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Hello you cheeky fish! A big thanks to patrons old and new for your support this fine October.

For this month's Pen Pal drawings I decided to do some architecture studies around Melbourne! And by "around Melbourne" I mean around G©©g™ Street View because we're still in the world's longest lockdown- which might be why the buildings all look so sleepy!

It was nice brushing up on my building skills, and finding the little details that make Melbourne look the way it does (and which details I like the most). Some liberties were taken to get all the bits I like to fit into portrait dimensions, but I was more interested in learning the ingredients of these buildings so later on I can invent new ones that feel the same, rather than perfectly capturing specific landmarks.

These drawings will be posted to Pen Pal patrons in the next day or two!

edit: someone reported an issue with the thumbnails not being clickable. If anyone else is having this problem and can't see the drawings properly, I've now attached a zip file with all the pictures so you can grab the files and look at them that way instead!




The pen pal drawing I received from these is one of my favorites as well. I really tended to enjoy the works of J.M.W Turner, Hubert Robert, and Sorolla and to me there's always a longing for the serene beauty capture in their paintings of ruins and gardens and sails. This minor addition of anthropomorphic feature of eyes to the building adds a sentiment that reminds me of the previously mentioned artists whose works I tended to gravitate toward


Wow, these are maybe my favorite pen pal drawings yet. I wish I could snag one of the special coin friend spots but its full :(