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Oh dear, it seems @Rubbutts 's Shuumi has run afoul of Nabby and is poised to become her latest Nabbydrone!  
You'd think the bigger gals wold learn that, when it comes to Nabby, size isn't everything!   
At least she'll make a fun darkling couch!

Process Video


The Rant:

This was fun! I'm still working my way through both the iPad and suggestion thread suggestions, and I figured this would be a fun one. It was a little tougher because, with muscular gals, you don't want to add so much muscle that the details become too detailed. Its also stretched thin enough that keeping my curves how I want them is a little difficult by hand (it doesn't help that most iPad app's curve-smoothing tools are ... gnnnngh...). But I figured it'd be a fun challenge and decent iteration over the thumbnail I'd done.

I actually hadn't meant to spend as much time as I did on this; I'd burned a lot of my free-work time doing cleanup around the apartment and needed to work on my next game over, so the plan was to only do the line art.

that ...

didn't happen.

Instead, I had so much fun and was so insistent on seeing the finished product that I just finished it entirely (the drippy text was an especially nice touch). By the time I had, there was no time to start anything new, so I just called it a day and started buffering posts, hence, here we are. 

I do really like how this turned out though. Its almost in the league of "I wish there was a story adaptation!"

I do like the idea of doing these as the answer to suggestion thread stuff on T-days (Tues/Thurs) with early access for Patrons. The question (that I'm not worried about yet) is if there will eventually be so many patrons that choice becomes difficult. I'm not worried about it yet, but it is something to think about.

What do you think?
Let me know in the comments!
Your feedback lets me know how I'm doing! Thank you for your continued support and patronage, and I'll catcha over yonder!




Trevor Bond

I can see why you'd want to power through and finish it while you were on a roll! Nice piece! I do like that you put that much effort into things. Hazards of it being it's hard to keep a schedule on everything else huh? One of my friends suggested for busy Patreon types, schedule out a 3 week setup and assign the fourth every month to 'polish off' work. Didn't quite get something done? Polish it off. Did get it all done? Get a leg up on everything else.

Kiwi Kink

Great stuff, I think this turned out splendidly :)


Yeah, the down-n-dirty approach is cuz these are going faster than I'd expected (the in-app timer clocks them at 1.5-2hrs). It might even out but for now, I'd like to burn through these while the burst lasts.