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Process Video: (Link!)

More iPad practice. 

Not gonna lie, I was a little mentally sus that I hadn't doodled any Abby on my new iPad, so, obvis, that needed fixing! And naturally, where there is an Abby, a Nabby is sure to follow! 

This wasn't just about doodling tho. I finished the lineart, and was kinda unsatisfied, for a few reasons:

  • iPads are capable of more than just lineart
  • I need this to be capable of more than just lineart, in the event that I don't have access to my computer.

So I duplicated it (in case I ended up being unsatisfied with my rendering but didn't want that data added to the speedpaint) and got to rendering. Luckily, IbisPainter has a clipping/masking function, so I could render out my lighting and then do color fills on top of that.

Its masking functionality is different from Adobe's in that the underlying lineart doesn't disappear when triggering the mask. This allowed me to mix the blacks of the lineart with the color I wanted to adapt it to. This fixed a problem I'd been having with my non-inked sketch lines: the sketch lines look great with black, but not with colors, because it desaturates them so much the flats eat them up. This time, the line art is mostly black, but colored in in spots where the lineart tapers or is super thin. 

Either way, much stronger than most of my other work, though, admittedly, I dunno what this means going forward. We'll see though.

Process Video: (Link!) 

Watcha think? 

Lemme know, and I'll catcha over yonder!





This will help me draw abby better

Trevor Bond

I can definitely see a difference from previous pics, though I'm jiggered if I can pinpoint EXACTLY what it is. This one I think came out a little more sharp, not just in lines but in lighting, I feel.

Kiwi Kink

Gooey goodness :D