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Hey guys

I got pretty sick the other day and it's been slowing me down a lot. Been trying to work through it hoping I'd be late by just a day, but it's enough I've been passing out in my chair

Not sure whats up I'm gonna rest and see a doctor if it gets any worse, but I probably just need rest (and a break from the heat too, my stupid AC even when its on I'll get to 95)

I'm pretty close but given that ive got two missions to implement and test in addition to other scenes i'm still a bit away from the finish line, It'll only take a day or two once I'm better

image list, most of which still need to be converted and stuff

Lots of lines (just scenario stuff, doesn't include the endings for the mirror or the dark vault scenes)

Normally I stick to charging only once a month, but in this specific circumstance I'll charge when I finish Anomaly in a few days and another time at the end of August as to be honest I really need the muns. Probably should have bitten off far less but such is life. So basically august plan is:

Wrap up anomaly
Write some rainy dayz
And a university update alongside crypto

Take care everybody, I'll post again in a bit with anomaly v11


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