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Hey everybody, time for another weekly update! I'm a lil tired today so I'm gonna keep this short and sweet - v0.35 is trucking along nicely, and I think we should be able to release mid-July as mentioned before.

I don't think I've outright stated this, so just fyi, I decided to shelve adding more rooms to the Catacombs for one more update, because of the sheer amount of work we had to put into the Deep Soil rework - we also didn't get around to working on the new cutscenes/NPCs in the Summit yet for the same reason. My apologies to anyone who was looking forward to those things, but the Deep Soil rework has taken up pretty much all of my attention. The good news is that it'll be basically fully finished after this update, aside from a few things we'll be adding in the future, so we won't be stretching it out into multiple updates for once!

I do want to mention one specific thing, the Deep Soil boss fight - I plan on moving her fight further into the game, so you won't actually fight her the first time you go to the Deep Soil. For now, I plan on putting her in a TEMPORARY room within the Deep Soil, so you can still access the fight, but there won't be any rewards for it aside from getting her H-scene, since it's going to be a very temporary setup, I just don't want to remove her from the game completely until it's time to put her in for real.

Anyway, on to the actual update!

First off, here's a shot of the special effect that covers the screen when you enter a Poison Alraune affected area. It's very simple, but I'm really happy with how this effect came out, although I can't help but feel like it makes the regular Deep Soil look a bit plain now! Might have to see about sprucing up the backgrounds with some light animated layers in the future..

I'll be posting an animated gif of the Lurker's BE H-scene (loop only, no climax) in a Patron-only post after this one - as always, NSFW content has to be marked Patron-only on here. You can find the animation if you look at any of the other places I update though, so if you aren't a Patron, go seek out my other posts elsewhere if you want to see the animation!

Aside from working on those effects, I also spent time this week getting over some writers block so I could write new dialogue for the Deep Soil, which is currently being recorded by our lovely VAs - there's a total of 4 new conversations in the Deep Soil right now, and I plan on finishing up the current Bestiary entries too, so there will hopefully be some fun stuff to read there if that's what you're into. I also finished up implementing some of the technical stuff for the Deep Soil to work properly, like allowing the Poison Alraune's presence to stop Coiled Vines from working, saving/loading new world state variables, etc. All the behind the scenes stuff that's not too interesting but keeps the game going as intended. I've also been working with our musician to get those .FLAC files ready for the $30 tier (sorry it's taking a while), and Kuso is still working hard at replacing more CGs. The next one he's working on is a fan favorite, so I hope you're looking forward to it!

Anyway, that's about all I have for this week. It's mostly small and uninteresting things from now until completion, so I miiiight skip next week's weekly update if the update is almost complete by that point, in favor of just continuing to push for release - we'll see what happens though. Thanks for reading everybody, and for your continued support! Crisis Point wouldn't be what it is today without all of you. See you next week, hopefully with the v0.35 release in hand!



Thank you for the hard work that you put into this game!