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Just about done. Sarah's going to do a quick digital clean-up and it'll go out tomorrow. Between the tight deadline and recent dental issues of her own, Sarah won't be able to color the actual art this time around. I rarely have a cover colored by anyone other than Sarah since she started working on them, it's always a bit weird and "off" to me when I see how someone else approaches coloring my art. It's been so long since the days of Bill & Ted, Fight Man, heck, Wild Knights covers. The first variant cover I did was for Grumble #5 and it was colored by someone else involved with the project, that's the only time I can remember Sarah not doing the coloring. I prefer our flat color approach but it'll be interesting to see where it goes. 

Process post on this cover for the "process" backers will go up tomorrow if things work out. Monday is therapy day, I also have to call the dentist to set up an appointment and try on my glasses frames to pick which of five nerdy plain black pairs I will end up with.



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