Hot Doc Summer | Patron Update June 2021 (Patreon)
Hey Patrons!
Hot Doc Summer has begun! Right off the release of our Loop Hero documentary I'm here to give you an update on all the projects you can expect from Noclip during the summer months. From our retrospective of Thief, to our big Demon's Souls project, to the long-awaited full doc of Prey, and our plans beyond.
I also cover our general plans for the rest of the year as it pertains to big studio docs (we are in talks with a bunch of folks) alongside the patron-exclusive stuff coming this month, and a little update on my involvement in Giant Bomb. But if you're interested in that specifically I posted a VLOG about it earlier.
Thanks again for allowing me a bit of time off last month to deal with some family matters. I really appreciate it. We're at full steam ahead again this month.
Oh, and enjoy E3! If you miss the old version just watch our documentary on the last one that happened. I bet you forgot about that one - we've made a lot of docs!
Enjoy the show!