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Hey everybody! Now that v0.34 has officially begun development, it's time to get back to our regular weekly update schedule. I've got a few things to show off this week, so let's get started!

Click here to watch the new, WIP cutscene added to the intro on YouTube

First off is a short cutscene at the beginning of the game, after the intro text crawl, which you can view by going to the youtube link above. This scene is still a bit WIP, as I want to add some foley sound effects to it, and possibly change one of Alicia's poses - I also have a CG sequence planned that'll go between the text crawl and this cutscene, to give further context to Alicia's ship crashing, but this scene alone should improve things a bit!

Next up is the Caves tileset rework, which I showed off a little bit a while back. Left is old, right is new. I was doing the original rework myself, but Puffernutter recently took over and has been hard at work redoing everything. It's not quite finished yet, and we want to make some changes to make it look a bit less busy, but it brings the Caves tileset closer inline with the rest of the game artistically, despite being a relatively subtle change. 

Last up, we have a little teaser for our new enemy that will be coming in v0.34! This guy will show up first in the Catacombs, and he's the replacement for the Hellhound I've been talking about, at least gameplay-wise. He'll have completely new H-scenes, as you can probably tell by how different his design is. It's possible only the regular H-scene will be ready for v0.34, depends on how much Orexius manages to get done, but I'll keep you updated on that front.

Alright, that's enough outta me for this update! Thanks for reading everyone - and as always, thank you so much for supporting us and making this game possible <3 See you all in the next update!



Oooo, I cannot wait to see what H-scene that beastie has in store for us :D


Is there any intention of bringing the Hellhound back? I liked that enemy.


No, sorry. They were removed because Patreon changed their ToS to explicitly forbid bestiality, and we would be breaking ToS by leaving them in or bringing them back.


is it possible to get a compilation/gallery of all the replaced and removed animations and content? it seems awful to just let them disappear


Every bit of removed/replaced animations and art were changed for a reason, those reasons being that they were either changed because the team member no longer works with us, changed because they no longer matched the standard of quality I have for the game, or most importantly, changed to comply with Patreon ToS, which I would definitely be breaking if I were to release a pack containing all of that content now. In those 3 cases, the only one where I'm willing to share the removed/replaced things is in the case of a team member leaving the team - when Kuso, our new artist, finishes reworking CGs, I plan on releasing a .zip of the old CGs for free because of it. But all the rest of them, sorry, I won't be sharing them. You can probably find old versions of Crisis Point that still have that content out there if you do a bit of digging, but in the interest of keeping only official assets at the forefront, I don't plan on officially releasing any other compilations or anything.


I find it frustrating that Patreon forgets it's place as a middle man more and more. Oh well though. I won't punish you for that.


Can you at least tell what version the changes happened at? eg when patreon implemented the tos changed and you didn't start removing shit