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Short update. Out of the hospital now, we have been for about 17 hours. Just been sleeping as much as possible. Pain is excruciating, and only getting worse. Prescription helps but there's still an hour or two of unfiltered agony between them. Injuries aren't life-threatening but they are still awful, we can barely function. Will get pictures of the car whenever we go to get our belongings. We were going 35-40, other guy was faster, and it was head-on. Miracle we made it out without more serious injuries, really..



Phone patreon app won't let me edit posts, but I almost forgot. Thank you so much to everyone for your well-wishes and words of kindness. It means more than you know.


Glad you're back and safe. Now go back to sleep and get well.

Kaede Kagami

It's ok now, just try to rest !

Charred Heretic

Please give yourself the time and rest you need to heal.

Cursed Atelier

Just take your time and get well.


True disaster! Take your time, we will wait for good news~


Good thing that everyone is alive. Sleep and heal up buddy, you deserve it.


Dude, don't be workin' in that sort of condition. The game can wait till you're better. We can wait till you're well. We're here for ya.

Zay Bee

So happy you made it out alive. Take all the time you need to heal up, your health is more important than your work

Tomoyuki Saito

Glad that it wasn't to serious and that you were able to go back home, now just try to rest and eat as much ice cream and video games as you can ( yes eat the video games )


I hope your recovery goes well, remember to take it slow and not over extend yourself, that's how you can make things worse!


You say "We" is there more than one of you hurt, or are you just acting like a royal? either way, glad you're not... Well, I don't want to say "Glad you're not seriously hurt" because it sounds pretty fucking serious. I'm just glad it wasn't worse.


Sorry, I've been in such a haze I didn't even realize I never mentioned. My SO was in the car, and she was the one driving at the time. The car hit on the driver side so she's in even worse shape than me, and I'm pretty fucking miserable. Luckily she doesn't have any serious injuries either or I'd be out for blood. Again, both in lots and lots of pain, but nothing that should cause long-term problems, just a miserable week or more ahead of us. Never had an injury this bad so I have no clue about the recovery timetable.


Glad you're well enough to be home. Just take it slow. We're all supporting you from here, I'm sure. I know I am.


This sucks.

Robert-Alexandru Deleanu

Holy nutballs! I've had some close calls, but never been in an accident... shit. I should ask what happened to the other car. Glad that things are improving and I'm happy that you could keep us updated despite the situation. Hope those meds are strong :> but holly Hell if they won't throw your body functions.


Take care of yourselves. We'll be here after you've taken the time that you need.


Hi, sad to hear that this shit happend..... :( Take it slow and take all time you need to recover. ✌️


Oh shit, dude. Rest up! Don't rush this.

That One Guy Who Never Pledges

Oh crap, I was gone for a while and had no idea. I'm really sorry to hear about that. I don't mean that I have any less sympathy for you, but do you know what happened to the person/people in the other car you got in a collision with?


I don't for sure, no, but he seemed perfectly fine after the wreck. I blacked out for a while and my girlfriend wasn't able to get back up after sitting down, but he was pacing around the scene having a smoke. He was in a bigger car and it wasn't quite as bad as ours, if I remember right. I'd wager he's fine.


So sorry to hear this. Hope you feel better. Just take the time you need to heal, that is what counts. The games can wait.