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Hey Patrons!

It's e3 Season and a little while since we've done a proper Patron Q&A video and with so much announced, and so much being planned I thought this would be a good time to put one together. 

  • Do you u have questions about Demon's Souls, Thief or Prey?
  • Feedback on your patron experience? Criticisms? Requests
  • Dream projects you want us to hunt down in the second half of the year?
  • Questions about Giant Bomb?
  • Wanna hear my thoughts on E3?
  • Whatever! There are no wrong questions.

Stick them in the comments of this post and I'll get around to answering them over the coming days.




Keep your euro sports away from my Giantbomb you monster


I'd love to see a documentary about the Sierra Online company. All those people are getting up there in age and it would be sad to not have anything on video. I even heard that Ken Williams is currently working on a new game -- could be a great segway?


What’s the song name and artist for the Greatest Hits theme? It’s a banger!


Dream project 1: Halo Infinite, shedding some light on the development Status last Summer and the decision to postpone the game by at least one full year


Hey NoClip love the series. One request/idea I've thought be interesting was a doc on cheating in MMOs. It sounds bizzare and a bit shady and I'd like to know more behind the scenes. There's a whole black market (if you will) of RuneScape, WoW etc where people build and sell scripts for bots to do grindy labor, buy and sell in game currency. I've heard things like they go to less wealthy countries and hire workers to manually do it or write scripts.


Would you ever consider doing a documentary on Playground Games now that they’re working on Forza Horizon and Fable? It seems like it would be a fascinating story, similar to Guerrilla.

Michael Middleton

are there any secret Analysis:War recordings of those hot Static-X and SOAD covers? :D


A question though, as a fan what is your favorite GB series ?


Dream project 2: the “development” of Game Pass. It has become a deciding factor for me and my friends to move from PS last gen back to Xbox this gen and I would like to learn more on the history and decision making, the deals with the individual studios etc.


Hi danny, what is your take on a fandom evolving over time to the point that people who feel like theyve been in a fandom the longest are somehow owed the least amount of change? i feel like the idea of being a "die hard" fan of almost anything leads to a sense of ownership that stifles the creativity of the property/content/brand creator and almost always leads to an idea of "going back to the halcyon days" when those days were actually kinda not great and the evolution is the art form of content creation. do you think theres any value to pandering to people who have been with you longest when they are often the ones most resistant to new and creatively fulfilling output or is it just a matter of balancing constantly to try to appease everyone other than yourself?


Hi Danny, a question about the Prey doc: will cover also the Mooncrash expansion and the challenge to adapt a roguelike structure to an immersive sim, or like the Dishonored expansions it will be left out of the discussion? As for the Dream Project: undoubtedly a Subnautica one will be very welcome, or one for White Paper Games (Ether One, The Occupation).


What's the deal with these videogames?


A doc about Gothic series would be incredible.

Xin Bin

Curious to hear what you have in mind for your giant bomb video series! Especially since you mentioned it was going to be…different. I’ve seen a few playthroughs/reviews on your personal YouTube channel and liked those.

Xin Bin

Oh since you mentioned possibly covering European sports stuff and dream projects, I would looove to see a doc about a simulator/simcade racing studio like Codemasters. That’d be sick.

Andrew O.

Dream? I'd like to see some stuff regarding the Gizmondo, Tapwave Zodiac, and/or Nokia N-Gage. Resources aren't very comprehensive and they're pretty dated at this point. It'll only get more difficult to attain information in the future.


Dream Project for me would be a look at the Metroid Prime trilogy. Alternatively, I would also be down for a look at the Donkey Kong Country Returns/Tropical Freeze games made by Retro studios. Basically anything you can scrounge up on Retro would be amazing.


I'm guessing the Thief doc is just going to focus on the first two and not Deadly Shadows? I don't think anyone would be asking for the remake, but I think three has it's fans.

Tyler Boyce

I know it's probably too big to tackle right now, but I would love to see a documentary on the making of Mass Effect. From the original trilogy to Andromeda (I actually really liked Andromeda, BTW) to the oft-titled "Mass Effect Next" still to come. Between that and revisiting Guerrilla for a "Chasing the Horizon 2" about Forbidden West, those are probably my biggest dream projects for this year and next.

Shell Comics

A Stanley Parable doc?


Maybe you save this kind of discussion for the tell all book or memoir, but when did you know it was time to break off on your own and start Noclip? I'm reaching a similar fork in the road myself, but I'm not sure/might be too scared to make the jump into the unknown. Would love to hear your thoughts!

Brandon K Gann

Hey Danny! Apologies for advance for the length. I'm happy to see so much positive momentum for yourself and NoClip and I'm stoked for all that's upcoming. My question is about things on the backburner like Edit Club, Location Scout, Mixtape, and all the other "non-doc" projects. Simply: Do you think it's a little too much work to maintain? Granted I understand the examples provided only happen monthly, and the developments around Giant Bomb wasn't anticipated when you relaunched, but I feel like having to focus on all the big docs (even with the excellent jobs Misters Jayne and Howley are doing with taking point with the likes of Loop Hero, Demons Souls, etc.) plus the rapid turn-around nature of Greatest Hits, all the other shows feel sporadic and random. It feels like more things are in the pipeline and production cycles than you can keep up with. Personally, I like them all; Edit Club is quite educational, Mixtape gives that sense of having the access of what NoClip is working on outside of the general info you publicly let known before officially announcing, and Location Scout is a fun break in seeing the nearby environment. I'm also sure all of this is a false perception of mine, but it's still an observation I've been having. Keep being awesome to the entire NoClip team!

Steve Dennis

Have you thought about trying to get some mini docs/interviews on the playdate or some of the Devs working on games for it?


I'd love to see something about Sierra or Blizzard. Both companies went through so much over the years. Also wonder what you think about talking to former employees of studios and what challenges that presents


So the burning question I haven't been able to let go of since I listened to the Noclip mixtape #3 podcast is: How did Frank feel when he realized he could've done his in-game Demon's Souls filming sessions offline? 😉 [I'm not judging: took me about a gazillion hours of getting stabbed in the back while shooting Bloodborne before I realized I could just pull the LAN plug. Also I understand that my assumption might be wrong and that Frank had to be online to get the proper footage, in which case definitely disregard all of this, but this has been on my mind for real 🙈 I've been thinking what if he has to do something like it again and doesn't realize there's an easier way, I couldn't live with not having at least tried to help out 🙈 While I'm here, idk how Demon's souls remake work but I'm just gonna drop the tip that in the other games an excellent photo trick is to use two consoles and let one invade the other to then be invulnerable to the mobs. Okthxbye and I really, really hope all of this unsolicited advice isn't rude because that's the opposite of what I was aiming for /Anna]


Any chance for a video about the story of the Captain Claw game? from Monolith Productions. It's a really underrated platformer in my opinion, and it never got the love it deserved due to copyright issues I suppose - similar story to NOLF pretty much. Luckily, it still lives today thanks to its still active community and fans but everyone would want to see a re-release on Steam or GOG of this game. More people should know about this hidden gem. A game designer that worked on Claw, his name is Kevin Lambert was the first person to join our fan discord group and we still keep in contact with him even today. I think he would love to share his story about the time he worked at Monolith Productions and when he worked on Claw with the rest of the team.

Matthew Richards

Hi Danny, Question that you've answered before but as Google has changed their policy I wonder if you have a different take on it. Now that it looks like Google might put ads on more videos even if the creator isn't part of the partner program (https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.theverge.com/platform/amp/2020/11/18/21573937/youtube-ads-creators-partner-program-revenue-terms-of-service-update) is noclip going to monetise the vids on YouTube? Thanks


What would your E3 experience look like if you weren't doing the Giant Bomb stuff? Glued to every possible live stream for the next week or picking and choosing stuff you're interested in?


Howdy Danny. I hope you are well 😁 My question is, how are you doing?

Gabriel Costa (Hired Sword)

What are your thoughts on Summer Games Fest and it's somewhat friendly rivalry with E3? I'm all for more gaming shows with reveals and such myself. Congratulations on the GB news and thanks for all you & the team have done with NoClip, definitely a worthwhile subscription.

Shahar Eldar

in the same boat myself, working at the same place for a decade now and while very "comfortable" I'm ready to make myself uncomfortable and more challenged again


Danny, I want to know, rough count, how many "oh ffs" moments Frank had trying to capture Demon Souls footage. Invaders?.... One time events that can't be repeated unless you start again?... Dying to the same Mob for the 1000th time?

Allan M Kaspar

Hi Danny! I'd still love to see some kind of greatest hits doc on Origin Systems (Ultima, Wing Commander, Richard Freaking Garriott, etc). so many games and game concepts have been influenced by their work (everything from the first CRPG sold to coining the phrase MMO).

Shahar Eldar

NOLF would be great to see, I still have the CDs for it and the sequel sitting around here

Björn Vahle

Not a question, more a like a comment on the last months: I'm really happy with all the docs, greatest hits definitely delivered on the premise, and the new projects sound hella good. But it seems with all the new patrons and thus new formats you've bitten off more than you can chew. For me personally, you could definitely lose some of the podcast, edit club and production meeting stuff if it frees you up for more "original" Noclip docs - or family emergencies, which can always happen. Maybe at the end of the year you could check back with us patrons on what we liked about the new tiers and what we didn't. I'd be interested if it changes the face of Noclip once again. Cheers!

Michael Fossbakk

Thoughts on Battlefield 2042? What are the chances it's a hit and doesn't get outshined by Call of Duty yet again? I played a lot of Battlefield 2 and a bit of 1942 back in the day. Hoping 2042 knocks it out of the park.


I would genuinely love to hear your thoughts on E3. I've been a few times over the past 15 years and the decline of it's use for both promotion and BizDev have raised questions in the industry about if it really matters anymore. With many shows going virtual this year, is this an opportunity for them to make a resurgence or did the Summer Game Fest destroy any chance of that? With PAX can they really compete with a fan experience?


https://www.premiumbeat.com/royalty-free-tracks/highway-hunters Here you go!


I would absolutely love to see coverage of the homeworld games from noclip! The original team is making homeworld 3 and also working on hardspace shipbreaker I know they would love to work with you guys. Thanks for at least considering the suggestion if nothing else. Thief is what I'm most excited for recently and Demon Souls following closely behind. Cheers Danny.

Brian L

Absolute top dream project for me: a series on the development and Dream Team that created Chrono Trigger. I loved your series on the reboot and development of Final Fantasy XIV, so having a similar treatment with the creators of one of the absolute best JRPG's of all time would be incredible!


Hey Danny. Wizardry (the first, never played the sequels) was one of my defining early video game experiences as a kid. I'd love to see a piece on it. Also, I hope you get to visit japan again for more slice of life while you are there.

Christopher Kelly

Hey Danny, after watching Summer Game Fest last night, what's your plans for January 21st 2022?? I am so excited! Another vote for a Stanley Parable doc, that game was very smart and a great play.

Jake Hakim

What was your favorite part of Prey? What was your favorite part to edit? Anything you threw in there that felt clever? Plenty of opportunities I think, with mimics etc, thinking something like the music at 22mins in the outer wilds doc. You guys are da guys!

Jake Hakim

ps Dream Doc would have to be the Portal Series, as Portal is the only game from my 10/10 list that you haven't already covered! (The others on that list are The Witness, Spelunky, and Outer Wilds).

Reegan Worobec

As a fellow new (ish) father I first have to ask how that is going 😜. Second though, I think a cool doc would be to get an insight into Cliffy B and his influence on the industry with his impact on Epic Games, and to maybe get a deeper dive on the troubles of Lawbreakers. I kinda doubt he'd be up for it, but I feel like it would be one interesting (and very blunt) conversation.

Josh Daniels

Probably two late but hey Danny. Any chance no clip will get another studio? Any chance of No Clip moving in with Biant Bomb? I know you want everything from no clip ultimately being free but might you publish on giant bomb as well? Cool Thanks for the answers and doing what you do


Hey Danny - would love to hear your feedback on the comments people provided as requested by you in this video..