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Hey guys. I'm feeling a bit better than usual today and I feel terrible about the delay this is causing, so I'm going to try and get some work done, even if it's just a little. While I've been out of work, Orexius has been throwing as much of his free time as possible at some of Alicia's new animations, and we finally finished up her new run cycle today.

For comparison's sake, here's the old one: http://i.imgur.com/rsACL03.gif 

And here's the updated cycle: http://i.imgur.com/64F43T9.gif 

Next up, we'll examine the mystery of why people ever pledged to me in the first place when my animations were that horrible! (but we won't really.)



Paul Rendell

Looking at those gifs the first thing that pops into my mind is that she has really twiggy arms. Legs look good though.


Don't lie, the only reason you reworked it was to make her boobs bigger, right?


The new run animation looks more human and smoother. I love it.


Glad to hear that you are starting to feel better.


I mean, it certainly isn't a bad reason. But you look at those two animations side by side and tell me there aren't a dozen other good reasons to rework it :p


Key word is "starting to", for sure. I'm definitely not at 100% - more like 50 - but that should hopefully be enough to at least try to get something done.

Kaede Kagami

I don't know how the others feels about but take some rest ! I won't mind waiting till next year as long as you don't forget to wish us a merry Christmas ;)


The Great Rework looks even more great every time I see some progress, really hope you feel better soon, been gone for a while now but glad to see you're still above the ground Anon. super happy to see you're still trying to work despite your condition too, really shows your resolve and dedication, just don't overdo it and make matter worse!


Better to recover fully; if getting back to work will slow your recovery, should give it more time. There's no sense in living with serious pain.


the new update looks great keep up the good work.

That One Guy Who Never Pledges

Nice update, the proportions look much better. Although if I had to nitpick something her breasts look kind of high up. Shouldn't they start just below her shoulders and not halfway into them?


You're not wrong, thanks for pointing it out. I'll make sure it gets fixed.