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Hey guys!

So in many posts, I've mentioned a "VR Growth game" briefly. Basically I want to make a VR Porn game involving growth! And perhaps other subjects such as sex and vore!

The concept of this game is simple, it's not really even a game, but more of a 3D Experience. The overall game will just be my normal animations but played out within a 3D space in unreal engine, allowing you as the viewer to walk around the environments the animations are set within and watch these characters grow, fuck, vore, up close~

It's my goal to push as much horny detail as possible in these projects but there will always be a limit. Putting VR into the mix, and allowing you to walk around the scene and view these characters grow up close will REALLY add a new level of detail.

There probably won't be much interactivity, at least not at first. The game's main goal is just to put you into the environments, and get a new perspective on the characters getting bigger, a realistic outlook on what it would be like to watch someone grow right in front of you~ But in the future if possible, allowing the players to also grow, or perhaps interact with the characters and their growth will certainly be added too!

Some people did request a desktop version, and tho I will make one I still very much recommend playing this in VR, as it simply won't be the same~

For playable demos Im hoping to have one made this year! I'm yet to start this project at all, and currently, it's just in the idea phase. But after my commissions are finished, I'd love to start putting together a test beta for you guys to try out~


Rob Miller

Hopefully something playable in a Meta Quest!


Once it comes out I'll be playing this as often as I can