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Hey everyone, so it's been another week now. The HTML5 port is making good progress, but it definitely still needs work, so since it's been about a month now since v0.33 came out, I'm going to go ahead and start up development of v0.34 while still working on the HTML5 port, as I mentioned before. Naturally there won't be any content to talk about today - v0.34 is only just starting, and the HTML5 port isn't particularly interesting to talk about, BUT, since I opted not to discuss what was coming in v0.34 when v0.33 came out, I'll go ahead and do that now!


-Implement new enemy in the Catacombs
-Begin designing (and hopefully implementing) new story-important NPCs
-Implement new Data Disc feature (essentially, discs you can find containing lore information and such)
-Implement new movement upgrade
-Design new rooms to explore
-Rework more CGs in Kuso's style
-Add more environmental dialogues and cutscenes
-Update the Caves tileset
-Begin updating level design and tilesets in the Deep Soil

So like I mentioned before, the end of The Great Rework™ doesn't mean we're done reworking things - it means that we're going to create a healthier balance of new and reworked content going forward, so that's what we're aiming for in v0.34.

For new content, I want to implement a new enemy (specifically a replacement for the Hellhound), start working on a major story update I've been planning for a while, implement a new feature in the form of Data Discs, add in a new movement upgrade for Alicia, and design some more rooms in the Catacombs. There is one thing I want to mention about that major story update - I'm not sure if it will see the light of day in this update, and even if it does, it'll probably be unfinished. It includes a pretty large overhaul of an area, so it's possible we'll be working on it for a while.

For reworked content, we'll be having Kuso continue to rework CGs in his art style, I'll be starting to touch up the Deep Soil, and the Caves tileset is being reworked (it'll look similar, just updated with better artwork). Some of the "new" things can also be considered reworking to some degree, since they'll be implemented in areas that were already in the game to further flesh those out, but that's just semantics really. It all needs to get done at some point. Either way, v0.34 is gonna be a good time once it comes out, and I hope you're all excited for it!

One last thing I want to talk about is our subscription tiers here on Patreon. In the very near future, I plan on replacing the $1 tier with a $2 tier instead - as anyone in the $1 tier already knows based on the poll I posted earlier this month. The main reason for that is that almost half of the $1 tier gets eaten up by fees, because each pledge has a flat fee associated with it, which is naturally a larger percentage the lower the tier is. In exchange for the raised minimum pledge, I want to offer a small reward on the $2 tier - right now I'm thinking of a gifset of Crisis Point's H-scenes, but if anyone has any other ideas, feel free to say so in the comments!

Aside from that, I also plan on implementing a higher tier, for those who want to support us a bit more while getting some recognition for it. Those who have been around for a while may remember that we used to have a $30 tier that was supposed to give you voting rights to determine the future of the game - that didn't end up working out, as there were never enough patrons to make voting fair, and I realized I just don't like leaving my design choices up to a community vote. Instead, this time, I plan on making it so that everyone in that tier gets their names added to the currently-in-development version of Crisis Point for all to see, as a way of recognizing them for their support. This will be a completely different reward than getting in the credits of the final game, which will not be changing from its current $60+ total requirement, and the list will be reset every update, so your name will only be in the demos that were in development while you were at that tier. Feel free to let me know if this seems like a good reward to you, or if you have any suggestions for improving it before I implement it!

Anyway, that's enough outta me for today. Thanks for reading everyone, and I'll see you in the next update!


I'm looking forward to it (*^^*)