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Hey everyone! v.24 is finally finished! Like I mentioned in my last post, I had to push back several things - namely the Duo BE scene for the Warped Sentry, the new upgrade, and creating more rooms to explore. I wasn't able to go over every sex scene to update the voice clips, but that'll probably be something I do gradually over the next few updates. Everything else is in place though, and next month's update is already shaping up to be a good one. Enough about that though, here's the official changelog:

-Implemented solo BE H-animation for Warped Sentry
-Finish gamepad menu controls and options
-Warped Scientist CG/Game Over scene added
-Allow enemies + certain environment pieces to catch on fire via Flare Shot
-Add extra polish/more variety to new voice clips
-Fix more minor issues

As usual, minor fixes will be listed at the bottom of this post. I don't have too much to comment on as far as all the new stuff is concerned, it's all pretty self-explanatory; the good news is that gamepads should finally be fully supported. You should be able to do everything in the game with them, aside from writing notes on the map. Let me know if anybody runs into anything that doesn't quite work right! As for next update...

-Begin the great rework
-Finish duo BE H-animation for Warped Sentry
-Implement new powerup
-Add new CG/Game Over scene

-Add extra polish/more variety to new voice clips

-Fix more minor issues

You've probably already noticed the most interesting thing on there. "The great rework". I've been getting a lot of feedback on Crisis Point lately, as far as map design and gameplay goes.. not all of it positive. A lot of it mirrors my own feelings; the level design is boring and barren, serving more as enemy-filled corridors than anything interesting, and there aren't enough unique mechanics or upgrades in the game to keep things interesting. The H-content is always praised, but too many people are as unhappy with the gameplay as I am for me to continue ignoring it. Thus, the great rework.
Before anybody freaks out about this, no, this is NOWHERE NEAR a full rework of the game. Those with memories of the horrors of games like Breeding Season, stuck in perpetual reworking, need not worry about this one. The vast majority of Crisis Point will be staying as it is, so this rework won't take me forever to complete or anything. However, many key features - as well as a large amount of the map layouts - will be getting revamped and improved, and many of my planned upgrades were scrapped in favor of more interesting things. I'll go over one of those changes today: Alicia's blaster.

In its current form, the blaster upgrades in Crisis Point are a linear, stacking system. You collect upgrades and they all add some sort of new functionality to it that improves it in one specific way. That will be changing very soon. Instead of collecting linear powerups, there will be two kinds of upgrades for Alicia's blaster - let's call them A and B chips. A chips add some sort of small, extra function to Alicia's blaster, whether it's piercing through enemies or sending out extra bullets on contact with an enemy. B chips, on the other hand, will change how the weapon works fundamentally, whether it's allowing you to hold the shoot button to charge up a bigger, more powerful shot, or shooting 3 bullets with every pull of the trigger. Alicia is only allowed to equip one of each type of chip at a time, so you'll have to craft what you feel is the best weapon for you. You'll also get two separate loadouts that you can swap between at the press of a button mid-gameplay, to handle different situations with ease. Swapping chips in and out will be as simple as going into the menu either, no permanence involved, so you'll be free to experiment to your heart's desire.

Well, I think that's enough out of me for one day. I'll be posting the link to the update just after this post goes up, so to everyone who's pledged at $5 or higher, I hope you enjoy the update - and I hope you're looking forward to seeing where this game goes next! Thank you all so much for your endless support, and I look forward to bringing you some exciting stuff in the coming months.

-Alicia can no longer shoot the Flare Shot during certain actions (sliding, kicking, etc)
-Lots more lights added to the Catacombs, for easier navigation. Unlit torches can be lit with flare shot
-Spore libido gain rate lowered to 60% of its original value
-Holding down to fall through ghost platforms no longer works when Alicia is incapacitated
-Holding left on the debug menu will now change debug option at the proper speed
-Holding flare shot should now stop shooting properly when the gun enters a wall, and continue when it leaves
-Flare Shot now works (extremely well) on flying alien nests
-Option to turn Breast Expansion on/off added to debug menu
-Crouching under a ghost platform near a solid floor will no longer cause Alicia to be stuck in crouch
-Screen should no longer tint during Soldier GO scene activated in catacombs
-Tapping Jump key rapidly will now shake off tar/cum
-Masturbation key now properly listed in menu



I can't for the life of me remember where to find both a BE inducer and a warped sentry on the same screen. A little help?


And I found it, never mind! Loved the new animation!

That One Guy Who Never Pledges

I'm intrigued about what might be in the "great rework" in terms of level design. I didn't find the game too boring, but compared to other Metroidvania's I've played it did seem a bit lacking in substance. The A and B chip system sounds really cool, I think it will open up a lot of options for different playstyles. On the subject of reworking things, do you think the first boss might also be changed a bit? I personally found it a bit repetitive and not all that exciting. The way they die is also kind of boring. I was thinking instead they would have 2 separate health bars and act individually, rather than following a set pattern, and when you kill one the other becomes enraged and gets faster, along with some new form of attack.


First of all, great work! I love it. Now, I know you've got a ton on your plate, but I'm curious about the BE mechanics and whether it would be possible to implement a micro-jump ability. I assume the current system is tied to the tar/cum mechanic, for which makes sense that Alicia would be glued to the floor. In my pervy imagination, though, I can't help but wish that in the BE state, Alicia could execute a short, practically ineffective hop that would cause her afflicted mammaries to bounce... I know it would require new BE variants for the jumping, falling, and landing animations, but would creating and implementing new mechanics for the BE state with slow movement speed and reduced jump strength be difficult (and/or too trivial/superficial)?


It's a clever idea, but there won't be a micro jump - and not for any of the reasons you listed. The BE mechanics are part of the systems getting reworked; when all is done, BE won't slow Alicia down at all. She'll have the same mobility, but be more susceptible to getting KO'd and unable to struggle out of a sex scene.


I don't have any plans to change the first boss around right now, it's not something I ever really considered. I'll keep the idea in mind, see if I can make the fight a bit more interesting, but no promises yet


The download link seems to be broken.