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Not much to say today. Still feeling like garbage, but we are slowly recovering. Sleep is the hardest part, the crash must've screwed up my already screwed up back even more. We're in talks with the other driver's insurance, and they've accepted complete fault for it (the crash had nothing to do with us) so it shouldn't make us broke at least. Silver linings. Here's what our car looks like after the fact. Miracle we made it out with no serious injuries.. https://imgur.com/a/Ibvz4



Wow, your car is FUCKED. Well, atleast they're not claiming it was your fault. That seems to be the usual course of events in a crash. Member of my family got rear-ended while they were parked and the other party still tried to dodge the blame.


Holy fuck. I hope you will be able to get another vehicle.


Damn dude. You are extremely lucky you guys didn't get seriously injured. Get well soon.

E Vazquez

Wow at least you're relatively ok and the insurance is covering it. Was he going down the wrong way or what


We haven't gotten the police report, so we still don't know the full details of why it happened (like if he was drunk or something). He was in his lane and we were in ours, but when he got near us he just suddenly swerved in our direction and rammed us head-on. That's all I really know. The scene itself was damn incriminating, with our car being half in our lane/half off the road, and his car being in the middle of the road. No way they could have even tried to pin it on us.


ahh, you can buff that out. little polish and it'll be good as new


Holy shit. Glad you're still here! How's the insurance claim process going? That part always seems like adding insult to injury...


Stay strong, bro.

Robert-Alexandru Deleanu

I have a dash cam running all the time. Costs a pretty penny and I think the value is piece of mind. Whatever that's worth. Anyway, God bless for crumple zones.


We have the same car :D




Different colors though....


Wow not even funny XD well as long as you get some short of compensation from it although for what did happen im surprised that your not sueing or anything props for that.


Yeah, no kidding. I might see about investing in a dash cam after this too. Luckily for us, it was very clear who caused this accident, but you never know what could happen in the future.


Adding insult to injury is a damn good way to put it, but it's going well so far. Like I mentioned in this post, they've already accepted complete fault. Now it's just a matter of making sure we get proper compensation for everything we've been through because of this. By some godly amazing stroke of luck, my SO recently did some freelance work for a personal injury lawyer, so we've already got someone we know who is happy to work with us to make sure we come out of this as well-off as possible.