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Hey guys!

So one of my commissions is a macro growth animation!

The animation involves a character starting out at a normal 5ft 11 height, and then growing into a HUGE City sized macro~

To start, I've never done an animation to this scale before, from such a small size and growing to the scale of a city is HARD work. 

So here's my process so far! 

I discovered a plugin for Blender that directly lets you use Google Maps data, so, of course, I first took NYC, and posed Druth looming over the city~ Testing out camera angles between the buildings, figuring out how it would look, and honestly it looks sick.

But of course, for this commission, I can't just use Google Maps data directly. Especially since the animation will start down at a normal height on the ground, and these Google Maps models do not look good up close and are presented better from a distance. So to make this work I have to make an entire scene built within the Google data, modeling the buildings and street from scratch to a high-level detail that would work for an animation like this.

This will be a big commission and I'm very excited to see how it comes out!

Here's a potential rundown of how the animation might turn out~

The animation opens up with our character walking down a street or sidewalk in a city, where he suddenly finds a strange leakage within an alleyway, he goes to explore it and investigates it, taking a closer look and touching it, after doing so it causes him to grow, first it's slow growth but then it gets more and more violent causing him to tear out of his clothes~

The growth comes to an end but FUCK he wants more, he looks around the alleyway finding perhaps a pipe on the wall, maybe that's where the fluid came from, he's now strong enough to break the pipe and put his mouth against it swallowing down the fluid within, maybe this gives him a bit of a belly, his stomach inflating from all the fluid, all while doing so he's growing slowly while drinking~

When he pulls away from the pipe he's very verbal about how fucking good this feels, his growth going full pelt and speeding up, growing harder and harder in big pulses~ He's very verbal regarding his growth and how awesome the sensation is feeling his cock stretch, nuts fill, and muscles flex~ Stumbling around in the alleyway he probably steps on a few cars or destructible items~ Eventually he gets too big for the alleyway and get stuck, pushing his huge size out of the gap and back onto the street~

From this point the growth once again ends, he flexes his muscles trying to push them bigger but it doesn't work~ He turns around and sees a HUGE dad juice can on the top of the building, he rips it from the metal foundation and starts drinking it, surprised that there is even fluid in here~

He then throws the can far causing a sonic boom and a huge crash in the distance. His body once again starts growing for the last time, massive orgasmic pulses as his size continues to increase, stepping and crushing cars and street items~ All while being SO verbal, moaning and groaning at the sensation~ And of course throughout the entire animation it is very apparent that it FEELS good, with his cock throbbing and spurting pre over the surrounding area~ 

All while growing he's looming over the city around him smirking and chuckling flexing his upper frame all while still growing~

Eventually, the growth comes to an end, he's breathing heavily, admiring his new body, he's fucking huge in every way~ His cock throbbing violently, spurting pre over the streets below, his nuts churning and bouncing, his muscles pulsating and still adjusting~

He stomps down hard on a car~ Flattening it~

(Not sure where to take it from here)




Yeah! More tear cloths~ Always love to see this, like last time you did in Geordie's animation and Druth clothing tear test Sure look even more hot, when looking up from below. Looks complicated, the city building model, and cityscape


how about some nice cumflooding?


Is this still happening?! Would love to see for macro march!


What happened to this project? 🤔🫡