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Salutations researchers! I said in my last message I'd do Anomaly or melt trying, So, I am here today, partially melted, to present you with:

Anomaly Vault v10!

Play it online here: https://noodlejacuzzi.github.io/Anomaly%20Vault/Anomaly%20Vault.html 

Or the mobile version: https://noodlejacuzzi.github.io/Anomaly%20Vault/Anomaly%20Vault%20Mobile.html 

Download it here:

 If you've already got v9 installed, just download the v9 to v10 upgrade pack in here:

A few typos were found by OrangeMaestro and Eintei and fixed. The fixes will be in 10.5 but you can download the fixes here if you like:
Just put it into the Anomaly Vault/scripts folder.

Here's a list to the post containing all the game's cheat codes. Please give this link to anyone who's asking for codes. Also contains the Free ___ Sign's scenelist if you're stuck on that. https://www.patreon.com/posts/33013457 

--- New Content:
- New Artifact: Appreciation Perfume, An F/F focused artifact
- New Scene for the Alternate Reality Mirror written by CryptoGreek
- New Scene for the Erotibox (finish researching the Appreciation Perfume to unlock)

--- Bugfixes and Typos:
- Fixed a number of typos found by Master of Puppets and OrangeMaestro. Thanks!
- The load from file option is still not working on mobile, I found a kink I need to work out.

--- Other Changes:
- None at the moment!

As I mentioned in the last post and moaned about on discord, my AC went out at the start of the month so I had to endure the absolutely ridiculous heat, my noodle is fried. Thus a bunch of stuff is written, but wasn't able to be implemented in time:

I intend to add these all soon, quite soon in fact! My goal is to wrap up Anomaly and set it down feeling complete. Thus next month will have two Anomaly releases. v10.5 on the 16th to include everything I couldn't finish here, and v11 the 30th focusing on a final mission taking over the vault. In the meantime please let me know if you have any requests or suggestions! With many games I need to narrow my focus for the future so that it feels like Anomaly is left feeling nice and complete.

After v11 I'll focus on and wrap up Rainy DayZ, and then split myself between Hentai University and Human Alteration App for the foreseeable future. Future planning!

With that said I hope you enjoy. Much of my writing was done while completely baked (not in the fun way) in a room that felt like an oven, or at a public library where I couldn't quickly review the images I was using for what I hope are obvious reasons. Please don't hesitate to let me know if something is broken or missing! While I do intend to continue searching for another suggestion box service, until I do you can give anonymous suggestions here: http://freesuggestionbox.com/pub/axblnfu 

And with that said, I'd love to hear what your favorite artifacts are. For now I'll do a poll on the main artifacts, and do the dark vault artifacts in another poll since I still have one or two left to implement. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy the game!


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