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Hello! Here is a dog!!!

Some dog context:
I posted that echidna on here earlier, and was planning on expanding that into it's own bigger project with some other related ideas. But, some of those other ideas involve knowing 3D animation- which I do not!

So, I've been teaching myself Blender! And that's mostly consisted of wading through a bunch of beginner tutorials, and while I've learnt a lot they don't produce much in the way of actual original work for me to show you. I thought things were a little quiet on here, so I wanted to find a way to take the basic 3D stuff I'm learning at the moment, and splice it into my regular 2D work flow so I could put it to use. And that resulted in this dog!!!

So, she's built in 3D, kind of, but she's animated in 2D, kind of. It's hard to explain but I'll put together a little process video for Secret Council members some time soon.

It's primarily leaning on my 2D animation strengths here, and while I'm excited to learn more 3D, I'm mainly interested in using it for things like this, where it can tie in to my existing work and expand upon it, rather than replacing it. But of course the more I learn, the more combinations become possible!!!

This technique isn't strictly to do with that other echidna-related idea, but the 3D skills I picked up here are all prerequisites to doing basically anything else in 3D.

I can't see how this technique could tie into that other project, but I gotta say I really like this method and how my little dog turned out, and right now I'm feeling pretty inspired to do more of this!




Hello yes this is a good dog, where can I adopt one and I would like seven please


instantly thought Mario's Koopa