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Hey all, this month with be pretty chill. Hentai University v16, and cleanup afterwards, combined with real life shananigannery has left me a little drained. My releases have been creeping up in scope too, so this month'll just be a release of Anomaly Vault on the 22nd, and after that I'll chug away at human alteration app for next month. 

I had a lovely birthday on the 9th, last year I did a double release of university and anomaly to celebrate but this time I celebrated with a short break. Still, I've got a hunger to type up some code, so I look forwards to tackling these upcoming months.

With that out of the way... Badadadada, now for the year's end review! Just a quick overview of the state of my games over the course of 2020. Soon I'll be polling patrons asking which of my games you guys support me for, there won't be any actual content behind that wall so no need to subscribe just to vote on it.  Anyways, without further ado!

--- Hentai University

Releases in 2020: ~13

Characters added in 2020 (including characters who only got actual content after v5): Anri, Justine, Cassandra & Emma, Sienna, Madison, Ash, Sofia, Lily, Nikki, Evelyn, Olivia, Ella, Daniela, Charlotte & her team, Zoe, Amy, Naomi, Kelsey, and Vanessa.

Existing characters finished in 2020: Emily, Mary & Margaret, Sam, Tia, Gou, Anna & Lena, and Victoria & Lisa.

Man, this game grew like a damp spot on a slut's underwear, almost every month had a release, some had two! I think I bit off way more than I should have with the PTSA, the game overall ate up a ton of my everyday schedule. V5 released on November 30th of last year, it introduced Gou to the roster. A lot of engine work has been done since then!

Still, the way the images laid out a plot for me to follow, and the plans being set up for the ptsa way in advance meant the work was really fun to do. I expected to be completely burnt out on the game after v16 but nah, my brain keeps coming up with more. 

I don't have a schedule of any kind for when more might be coming though. Crypto's working on content for Steph and Reese so you'll see a v17 when they are finished, but I myself am done with the game for now. Feel free to offer suggestions or what you hope I focus on when I come back. I could do more characters, flesh out Justine's potion stuff, add more characters / routes to the ptsa, or do something totally new!

--- Anomaly Vault

Releases in 2020: 5

Artifacts added: Chaddicus Shades, Truth Serum, Bimbo Dust, Free ___ Sign, Nymph Mirror, ErotiVHS Player, Domino PMV, CEO's Pass, and the Reproachive Charm.

This game's gotten harder over time to write about and write for. Don't get me wrong I love the concept but every time I tackle the idea of 'well what do I actually do with all this', I come up blank. It's nice to have a game where I'm not bound by a larger overarching plan but too much freedom leaves no direction. 

I think I need to buckle down and think of ideas that're more outside the box. The mirror, the sign, and the erotibox play different from the usual affair mechanically and spark that jazz in me, maybe I need more like them to really put that pep in my step? 

Still, I do have plenty of ideas and unexplored plot threads to weave with. I have plans for the librarian, and a lot of endings to write, so I hope you'll enjoy! I can't believe there were only 5 updates in 2020, that feels crazy to me!

--- Bitch Medicenter

Releases in 2020: 1

Cases added: All of them, except the base Adriana and Kylie cases (and even those had to be touched up)

Going from a demo to a full game in a month was pretty exhausting, but as I look at the finished product I think it was all worth it. Though, in retrospect, it would have been smarter to spend that month on human alteration app. Curse my unfocused brain!

I really wanna invite guest writers to do a sequel, or maybe some sort of contest? Or comission work? I think the sky's the limit, really, barring my social anxiety of course. 

Still, Bitch Medicenter 2 will have to stay as an unorganized mess in my note app until my schedule clears up something fierce.

--- Rainy DayZ

Releases in 2020: ~5

Scenarios added: 3 (The Facility, Spread Island, Scarlet Mansion)

Scenes added: 55

The comfort food of the games I make, it's really fun to write for this as it's tailor-made to hit my personal likes.

From a business point of view it's not great for me to focus on this game, there are a lot of things holding it back like the fact it shares the name with a Ja Rule song, which is a bigger deal than you probably think, and despite the amount of time it's been around bitch medicenter has almost overtaken it in popularity with a single release. The themes and fetishes it explores are... Niche, which could get me in trouble here on patreon too.

Still! I make games because it's fun! If I wanted a boring job, I'd be an accountant, and rainy dayZ is very fun to make! I'll keep writing for it, or make new games with similar themes, whenever I need to remember why I need to remember why I started as a game dev.

To be honest I'm not sure if I can meet expectations with typhoid mary though, I keep bouncing back and forth between a new more dominant focus and the sub-vibe the first three scenarios focus on. And I wanna do all the ideas I've already written for scarlet mansion, there's still a lot left on this plate!

--- Human Alteration App

Releases in 2020: 0?!

Scenes 'added': 20

Oof. Well, one game had to get the short end of the stick. Maybe I shouldn't have announced it when I did? I really wasn't expecting to get as sick as I did. But at least the time I've already spent on it will pay off in the long run. My goal still remains to polish and better hit the ideals and goals I had when I came up with the concept.

Man, if only I could just put what's in my head directly into the code right now, I'm sure it'd knock your socks off. I appreciate all your patience on this front! I'm not sure if I'll write new scenes and put them onto the gallery, or wait and focus on getting out a playable v1.1 asap

Also, I may be backpedaling on allowing older saves. Honestly, working around all the old variable and scene names makes writing outlines or reading my code a lot harder. I've prioritized backwards save compatibility whenever I can, go ahead an load a v1 hentai university save in v16 if you want proof, but just like with rainy dayz it's holding back new ideas.

I might do something special if you try to load an older save though, but I don't think too many of you guys gave one lying around.

Thanks for giving this a read, talk to you again soon!



finally at least some HAA news. strengthen your immunity, otherwise it will not be long before death


Like, a metaphorical death? I think I'm misunderstanding here. Sorry HAA has taken so long, at least I've been making good progress in other areas in the meantime.

Kethis Immortalis

Meanwhile, I absolutely cant wait for Rainy DayZ. Cx