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Actually, haven't been stinking on this one, I think it's going pretty well. Only one mistake, you can see I continued inking some of the "mist" lines through the demon's wings. Uh-oh, Spaghettios. I used a G-pen and nib on some of this, been missing using inky ink and it was fun, but, I fell back on brush pens for most work because of the time element. Also, having "live" ink around with the cat has not been wise.

I'm trying to get this done by tomorrow, I'm a pretty slow inker and I have THIS CAT HERE who won't let me do anything without jumping on me or biting the pen or knocking stuff over or aaaagh. I wish I had somewhere to put all my collectible crap right now because she's attacking everything like it's her job. Which, yeah, it is, I guess. I had to tape a window shade closed over one of the windows in the studio because she was using the ledge to jump up to a bookshelf and cause havoc there. This is definitely not a cat-proof space. She already got ink all over me when I was holding a bleeding rapidograph and she bounced into me. She's a good cat but a lot of work for such  little thing. Because, yeah, well, she's a little cat. Duh.

She just jumped on my side table and checked a set of markers into the boards on her way to the other window. Constant state of small-time terror.

In other news, I have a dentist I can go to, it appears. Hoping they can do more than refer me to a surgeon for the tooth. We shall see.

I just gave up and cleared more space for the Pirate Girl to climb on, and she seemed happy and calmed down. A little. Because she knew she had won. Again.

Back to work.



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