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Here's some 3D modelling for you, sped up really fast!!!! I would like to tell you exactly how fast it has been sped up, but I'm really bad at maths and I got confused working it out. I sped it up a bit, then edited out all the pauses, then sped it up some more. But basically, it took an evening and then most of the next day. A lot of that was me googling questions about Blender though because I still have no idea what I'm doing!

This is the second time I've traced a Pen Pal drawing with 3D models, and I'm liking using 3D tools with this very 2D mindset, where nothing has to make sense from more than one angle. I think this approach might actually work really well for the backgrounds in the new thing I've started, with the rats!

Not a 3D set with depth like in The Lost Suburbs, but flat images that are coloured in 3D. It's hard to explain what the actual benefit would be, but I'll try it out and show you, and then it will make sense (unless it looks bad)


John Bonnin

You can never be replaced, you whacky genius!

Nate Bear

Well it looks fantastic