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Hello everyone!!!! A big hot THANKS to patrons old and new for your support this month, and your patience as I whittle away at my latest 'toon.

Here is a hungry cat who relies on you for food, expressing their needs to you. The original line art is one of the unique ink drawings I'm sending to Pen Pals, which will be shipped off in the next day or two.

January was a busy month, because I moved home!
This also means I moved home office- and now my paper animation setup, which was formerly in a tin shed that was either unbearably hot or unbearably cold for a lot of the year, NOW is in a perfectly comfortable garage. To celebrate, I'm going to resume doing my Pen Pal illustrations in the form of short paper animations, like these ones! So look forward to one of those each month again!




It'll be great to see the paper animations back - those were really cool


I love every drawing I receive but it’ll be extra special to have a piece of animation!