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YOUTUBE VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=os9xA-X3pMI

Hey Patrons!

So...myself and Jeremy have just arrived at the destination of documentary series #2 - Dallas, Texas. We're shooting a bunch of interviews over the next two days.

Watch the video, and let me know what you think.

AND DON'T TELL ANYONE! I'll tweet about it publicly over the next few days.

Exciting eh? :)



[Patron Only - DO NOT SHARE] Doc Series 2 Announcement

We're already on a plane to shoot doc #2 which is coming out later this month, so what better time to let our Patrons know what's coming!


kyle disanjh

So happy for you dude - and awesome that someone out there really wants to create this kind of content. Can't wait for the next one!


Dude. Yes. Just yes.

Mario (NotBros) Piacquadio

This is AWESOME. Hell yes this promises to have some amazing stories, keep it up, man. You're doing incredible stuff




This is exciting. Glad I hopped on the Patreon wagon!


Super excited for this doc. Solid choice Danny!

chris bradley

Onwards and upwards! And yes always MORE time for editing ;)

Liam Brown

Looking forward to this one too! Very interested in how they turned this game into a GOTY contender


So damn perfect. Can't wait to see it.


Oh dang, can't wait! And you're in my neck of the woods! Any chance of a meetup?


This is great! So excited! Your excitement and openness about the project and process makes this all so fun to watch.


Awesome! Another great game. Looking forward to it, Danny :)

Ben Ward

Yes. Yes, yes, yes, and a little bit more FUCKING YES. Knocked the first one out of the park, I can't wait for this one!!

Adam D

Already loving how much this mixing it up, this kind of deep dive coverage doesn't happen till a game until after the fact in retrospective form\ so interesting to see this whilst there is still some active development going on.


I love ID. A great choice. The hits keep on coming:)



Stephen Barr

The first two docs could not have been better :D

Evan Pilnick

Ahhhh what an awesome choice! Please please please ask about that INCREDIBLE SOUNDTRACK.

Tohir Tillyaev

Doooom! Man that's a nice two punch combo. Exciting news!


Can you just have this music playing behind every video you put out?


Well done Danny. The videos turned out great. I'd downloaded but never got to play Rocket League and am not sure when I'll have time to try it, but nevertheless enjoy the videos emensely. Thumbs up.




Oh my god when that fucking music kicked in I GOT PUMPED DANNY. I need to plow through that game again.


I was gonna tweet you with a pic of the main character and his weird grin we see sometimes but friends of mine who know us Patrons get the deets early would realise, so opted not to. BUT FUCK YEAH!

Fred Fryolator

Given that not sending out pre-release review code is now the policy of Id's parent company, it'll be interesting to see what they say about how it may have affected DOOM's sales.

Brandon K Gann

YES YES YYYYYYEEEEESSSSSSSS!!! God I love this game. Rocket League was so entertaining to watch, but this: I can't wait. Most anticipated video of any channel/person since E3 coverage. Mr. O'Dwyer, if you couldn't tell, I'ms a happy person now. THANK YOU for doing this and my thanks to id for letting you guys come by! I'm so stoked right now!

Frog Dimples (Jesse)

OMFG YES!!!! This is the game I wanted to be done the most besides Shovel Knight. You absolutely fucking rock Danny. Thank you!


Just became a patron! Good luck with this Danny, I was quite impressed with the Rocket League documentary.


DANNY! You are speaking to my heart with these first two! I AM LOVING IT!!!


Welcome David! Thanks so much for supporting our work! Hoping you'll enjoy this one!

Steven Bruton

Great news Danny, really loved the first doc, can't wait for this one now too.


You glorious bastard! Super excited for this one too!!


So excited!


I've been watching Mick Gordon videos all night, fuck yes!

Bryan Deijnum

Danny this is awesome! As a big FPS and Doom fan this is exactly the doc I was hoping you would make. I really liked the "Doom 3 is 10 years old" vid you did at Gamespot too



Duncan Gibbs

I thought it was going to be SUPER. HOT.

James Osgood

Excellent! I've wanted to know the story behind new-Doom every since I played it months ago. It was so hard to understand this game in front of me considering the game's development time and old concept videos. Really excited for this one.


Loved doc #1 although not even being into Rocket League... Can't wait to see what you do with subject matter I love! 👍

Piotr Kostecki

Oh my god... I love this game, one of the best surprises for me this year. To hear you'll be covering it, superb! :) Have a great trip but be cautious, they are really touchy about trespassing to their properties ;D


Doom. That does ring a bell.


Super excited for this one not only is doom really good but would love a full set of docs on id, assume your recording alot if interviews while there :)


Haha I knew! well not really but it was one of the games, I had hoped you would look at some day, cause I know the love you have for this game, so excited to see this :)


YEEESSS! One of my Top 5 games of the year for sure. Can't wait.


Amazing. With the history of Doom, I reckon this'll be super interesting.


That's awesome. I actually work about a mile from id Software. Enjoy you're time down here in the DFW area!


Danny, you cool with this? <a href="http://www.gamespot.com/articles/rocket-league-devs-discuss-difficult-decision-to-g/1100-6445031/?ftag=GSS-05-10aaa0b" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.gamespot.com/articles/rocket-league-devs-discuss-difficult-decision-to-g/1100-6445031/?ftag=GSS-05-10aaa0b</a>

first last

They linked to the Rocket League youtube video and credited "former GameSpot video producer Danny O'Dwyer" so ... all's good?

Clay A Binkley

Rad! Though a full retrospective of Doom would also be cool.


Sorry mate we would have loved to but it was. Super quick turnaround for a bunch of reasons. Mostly our mental health! We'll get down there again soon I hope!


Here comes the DOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!


Ohhhh I knew it when you said Texas.. I wanted it to be true. Hooray!!!

Nick Bull

Aw man this is going to be epic! Looking forward to it


Ask them for a PS4 Pro patch wouldya Danny ;)