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Hey everybody! This is a pretty light update post (again, sorry), we'll mostly be going over the state of the Deep Soil rework and my plans for finishing up v0.35. I'll also be posting a teaser of the Warped Scientist CG rework, which Kuso just recently finished, so you'll have an idea of what to look forward to when the update rolls around!

In last week's post, I mentioned we weren't quite done with the Deep Soil rework yet, as my sudden sickness had prevented me from finishing it up. Well, I'm feeling much better now, so this week (while resting to make sure I was well and truly better), I focused entirely on finishing up the level design for the Deep Soil rework, which is now complete! The area is fully navigable now, though there are a lot of polish additions I want to do, like adding effects to show you're in a Poison Alraune-affected area, creating proper animation and art for the coiled vines, writing and recording some dialogue for the area, and more. In light of that, if it's alright with everyone, I'm going to aim for a release date around mid-July and focus mostly on polishing up the Deep Soil so it's in a more complete state! There are still some Deep Soil things I won't be able to do for this update, since they'll require more work than we have time for, but I want to improve it as much as I can for the time being. I know this means the update will be late by about two weeks, and I apologize for that, but I'd rather delay it and improve the update as much as possible rather than leaving it in a state of half completion.

Anyway, I don't have much else to share at the moment. The overall layout didn't really change from the last time I posted an image of it, so you can refer to that for an overview of how navigating the Deep Soil might look - and just to confirm for anyone who was wondering, yes, the tall room with the Scientists and the Cumshooters is officially gone ;) For now though, I'll leave you with this teaser of Kuso's new Scientist CG. See you guys in next week's update!


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