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Hey guys, I wanted to update you all today instead of tomorrow, since this isn't a traditional weekly update. Mostly, I wanted to let everyone know that this week was a really slow one - I'm not really sure what it was, but I spent the last few days stuck in bed, as I was inexplicably dizzy and unable to focus, and just overall felt awful. I seem to be on the upswing now, as I've definitely been feeling better today and have been able to work a bit, but I lost a lot of time to it. Puffernutter has still been at work tiling rooms, but since I was stuck in bed for a while, there's really not much to show for a weekly update, so I won't be posting one tomorrow. The Deep Soil rework is proceeding nicely, but I still need a few days to finish it up so I can move on to the rest of the update.

The sudden illness also had the effect of confirming that the update definitely won't be ready by the end of the month - I might push it back a bit further to try and squeeze more into the update, rather than trying to get it out as early in July as I can. There's some polish changes and additions I want to put in the Deep Soil along with the level design changes, so it'll depend on how all of that goes.

Anyway, that's about all from me. Sorry for the disappointment, everyone - hopefully things will be better next week, and I'll have a much better weekly update next time.



woah, look after yourself first pal. These things happen, its better to rest up than stress yourself trying to do everything you could while you were a 100% ;3


Thanks man. I have been taking it relatively easy, at least until I know I'm fully in the clear. Better for myself and the game to give myself time to fully recover, but I am trying to get some work done in the meantime at least, complete stagnation isn't good either.


hey Anon42, have you "reset" the little bone in your ear? sometimes the little bone in your ear that tells you where down is gets stuck, if you have not tried resetting your equilibrium when that happens id recommend giving it a shot, its easy to do. i belive you can just google "epley maneuver" to learn how


If your dizziness and such continues, outside the above fellow's suggestion, I recommend plenty of water as well as controlling your diet. What i mean by controlling your diet is to measure out how much you should be eating and making sure you eat that much. It might be hard, but sometimes you've just got to force yourself to eat.


Thank you very much for the suggestion! Luckily I've been feeling much better since this post, and it's the first time I've had symptoms like it so it's not a recurring problem (at least not yet), but I'll definitely keep this advice in mind if it ever happens again.


I appreciate the advice! I don't struggle much with water thankfully, but food for me is the opposite problem in that I often eat too much, lmao. I've been working on portion control and improving a lot on that front though, so things are improving. Luckily, as I said in the reply to the person above, I've been feeling much better since this post, and it was my first time getting those specific symptoms, so I'm hoping it was just some weird cold or something to that effect.