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Hello Greatest Hits Producers!

Last month we had some feedback on the creative process and one thing that came out of those conversations was a desire for more incremental updates between production meetings. So in this post I'm going to give you  an update on everything that's been going on with the project, who we have interviewed, who is left to interview, and how the story is coming together.


Right now we have several interviews recorded a bunch more to get done. As of today I've recorded chats with Lead Designer Tim Stellmach, Looking Glass Studio's legend Warren Spector, Designer Michael Ryan and Artist Dan Thron.

Over the coming week I'm also recording interviews with Jennifer Hrabota Lesser, and one or two other developers on the project who I'm still trying to wrangle. We are still hoping to get time with Paul Neurath, Randy Smith and some other key folks.

Outside of Looking Glass Studios folks I'm also interviewing the developers of Gloomwood and The Dark Mod to talk about the influence of the series over the years. The Gloomwood interview has also already been recorded.

Some of the stories we've captured from these folks are incredible. They've also been really excited to talk to us which is obviously a nice change from our previous episode struggles. Just wait till you hear who Hollywood execs wanted to play Garrett in Warren Spector's Thief screenplay!


From talking to all of these folks it's clear that the biggest talking point is the development of the first game. The development of Thief 2 is not all that dissimilar from the first and in terms of gameplay they sort of melt together. So those two will be spoke of quite a bit, and we also have some insight into the development of Thief 3. So There's quite a lot in here.

Lastly, we've been talking to some of the team about the cancelled Cold-War era thief-like that was being developed at Looking Glass Studios before the closure. So expect some new insight into the creation of Deep Cover too.


Aside from interviews Jeremy has spent most of the past week filming weird looking boxes, strategy guides and more. With all of these interviews we have to do a lot less work on the stand-ups side. I am going to host it and probably wear a cowl in a dark room somewhere. I still have to figure that out!


One of the fun ideas that came from our first production meeting was that we should put photos of you folks in the credits a-la the credits from those earlier games. To be included in this unique credits experience, please follow the guidelines below and submit your photo via the means mentioned below;

  • WEAR A COWL / HOODIE / BLANKET <--- This is a requirement :)
  • Include the name you want shown alongside the photo.
  • Take photo against a flat one-colored background (like a plain wall)
  • Leave some space above your head and include at least as low as your shoulders.
  • Selfies are fine.
  • If you can, try to include some harsh cross-face lighting like above.
  • Color is fine, we will do the color change.
  • Post your image in the greatest-hits-production chat channel, or DM me your image on discord, or upload somewhere and shoot your link in the comments below.

That's it for now folks. Thief was an awesome selection for an episode and I think we have something really fun and special here. Also the folks have been talking to have been great fun and this whole process has made me much more optimistic about one day doing the big Looking Glass project. 

For now though, let us know what you think in the comments below, shoot us your thoughts and opinions, and get submitting those photos!



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