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And suggestion responses below since most of them were about v16 anyways.

Salutations, it's time for Hentai University v16d!

Play it online here: https://noodlejacuzzi.github.io/Hentai%20University/Hentai%20University.html
And the mobile version: https://noodlejacuzzi.github.io/Hentai%20University/Hentai%20University%20Mobile.html

v16 had some issues, most notably lily would reset Sofia instead of Charlotte, and Victoria would say Sofia was finished based on Cassandra's progress. Then more bugfixes to fix typos and mislabeled text, as I'd like this to be a very polished release. Thus I've got for you here v16d, hopefully bug-free:
Hentai University V16d Download:

If you've already got v15 installed, you should just be able to just download this upgrade pack to update to v16d:

And for just the 16d hotfixes:

Sorry about all the trouble! I hope this'll be the last fix but who knows, we could go all the way to 16z!
That was a joke! ... I hope.

--- New Content:
- New characters: Charlotte and her team of athletes Bianca, Aiko, Lansley, and Casey
- Victoria now has three full routes after corrupting the entire PTSA
- Tia's B-Route focused around not hypnotizing her is now complete
- Cassandra has a repeatable scene in the dream beach and dream casino
- Madison has more scenes after her corruption
- Evelyn has another scene as a streetwalker after dosing her a second time
- Gou now has an ending and epilogue, featuring scenes for Sam, Ash, and Meph
- Meph now has an ending and epilogue, featuring scenes for Sam, Ash, Gou, and his receptionist

--- Typos and Bugfixes:
- Outdated reward texts should no longer trigger
- Evelyn's street encounter will now appear on the map
- Numerous typos fixed
- A list of bughunters has been added to the credits. If you find a bug and want in on the list, or I forgot to shout you out, or if you'd like off the list, let me know anytime!

--- Other Changes:
- New cheat: mega easy - This streamlines gameplay by a lot, and increases your stats and money
- Victoria now has a checklist of PTSA members in case you're missing one
- Additional transparent images for the Persona and Royalty styles for characters like Madison and Ella
- Added functionality for alternate button colors, will add to the mod tutorial later
- After completing a character they have a new frame, with a white border and a crown to denote their completed status
- The phone and logbooks are now sorted alphabetically
- Important messages are given priority on the phone contact list
- Additional reminders each day if you have unread important messages
- The Cafeteria has been removed
- Additional books can be found in the library to increase skills or change visual styles
- A link to the suggestion box was added to the credits
- You can now pass the time on the map screen
- The university map has been removed, now there's just a University 1F and University 2F buttons.
- The money from paperwork has been increased
- You can now reset Tia to get her alternate route
- You can now reset Justine if you locked yourself off of her content

Mark Twain once said "If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter."

Well, if I had more time, I would have written a longer game. I didn't have the time to do everything I wanted, notably the potion route and mobile style polishing, but I'm still pretty happy with the state of v16.

This is meant to be a capstone release, the game is officially on hiatus, but given my track record I expect to find some critical bug hours after posting this and I'll have to scramble to try and fix everything. Oh well!

Crypto's been dealing with a lot as well, so when they're ready I'll have a shorter v17 for you all to finish up their characters, but for now I'm washing my hands of university to try and work through my backlog. Thank you for your support so far! I could've dripped out this release for months, but I wanted to do something big before I close this book for a while. I really hope you enjoy, I'll be doing a year-end review later where I talk more about this game, and this year.

To obtain all the new content:
- For Tia's B-Route, don't hypnotize her after going on dates. If you already have Lily can undo that for you.
- Madison, Cassandra, and Evelyn's new content is just a little extra where they once left off.
- For Gou, you need to have corrupted either Sam or Ash.
- For Meph, go on dates until a special event plays.
- For Charlotte, start the PTSA questline and team up with Cassandra, Gou, or Lily to hypnotize her and her crew. Each character has a different scene if you lewd them last, if anyone but charlotte is last it can lead to her ending.
- For all of victoria's routes, you first need to corrupt or make absent every member of the PTSA. For the blackmail route you need to work with Lisa to set up a backdoor in the computers, then work with Madison to find the blackmail material. If you don't have the support of every member of the PTSA (like if you dosed Evelyn a second time) you'll get caught and fail.
- For her subtle route, you need to hypnotize Lisa by staying after work, then bring Victoria around the school to see lewd goings-on.
- For the porno route you need to use common sense manipulation on Victoria and Lisa after corrupting Charlotte, bring up the idea of a porno up to Lana & Andrea, then bring Victoria to the porn shoot.

Phew! Hopefully I made your 2020 a little better. Next up are the suggestions for the month of december:

--- Hentai University

Even if the game goes on forever there will hit a point where you exhaust all unique content. My personal preference is that when you reach that point in an h-game the game should be finished. I'll frankly never be able to exhaust all the ideas I have for university (I have in the ballpark of 20 other characters I've ideacrafted) but I'd also like to work on other games and avoid burnout.

While I agree that those areas are underexplored, adding more locations seems like it would worsen that problem?

Thanks for your feedback again, glad you enjoyed the game!

It would. Now that v16 is finished I'll do a character poll as an excuse to cover every character.

Yep, with this update! Demonizing characters was always meant to interact with Gou and Meph's endings.

On the discord a helpful person by the name of FanaticGamingSheep wrote a flowchart for v13, if that helps. All content should be available on a single save too I think, so long as you reset certain characters at the midnight bliss shop to get alternate routes.

Never! Introduced in v2, you really think I'd give you content only in v16?! Wait a reasonable amount of time, like v102!

Thanks! I do check the boxes regularly, this was a nice message to read as I was writing... I wanna say the gaslighting ending? I think that's what I did on the 26th.

Maybe someday. I don't think I've written very much lez content.

Responding to this suggestion delayed v16, if only by a little.

I release things when they're done. Usually I'm still in a rush anyways, if the number of hotfixes I've had to do is any indication. I appreciate your guys's patience.

--- Anomaly Vault

Seems cool! Something like that would be an area of player self expression like the FREE ___ Sign, although the rules would be more complex than a single word, so that could be troublesome.

Wait, isn't this just what the truth serum does?

This feels like an artifact that would desire very specific images, and it wouldn't be very obvious as to what fetishes it exactly entails. Thus I think it's a little too open-ended, but I'm not sure which direction I would narrow it down in. Still, it's a suggestion with a lot of character. Thanks!

These have some overlap so I'll group them together. These are also very open-ended, no specific examples pop out to me when I try to imagine scenes as it feels like the suggestions you gave overlap with some other artifacts, and it'd be hard to give players an idea of what content they'd give from researching them. Still, if I happen to be writing an AV update around christmas this would probably fit right in. Thank you for the suggestion!

Really? I feel like the current cast isn't explored enough, to be honest. Maybe a third character at work would be nice though.

--- Rainy DayZ

I believe I fixed this in the online version as it's easier to push updates there, but since this bug doesn't block anything off I'm okay to wait until the next update to fix in downloaded versions. Thanks for letting me know though.



When studying hypnotism in the library, my score for hacking is increased rather than for hypnotism. The other two work perfectly, but this is making it difficult to progress my hypnotism score.


Thanks, I've fixed that and the book should give the correct stat. The highest hypnosis requirement is 3, and Cassandra alone gives you enough for that. There's also a textbook in the store and Justine has a potion that'll raise the stat as well. Finally, the nuclear option cheat code will raise your stats.


I have a idea : Nikki Hunt she sends you a text message so that you go to the library at noon to you see something, but writes so that you don't interfere, you only watch, in the library you will see how Nikki Hunt licking pussy Evelyn Weber when Nikki finishes, she sends you a text message about whether you liked the show