, the cheeky MILF as she decided to reward me with a titjob and was getting barraged with flattering compliments in the meantime. Yeah, it was not sex, but it was the best alternative I could get, second only to a thighjob and a blowjob.

“Thank you, Tatsu-kun. Do you really love my breasts so much? You’re humping them so eagerly~?”

“I just like Mama- I mean, Auntie a lot.”

That was actually a genuine slip of tongue, and one that only amused Shiranui further as her eyes widened in delight.

“Tatsu-kun sees Auntie as… his Mama?”

“Y-Yeah,” I admitted ‘shyly’. “Auntie has been so kind and loving to Rinko-nee and I, and dad is always so distant so…”

She suddenly cupped my cheeks and pulled me in a kiss… right as I cummed inside her tits. It was a fairly steamy kiss and one that lasted a while as we were both breathing heavily by the end of it.

“I will be your Mama, Tatsu-kun~. And the first thing Mama shall do is clean this little naughty cock clean~.”

Best. Blowjob. Ever.

I have to say that post-nut clarity was a bit awkward as I knew I was literally ‘NTR’ing my surrogate uncle and Yukikaze too to an extent and… as much as it fucking annoyed me as an idea, I knew that, by having Shiranui vent her sexual frustration on someone like me would make it easier for her to handle future manipulations.

The woman needed that sort of relief to prevent some big issues from happening in the future and…

Perhaps I could also train under her to expand my own skills beyond the Wind-Style professed by the Akiyama Clan.



Shiranui Bath



Awesome always love a good taimanin story.


Shiranui is an absolutely top-tier waifu 👍