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Hi everybody. Really short post today. Got in a car wreck tonight. Currently in the hospital; more pain than I've ever felt in my life, but docs say internals are fine so I'll survive. Will be recovering for a while, but I'll try to still get some work done as soon as I'm home to make the release. Sorry ahead of time if it doesn't happen



That's terrible, I really hope you do get better, you don't need to push yourself to get some work done if you aren't feeling well enough for it! I can wait


Wow dude! That's terrible, Take all the time needed to get better, thanks for letting us know. All the best vibes to you, hope you can recover well!


Sorry to hear that! Thanks for letting us know. Have a good rest.


Take your time, recovery is the most important part. Please rest up.

Paul Rendell

I've been in the same situation. Could see the engine underneath my feet but other than a few cracked ribs I was fine, take the time you need to recover.


Shit man, I'd rather you NOT work on the next release until you're healed up. You could have died, don't pile on stress by trying to meet a deadline just to keep a few boners happy.


Oh shit. Don't push yourself.

Joe Mon

Woah... well, make sure you focus on your own health and safety first!


That sucks :/ Your health+well-being is most important, take it easy and get well<3


Wow man. This world wouldn't be the same without you. Glad you're still here.

Darth Xelleon

Glad you're okay. Take time to recover.


Don't stress yourself too much over the game while you are recovering. As great as your project is, it cannot become more important than your health. I am sorry to hear about the accident and hope you get well soon.


Shit man. I don't know what to say. Congrats on being alive, I guess. Don't fret about work, there's no better reason to take some time off than "I was just in the middle of a car-crash"


Oh damn, hope you get better soon! I don't think it will be a big deal to anyone if you don't make release, just focus on recovery.


Holy shit man! I'm sorry about the crash, but I'm glad you made it and I hope you get better soon! Be sure to take time off.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine what you must be going through. My sincerest condolences may not mean much, but you can have them all the same.


Don't even worry about the game! Focus on heal and get better, that's the most important thing right now!

Kayin Sparkle Twilight Dreemurr

My prayers go out to you Anon42, and don't feel like you need to get back into things as soon as you get out, worry about recovering first. Your health comes before this. We'll keep you in our prayers, just keep us in the loop on your recovery!


Jesus Christ, dude, I'm glad you're okay. "Job responsibility" aside, this is an emergency and you ought to take it easy until you recover.


Wow, glad you're okay man. Seriously, focus on getting better first, we can wait. Your health comes first, get well soon man.

Charred Heretic

Rest. Seriously. I mean, thanks for the update, but please, please, focus on healing.

Lee Thompson

Ouch :( Get well soon!


Christ almighty man,that's some bad luck,i wish you a speedy recovery.


Get well sooooon!)))


I'm sorry to hear about the accident, but relieved it wasn't more serious! Hope you have a quick recovery!


Best wishes to you, Anon42! Feel better!


Best wishes and get well soon =D


Make sure to take it easy and get better soon man.

Meak Lander

Take your time and recover, no need to push yourself, most of us can wait


oh my god, i swear content creator is synonymous with cursed by a Sumerian god. it seems like the minute you put up a patreon, your in the crosshairs of causality.


Wow....well uhh I'm just glade this ain't the post from the next of kin or something forget about the game bro if I could wait 10 years for the next installment of Samurai Warriors Empires I could sure as hell wait until your recovery and hopefully long rest. Take as much time as it takes to get well both physically and mentally and just know that we will continue supporting you and in this case paying your hospital bills XD Hope your out by Christmas.


Damn man, hope you didn't cause any other problems in your neck or back or anything, take it easy and feel better soon!

Tyler Kalmbach

Don't worry about doing anything. I would rather you have a good/comfortable recovery then stressing about this.


Yeah don't worry about it. Just glad you're okay for now. Let us know maybe when you're out of hospital, but take a day or two extra off. If ever there was a valid excuse for not working, a traffic accident is one of them. Don't rush yourself back into working.