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I will start uploading these character pieces to patron. I would like to have a place to expand/explain the image a bit.

Dropbox image link 

First piece taking place in the Imperial Colonies! A lovely place where even tainted humans can find gainful employment!

Imperial Colonies do not technically have a rule of law outside of the excavation sites. You can get away with a lot as long as you don't fuck around with the Empire's supply lines, don't block the roads and don't piss off any magistrates personally. 

Tainted, is one of the corruption stages. Bruk Bruk used to be fully human at some point. It goes: [True Human] -> [Human] -> [Tainted] -> [Corrupted] and so on. Havent figured out the other stage names. If there are any.

[Walking fortress]: is a merging of a martial and crafting path. In BB's case it was a [brawler] and [blacksmith]. Upon reaching level 20 with both, they merged and allowed for further growth. I'll make a post about specifics of paths and leveling later. 

[Walking Fortress] allows for on the fly creation of armor and weapons. BB can pick up almost any piece of metal and in seconds mold it and slap it on herself to continue beating the shit out of anybody who needs it.

I hope you like some extra lore!

Don't know what this is about? Check out the GrimLewd setting overview post 




I like the mechanic of leveling two separate paths to merge then into a new one. That's a pretty cool idea to suddenly drive character development

Stephen Wells

She totally ends up as a dragon eventually, doesn't she? ...presumably Walking Fortress has a non-metallic equivalent path, Brick Shithouse.


Naming development stages is always fun! Some random ideas to consider or not consider: abased/debased (maybe an early stage?), scoured (forcefully de-corrupted?), unravelled (no longer humanoid/meat fungus).


Oooh I like [unravelled] as a last stage! suggesting total decoupling from humanity. I shall steal that one

Ignacio Segura Montero

Loving all the GrimLewd stuff. Even the name is starting to grow on me.


Maybe the next stages are Inhuman - Monster - Horror - True Horror?


I love BB already. I hope they find that presumably-curious runaway, and he is very curious, indeed!


I love learning about the mechanics of leveling, so excited to learn more!


You are absolutely crushing it with the armor designs here :D


Ooooohhh compound classes?! This setting gets better and better 🤩


Walking fortress sounds like an awesome class to play


That is a scary idea. Fighter who can make their own armor... Sheesh


Cant wait for 3 years from now when you release the 5th edition/pathfinder supplement with all this in it for me to run games with at home.


Ooo. This is super cool. So if you get two classes to level 20 do they automatically fuse or is it a choice one has to make to reach higher levels but having to accept the corruption to reach those higher levels?


I'm a bit worried about what the cook levels mean for this character

Shawn K. Younkin

I am so excited about this story arc, storyline. It's so cool!!


I love bb and hope we can see them smooching someone ^.^


I love lore, and am looking forward to more of this setting. Are you gonna make a game from this?

Wild Bill

Does that armour come off, or is it attached? And if it does come off, how twisted is "Tainted" underneath?


Imperial Colonies remind me of the New World Colonies from Warhammer Fantasy, except instead of big lizards and terrible jungles it's corruption and other shenanigans. I imagine many people dread being stationed this far out.


Fucking awesome! Hopefully leads to some awesome fucking!

Jim Sharkey

I am really digging these character designs so far.

Stephen Wells

Apparently everyone is allowed a hobby. The happy inquisitor has a couple of tiers of Painter and Winemaker, so it's quite possible that this terrifying walking fortress of doom also makes a decent ratatouille.

Stephen Wells

In 5e D&D you'd have to be a multiclass Artificer/Forge Cleric... that could work.


I'm so incredibly excited for this!

Stephen Wells

Well, she's got a massive draconic tail and clawed feet, so she's probably still a vertebrate, but we left Human behind a while ago...

Joshua Wolfe

I'm guessing that's not paint on her armor.


Her feet are so damn cute