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Hello all, here's a rat clawing its way out of a pit!

So far in this movie about rats, the rats haven't been that much of a focus, and I haven't actually had to draw that much of them other than a single run cycle. But now that we're at the "Scurrying and Scampering" phase of the operation, I'm happy to discover I've conveniently given myself a really simple character design to work with. This means I can easily redraw them with the writhing, horrible frenetic energy needed for rat business!

Those dust particles in the beam of light are also redrawn- I don't know if drawing them actually added anything, I just find particle simulations a headache and I didn't want to do it.

This little background is actually a part of a much larger 3D set. It has some bits missing still, but I'll try and finish that so I can show you!


Dannie Lennard

Superb work (as always). :)

Alex Ezorsky

Awesome shadows and light beam occlusion! And of course impeccable music syncing