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Long story short, over the next couple of months, I'll be winding down the Waifu Royale project and replacing it with a LitRPG... thing. Details of said thing will be discused later.

In practice, it means that I won't be drawing any more new SFW waifus,  BUT we'll still have a bunch of Waifu Royale votes. I am not sure how many exactly, but we'll have at least one every week until the end of july. They will be replaced with LitRPG related votes, so we'll have a vote a week either way.

I will also be finishing up and expanding the "Midlife Crisis" story. With input from your votes of course.  I am not letting that one die on the vine. The disaster lesbians need a proper conclustion!

Why am I making this change? A couple of reasons:

- I am just bored of drawing the waifus. I drew 54 of them over the last ten months. I am ready for a change of pace.

- I am intrigued by how combining simple pinups and weekly polls can actually lead to interesting stories. I want to take what I've learned about community driven storytelling and apply it more deliberately.

- I want to challenge myself a bit more and the waifus were designed to be as easy to do as possible. The next project is going to be more difficult and force me to put more effort in.

I am giving a heads up a couple of months in advance to give you guys time to adjust your pledges. I don't like sudden changes to patreons I support. If you have an annual subscription I am happy to give a refund. Partial refunds for annual subs are a thing on patreon. Just send me a message, I'll do it no questions asked.

Now, let's get to the new project:

PROJECT GRIMLEWD [name pending]

Over the next couple of months I am going to be developing a GrimDark LitRPG world/setting of a yet undetermined name. 

What is a LitRPG? It's a type of fantasy setting where characters, in universe, gain levels, classes and abilities, like in a video game. It's not an actual game you could play. It's just an introduction of certain gamey elements into a literary setting to make it more fun.

The goal is to develop a fun setting that is able to accomodate both pornographic and more serious stories. Over the years, I've been thinking a lot about how to combine porn and plot properly. Both "Alfie" and "The Invitation" are my two more serious approaches to answering that question. Looks like this project will be the third!

I love the idea of a porn'ish LitRPG setting, but I've never seen it done in a way that tries to respect both sides of the equation. The lewd enhances the fantasy. The fantasy enhances the lewd. It's a beautiful closed circle.

In structure, it'll be similiar to the Waifu Royale. I'll be drawing [mostly] SFW character or location illustrations that contain tidbits of lore and worldbuilding. Every week 5$ patrons will vote on how to expand those illustrations into more NSFW territories.

I honestly don't know what this project will develop into. But I think that it should be fun along the way!

I'll talk about the specifics of the setting in a different post tomorrow. I want to have a separate, publicly availible document that I could link to explain the world quickly.

Here's some sample illustrations I've already drawn:

Dropbox link 

DropBox link 

Dropbox link 

Let me know what you think!




Sounds amazing and I will love to see this, and if you feel the urge to do more Waifu Royale, I'll enjoy that as well.

Kit H.

I’ll miss the waifus but this sounds like an amazing and enjoyable project. In the end, dude, this is what you want it to be. Follow your interest and let’s see where it takes us.


I'm interested and No. That name doesn't work.

Jackie Gibson

I'm curious to see what fantasy world you're building, is it high fantasy where we got fairies and elves, or more like dark fantasy where everything is horrible with rampant demons and monsters. Either way I'll support you trying to blend things you enjoy. ♥️

Carlos Cuenca

so theres no new waifus but theres still gonna be lewds with the remaining waifus right?

Lee Thompson

Wow, for years I've wondered wtf LitRPG is and now it's finally explained!


The Invitation is one of the best works ive ever read, so if this is going to be anything like that (demons, lewd..) then I’m totally psyched


Ooo. This sounds very interesting. Can't wait to learn more. Also very happy and excited to hear that you are going to continue Midlife Crisis. Love those girls and very interested to see where that story goes.


I am seriously excited for this!


Looking forward to it!


I was here for Alfie and while the waifus are skillful illustrations, they aren't really my thing. I was thinking I would lose interest after the end of Alfie but I am curious about this and I will stick around to see how that turns out. This has me wondering if you are a ttrpg player.


You're the very definition of "I watch porn for the plot". Seriously I love your stories and the porn is just the cherry (popped cherry?) on top.

John Murray

Based on what you've shown, it should be interesting. I'm here to support YOU, as you should be compensated for delivering quality art. You're one of the best I've experienced, porn or not. I'll be sticking around.


This is very much my jam, can't wait!


Super stoked to hear it. Some of my favorites of your work are the one that have an even balance between adult content and normal drama. Really looking forward to what you come up with.

Shawn K. Younkin

This is going to be really interesting!! Can't wait to see how it turns out.


The new project looks interesting.....something tells me that thief ain't gonna be able to be considered human for much longer. A question though...does this mean I must abandon hope for my bug waifu? I'm still all hoping she'll finally get her turn one of these days.


Genuinely in love with the little sprinklings of lore in these few pictures. And the different ideas it causes to swim through my head. As a big fan of LitRPG's and a long time fan of Alfie, I am really excited to see what you put together 🤩🙏💜


This sounds really cool! Excited to see whats next 💖


The Invitation is still my favorite of your works even after all the amazing work you've done. If this is in the same vein or similar goal I say, I'm all in. You have a beautiful way of writing and drawing corruption. With these three images I get the idea that corruption will be a very big theme in this story and I am super excited. Believe it or not I am here for the Porn and the Plot so super excited to see you go in this new direction and for you to follow your passion.

Call Me ET

Looking forward to seeing what this turns into. I'm a big fan of the Warhammer setting for Grimdark, so you going that direction is great. I guess I was also hoping for commissions to open in the future, but I know you're way too busy for that, so I can only wish you the best of luck in this.


This sounds very exciting, I love your art and I’m excited to see what new stories you tell


I am READY for this! The Invitation was one my top two favorites of your work and I like seeing elements here. Can't wait!

Stephen Wells

From our point of view this seems like a very natural evolution of the Waifu project; we've learned that you are literally unable to draw hot people without generating plot around them :) Also Inez looks like an absolute delight - the sort of cheerful war criminal that fantasy settings are so good for :) I once built a 5e D&D character on very similar lines; she thought she was a Paladin but was actually Paladin 2/Warlock X, when she thought she was taking her Paladin oath she was actually making the Pact of the Blade. She ended up as an NPC in another campaign and the party managed the wedding when she married her succubus girlfriend :) :)

Stephen Wells

If Incase stops adding new waifus there should be time to enlewd all of the currently existing ones :)


Excellent message. Really informative and detailed. I truly enjoy hearing your genuine thoughts & reasons for what you do. I'll always support this and you.


Really excited for this project, looks extremely fun with lots of possibilities to branch out to.


This looks awesome, I really enjoyed your take on eldridge horror with the invitation. This looks like it's going to be reminiscent of that so colour me excited!


Looking forward to your new direction!


so hyped looks sick af