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Salutations everyone!

I'm afraid that for a few reasons I haven't been able to finish v10.5 enough to get it ready for release on Friday. Some of them are personal family matters but others are connected to how releases work.

When doing a release it means:
Finishing the writing for scenes
Finding and converting images
Converting loose written files into actual scenes & cleaning stuff up
Testing the implemented stuff
Testing everything else that the implemented stuff interacts with to make sure there's no overarching bugs
Working on any bugs / mobile issues found since the last release
And unique to Anomaly's older engine, adding to the nest of switch statements to make sure events appear properly.

Many of these phases are easier for me personally to do in bulk, so for example doing two releases with 5 scenes is more work than a single release with 10 scenes.

In short where I currently am I'd rather keep writing new stuff and work on the implementation step later for v11. Since this update'll focus on wrapping up Anomaly I want to pack in as many of the ideas I want to work on as possible.

As always sorry for slow nature of me posting. When deadlines approach I can often shut myself off from the world and go into a self-inflicted crunch mode (especially since most of the post-worthy stuff is at the end of the development process), but that's super unhealthy! Maybe there's something about me that makes it hard to be social and be productive on the same days, it seems like an either/or situation, which sucks because I'm both a dev and my own pr guy. I should read up on the issue. This is probably just me getting anxietical about nothing though.

In any case I'll get back to writing now, take care! Anomaly v11 releases on the 30th, including the new missions and scenes!

PS messages on patreon haven't been getting through in a few cases. If you've been messaging me on here and I haven't responded send another, in one case that worked but in another the patron had to email me. Remember I can always be contacted at noodlejacuzzi@gmail.com or on the discord server!


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