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Here we go! First GrimLewd vote! I do want this to eventually replace the Waifu Royale votes, but for now we'll be doing the both a the same time. Two votes every week!

What is this? I am working on a lewd LitRPG setting that tries to take porn and lore seriously. If you want to know more you can read about it here. 

Whoever wins this week's poll will be a star of a NSFW illustration that expands their story a little bit. Next week we'll have a vote to specify how.

Here's this week's contestants:

A) [Sister Penitent] Dropbox link 

B) [Happy Inquisitor] dropbox link 

C) [Corrupted Thief] dropbox link 

D) [Novice Templar] [dropbox link] 

If you have a hard time reading the text, click on the dropbox link to open a bigger version of the image.

Multiple choice enabled [even if it doesn't seem to always work on patreon]

This vote ends on June monday 26th



Stephen Wells

I love that each and every single one of those hot idiots has made just the worst possible decisions :) like, you had to invent a new world with its own laws of nature simply to enable decisions this bad.

Stephen Wells

You know, Inez and Danny would be SO hot together, they'd make a great rivals-with-benefits pairing, they've been hooking up since first year of Religious Murderer College.

Ignacio Segura Montero

The catholic school boy in me stirred very hard at Pietra there… I’ll pray to whatever is currently answering out there in GrimLewd to please let her win.


Am I the only one suspecting that the Templar and the thief are going to be driving down almost identical paths but perhaps in different appearing vehicles?

John Murray

Had a hard time with the text for the thief. I think the contrasting colors made it difficult to read.


I like them all, but the art for the Novice Templar is a step above the rest. That backlit hair is very innovative.


I’m so disappointed that Andrei is losing by such a big margin. His story seems pretty reminiscent of The Invitation and I loved it so much, I would love to see what else you could do with a corruption premise. Hopefully his story gets developed later on because I don’t know if I can let him go. Aah, I just wanna pull that beautiful hair so bad!

Dan Curtis

I fear what lewd grafting will look like if the Templar Danny wins.

Shawn K. Younkin

This is going to be awesome- are there going to be different races, like elves?


Bit of lore analysis, Danny, Inez and Pietra all share the same half circle symbol but Inez is the only one who doesn't feel define by it. The two other are "devoted" to this cult with tattoo and but Inez seem much more on her feet on that, might be due to her more witch hunter role where she remain pure to the influence.

Stephen Wells

Two of the characters have some lines in the region below their public Tiers, where the thief has their Secret Tier; Inez doesn't. One would suspect that the templar and the nun have some choices coming up... whereas the paladin is just a pure, straightforward, happy psychopath.


Yeah, it's all layed out beautifully with the previous post. Got a map and lore and everything. I'm so excited


Pietra and Andrei my beloved; I think they are the most interesting because one, I have a weak spot for nuns and two, it feels more like they are regular people that get caught into something dark as opposed to being 'powerful' like the other two. I also want to see Pietra's flashback to the Divine Corpse and just what terrible things she's seen.


Poor Inez! I admire her self-satisfaction at being a Righteous Monster, and I wanna see what she does for recreation!


I agree...i love the idea that he winds up using his "actor" class to pass as female as his corruption progresses.


Made my votes, but as always, I'm certain I'll be happy with whatever the results are


Hey incase, as you know there was a small but dedicated fan club for less humanoid looking waifus that we never got to properly see because the majority are into vanilla stuff like futanari demons (yes I'm being silly, I know that's not vanilla). We never got to see the bug girl and some other waifus in action due to the voting system. Would you pretty please with a cherry on top consider giving the waifus a goodbye by showing us the ones that never had a spotlight at least a dedicated lewd picture if not a few panels comic? Don't let the normies win, I know you're one of us!


I rather wish we could see all of them, honestly. I'm beyond excited for this new project.

Stephen Wells

Incase: I've had enough of generating waifus. Also Incase: here are even more, more detailed waifus :)

Stephen Wells

According to the listing she does paintings and makes wine in her spare time :) so we can file her in the "weirdly wholesome war criminals" waifu subcategory :) I bet the wine and the paintings are just terrible but she doesn't care, she's about the process rather than the outcome.


Sad that Orc might not get their round in Wifu Royal but putting my stock behind Danny.


The light effect in Danny's hair is cool. Does the carpet match the drapes?


Why vote for Danny? She's creepy.