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The Holidays are getting closer and free time is becoming shorter. I've been pretty busy myself with both the Patreon Chats and some extra holiday shopping that needed to be done, but I did what I can to also get some work done and get advanced on my videos. Thankfully, some big projects for the end of the year were complete during last weekend, but the most I could do was have one review done and a holiday themed AniMat Watches. Not a lot, but at least I was able to accomplish something at this point.

- Released my review of Shrek 2: What a perfectly timed review, especially with The Last Wish coming soon. I remember back when I was a kid when this movie was my jam. I saw it in theaters more than once and countless of times more on DVD. And now watching it again as an adult and as a critic, I have a newfound appreciation for this movie with how clever it is and how I'd even say that it improves upon the first Shrek. The animation got a slight boost, the fairy tale theme is a lot more expanded, the comedy is great and you'll always find a new gag with every watch, and it perfectly presents love in a way that is relatively strong. It's an excellent movie and I'd even say it's one of DreamWorks' best. And now that the 2022 ACR collection is complete, the first review for next year will be Disney's The Fox and the Hound. It's always interesting to see a Disney movie that's not part of their big-name classics, so let's see what we got with this one.

- Created the next AniMat's Classic Reviews: Speaking of which, that's what I'm working on now. With the limited time that I had, most of my time when working on a video was devoted to making this review, which technically means that I've officially started working on the 2023 videos. Interestingly enough, this turned out to be a movie where I got a lot more to say about it than expected. Since it's not as praise-worthy as something like Shrek 2, I ended up writing a lot in regards to my thoughts about some of the more unique issues of this film, along with what worked on it. I can confirm that this will make for a fascinating review and it will help start the new year strong for my channel.

- Created a new AniMat Watches: Just when I thought I was about done with this year, there is one more that I decided to slip in. Yes, I got a holiday themed AniMat Watches coming and this one will be a...unique treat. This one was already been seen by some reviewers in the past years, but I've honestly never seen a single clip from it. And after watching it...let's just say that I'm still processing what I've just witness because this is one of the most insane Christmas movies for kids that I've seen. You'll find out soon enough of what it will be, but I can confidently say that AniMat Watches will be back and it will be quite a memorable one for sure.

And that's all there is for this week. At this point, we only got one more week until the big moment. Again, I'm not expecting that I'll have a lot of time for my work, but we'll see how it goes for the final stretch until we take the time off to celebrate the holiday. So, until next time...

See ya later, dudes!


Tom Jackson

Are you watching The Christmas Tree?

Trenton Girone

Nothing beats 1982’s “The Treasure Planet,” IMO, but if it’s what I think it is, it’s stiff competition in how lifeless it looks. Thanks for introducing me to the former, by the way.