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Welcome to GrimLewd [name pending]!

It is the year 721 AG.

The world is somehow still here . Corruption is slowly spreading everywhere. The Divine Corpse is still mercifully dead. The [Fornicators], [Crooks], and [Cult leaders] of the world rejoice as the shifting of the Path allows them the grow their powers in secret. 

The Gods are still hiding up in the heavens, too terrified of what they've created to come back down.

All in all, it's an interesting time to be alive. Human or otherwise.


GrimLewd is a LitRPG fantasy setting attempting to marry together GrimDark fantasy and Porn. Hopefully elevating both in the process.

What is a LitRPG? It's a type of fantasy setting where characters, in universe, gain levels, classes and abilities, like in a video game. It's not an actual game you could play. It's just an introduction of certain gamey elements into a literary setting to make it more fun.

The world itself is an early renessaince period dark fantasy type place, filled with warring human kingdoms, crazy magical corruption, evil magicks, terrible monsters and the like.

Magic is powerful but uncommon, armies fight with mostly medieval weaponry, but gunpowder is being introduced slowly. Most of the world is at least somewhat explored but there are still lands untouched by humans. Many ancient treasures and dangers to be found.

Gods exist and used to take an active role in the shaping of the world. They haven't been heard from for centuries giving raise to a lot of new and weird religions.

Major features of the world:

The Path:

Millenia ago, Gods took pity on primitive humanity, struggling to survive in a dark and dangerous world. They created the Path. A grand, semi sentient piece of magic that interfaces directly with humans, enabling them to gain superhuman resilience and abilities through the leveling and class system.

Over time, as humanity grew beyond what Gods predicted, the Path grew with them. Eventually becoming too complex for even the Gods to understand. Nowdays nobody knows that the Path wants, or if it even has it's own goals.

Nobody is in charge anymore! Gods no longer visit the human realm out of fear of the Path and it's creations.

Corruped levels and classes

One of the ways the Path strayed in it's original purpose is offering corrupted levels. Nobody knows what the requirements are, but sometimes, unlucky (or lucky) sentients get offered a choice.

Continue as you are or risk yourself to become more. 

A new, unique class? Extra limbs? Utter insanity?  The Path can take you into many wonderful places if you chose to walk it. 

Secret Classes:

In the year 700 AG the path shifted and expanded. Up till then, the only [classes] offered to people were straightforward. [Blacksmith], [Soldier] ,[Scholar] and the like. You can tell everything you needed to know about a man just by looking at his [status]. Things were simple that way.

No more! The Path started offering people... Secret classes. Of the more fun variety.

[Fornicators], [Spies], [Cult leaders], [Sadists], [Degenerates], [Crooks] and the like rejoice! Finally there is a way to gain true power that are more... Interesing. And impossible to detect in any way. Nobody has to know!

Is your neighbour looking suspiciously healthy despite her age due to good breeding and healthy habits? Or is it because she's getting buffs from her secret [Tier 19 Adulteress] class?  You decide!

The Divine Corpse:

721 years ago a God fell from the sky, crushing many kingdoms under it's bulk. Or so some people believe. Whether the divine corpse is actually a true God, or some other being is still hotly disputed.

A crusade or two once every century seems to settle the issue only temporarily.

Since then, kingdoms rose and fell by their ability to capitalise on the highly magical tissues found inside the depths of the Corpse.

And by their ability to defend themselves from the corruption radiating out of the big dead lug.

Magic Corruption:

The only truly safe way to engage with magic is through the Path. Any other way exposes you to magical corruption. Your soul and body twisting in unpredictable ways over time.

Humans used to be the only sentient beings around. In the millenia since, many other races spawned out of humanity. Goat men! Demonlings! Slug people maybe? Sexy ghosts? A tentacle monster or two?

There aren't that many True Humans left.


Rather than try to develop a whole world, I'll focus on a small portion of it for now. The areas immiedeately surrounding the Divine Corpse:

Current map version 0.1. To be greatly revised and improved later.

As you can see much of the area is still underdeveloped. Both geologicly and politicly. I do have some broad ideas for some of it though:


Last bastion of True Humans. A kingdom ran by religious zealots trying to maintain human purity. They worship the Divine Corpse and jealously guard their access to it. Only the high ranking members of the church are allowed to delve inside of it.

The inquisition makes sure that any sign of corruption is swiftly, and brutally dealt with.

The borders are protected by the [Templars]. They are high tier true human warriors clad in powerful armor made out of God's tissue and bone.

The Spill:

Despite being dead, the Great Corpse still bleeds from it's wounds. The blood washes over the land corrupting it. Many strange people and creatures chose to make their home in the Spill.

The tides of blood decide how passable the land is. Sometimes, during historicly low tides, Verakost templars venture into the spill to "purify" the natives a bit.

The blood washes out into the sea creating it's own set of... Problems and opportunities. Being a [fisherman] around these parts is a very dangerous occupation.

Imperial colonies:

In the year 491 AG, The great Azure empire conquered and colonised the squabbling princedoms occupying the lands around the fallen Titan. Their only goal is extracting highly valuable materials from the Big Dead Fuck.

Since then The colonies became a dumping ground for the empire's criminals, disgraced nobles, and vaious elements deemed unfit for the Grand Empire. As long as the divine materials continue being mined and exported the empire doesn't care about how the place is run.

It is the best place in the world for a desperate adventurer to become rich... Or die horribly. It's a matter of luck for the most part.

The Whore Queen's island:

In 700 AG a certain industrious young woman recieved a sex related [secret class]. Since then she's been **very** busy leveling up and securing her power base.

In 718 AG she became one of the highest leveled humans alive.

In 721 AG she managed to take over an island off the coast and start a new kingdom of her own. 

It's a very recent and controversial development. Few political bodies in the world recognise her little kingdom as legitimate.

She intends to show them them how grave of an error that is.

Old kingdom:

Undecided. Some sort of kingdom living in ruins of a vastly more powerful ancient civilisation? Elves? some sort of water based nation?

Big hole in ground leaks magic radiation making scary monsters?

Bigfoot? No idea. 


Another question mark. Some sort of wildlands, with magicly corrupted beastmen roaming about? 

That's it for the broad overview of the GrimLewd setting! I have many more specific ideas for the nature of magic, and all that boring bullshit BUT I didn't want to make this post too long. 

I will be updating this post as I solidify more details of the setting. 

Let me know what you think!




This is so horny, I'm so horny for this oh god


This is a solid start, and I read a lot of fantasy.


I am indiscriminately excited about everything in this project. BRING ON THE SLUTS, FREAKS, AND BLOOD CULTS! I'M READY!


Oh fuck, this looks excellent! I love LitRPGs, and a lewd, high-quality type adventure from you is extremely exciting.

Jackie Gibson

From my experience all great fantasy worlds have that one high level area where demons and evil things periodically spill out, but obviously it's up to you if you want that I'm still super excited!


this gets me so hyped up. I love the idea of the divine corpse and how it affects the setting. Really cool that you have a main empire and colonies that are not seperated by empty distance like sea or desert but something new and interesting that you can fill with content. This is great worldbuilding.


This sounds amazing. It feels like the Spinelands should be a forest that has run rampant and wild. A dangerous place no one goes. No one tames those lands.


I'm throwing my lot in with the whore queen


Wow u've been at least for a bit I see. Even got lands and history in there. Looking forward to more 😉


Never gotten into LitRPGs, but I see a wealth of potential, and I'm here for it!


Dont have time to read all rn, but will. Sounds amazing so far!


I'm very interested to see what the magic system details are like. The nitty-gritty of magic has always been the most interesting to me. The ways it can be described and visualized. Magic is definitely something I wish was real, if only so we could define it with science.


This sounds incredible and amazing and I can't wait to learn more about it. I've done some world building while playing D&D in the past and know just how exciting it can be to make the whole world at once. My only recommendation would be to resist that urge. Let the 'Empire' (or whatever) just be something you'll define later. Focus on the parts that you want to play with and establish new world lore when and if its appropriate/fun.


This looks like a lot of fun!


OOOOH! A Lit RPG by the great Incase! I can't wait to get a read of this!


OooooooOoooOooooOOoooOOOOOOOOHHHH!! I am SO here for this 🤩


Pretty excited for this. Depending on how far the worldbuilding gets (though i expect pretty far) it would be cool to collect everything and publish it for people to use in their own ttrpgs. I'd totally run a grimlewd campaign

Liam Borja


Liam Borja

But seriously, I love it, lots to see, lots to play with while having like a general bit of structure to story. Sounds like fun times.


Sounds HYPE AS FUCK! Any chance for dragon/dragon-esque folks? I ALWAYS love me a beefy dragon-lady!


Hell yeah, excited! I hope we get to see some more things like those shortstack demon satyrs you did that one time :D


Very excited to see where this goes!


Sounds very interesting. I use Savage Worlds as my favorite RPG system. So both magic and "weird science" are already both in it. Mutations maybe a bit more challeging, but I want to read more first. Very excited. My RPG group likes kinky stuff. Thanks for sharing.


Fuck yes! Sounds amazing!

Kryptik Cobbler

I am super excited about this! Grimdark and lewd is my favorite "genre" blend. I'll always love Alfie (and your other works of course) but now one of my top artists is creating content in my preferred type of setting. This is awesome!


This is wicked! I love it


I love the idea. Would back kickstarter.


Would definitely back the Kickstarter, and would ESPECIALLY back the Kickstarter if there was a Savage Worlds adaptation.

Joshua Wolfe

The Path enhances the individual's capabilities and overall fitness. The sample images suggest that the Path abilities offer characters new traits as they level up. Does the Path also give individuals special techniques, like feats of amazing skill or supernatural power? Could a Fighter gain a sword strike that can slice through a tree? Could a Thief gain the ability to literally disappear into the shadows? Can a high level Farmer get his crops to grow faster?


I'd play this. It sounds amazing, whether as a conventional digital TTRPG setting, or merely visual fiction. Heck, if you went all the way and made this into a game on Steam, I'd buy it.


Looking forward to whatever comes of this setting. Very interesting!


Both the fallen god corpse and the path are great world building features, looking forward what comes out of here.


I am extremely excited about this project.


This is AMAZING!!! The inner GM in me is squealing


Big Kaiju Hole?


This world you're building looks very cool. Have you ever played Microscope: A Fractal Role-playing Game of Epic Histories? I would love to play it for fleshing out (heheh) your grimdark world. I look forward to seeing what you do with this interesting world and cool classes and characters. I've always enjoyed your style and your writing. Will this be instead of finishing The Invitation? I'm super-curious to see chapter 3. It was one of the most horrifying things I've been aroused by Or most arousing thing I've been horrified by... Whatever you draw, I will be sticking around.

CM Apocalyptic Banana

Dungeon Masterpiece does a few nice videos about geopolitics by analysing Faerun and the likes. And Artifexian has a lot of cool videos about climates, tectonics, biomes, minerals and the likes which also would influence how a map is made. I don't know how many sort of climates one is planning to visit, but the more exotic the more difficult it might be to put them within realistic reach. Right now with the amount of water around this looks like a Mediterranean subtropical or temperate setting. But maybe there are magical forcefields and ancient enhancements on certain lands that keeps lands nearby artificially cold/hot/dry/wet.


This is a really interesting setup. Definitely want to write something like that.

Matthias Urlichs

Very interesting idea. We need worlds out there where sex is … well, just a part of the world, i.e. neither ignored nor the one-dimensional reason for its existence. That being said, please clean up your "its" vs. "it's" grammar errors. They're … grating,




It would be cool to see beast people that recognize people more than beasts in some way, like there were mutated in some way. Not like cat ears but like having half their head being a dog head that mashes with a human head, have some body horror with it I think.

Grendel's Stepmother

This reminds me a lot of the rule set for the old Cyberpunk RPG. Especially the part about secret classes. The stuff from InCase reads like the game rules concerning cyborgs and how they can get advancements, and the dangers that go along with it.

Tobias Apples

This is awesome. Jazzed for this! So glad I chose to back you.


Wish I knew about this concept sooner. It's late as hell, but I always wanted to spin the "succubus siphons away hero's levels" on it's head with them never dying or becoming helpless because they're gaining levels in [Cum Pump].


How does one level up with this system? regular fighting? or fornicating as well? is it [Path] based?


I’m so glad I came back to your patreon, IC! I absolutely love this. There’s a really great Indie Switch game in here if you decide it needs to be more than a comic (wink wink, nudge nudge)

Drew Qualls

This setting looks like a lot of fun! I can't wait to see more