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Hey everybody, sorry I didn't make this post right away after missing the Monday release date - there's been some stuff going on in my life that's been really stressing me out, and unfortunately it caused me to miss the release date. I was hoping to have this update out over a week ago but there was one major personal thing that stopped that from happening, but it's mostly taken care of now so I'm going to be pushing hard to finish v.24 as soon as I possibly can. There won't be any new rooms to explore yet, I'm definitely pushing the new powerup back to next update, and depending on how fast I can work I might only implement the solo BE animation for the Sentry, rather than both the solo and duo - but no matter what I'll get it out to you ASAP, and there's still a decent amount of new stuff between the new animation, the new CG, the new functions on the flare shot, full gamepad support at last, and some improvements to the sprite sex voice clips.Thank you all so much for your patience, and I'm really sorry for the wait. Things will get better soon.-A42


Zeth Baurasson Kieten

but you forgot to tell us the most important thing! are you doing alright? i'm not wanting to start invading your privacy by asking details about these personal matters, but please let us know that you're alright.


yeah, anytime someone says personal stuff happened people will worry about your well being far more than the release date.

Robert-Alexandru Deleanu

I don't mind that the update got delayed. Hope things turn out well. Keep us posted.


Thanks so much for the concern, man. I wish I could tell you all that I'm doing fine, but I'd be lying - I can tell you that I will be, though, given enough time. I'm not in any danger towards my health or anything so don't be too worried about me, it's just personal emotional stuff.