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Hey everyone, just a little update of some shiny eyeballs!

This is a character that you never get to see out of the shadows, and I thought rather than making some classic cartoony eyeballs floating in the dark, it'd be fun to try and create a "tapetum lucidum" effect- the layer of reflective tissue that makes some animals' eyes shine in the dark. That way, the character is further obscured because you don't directly see the eyes- just the light bouncing off of them.

The technique I ended up using wasn't super complicated, but I had to trial several other techniques first to actually wrap my head around what was going to work. This isn't entirely realistic (it's 2D so there's no true lighting going on here), but I'm hoping I've captured the shiny eye vibe, and that the character will be visually distinct from everything else in a fun way!



Valerie Paulsgrove

I like how they don't blink together, it adds an intrigue factor to this mystery creature