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Howdy, wonderful people!

The Convolution Vase is a sweepy, twisty organic vessel that nonetheless has a definite precision to it!  The twisty tendrils merge, split and merge again as they make their way upwards, and most of the time in designing this one went into making agonising decisions about where exactly those mergings and splittings should take place!  I'm a sucker for precise proportions, and getting things to look nicely balanced involved a lot of squinting and frowning as I tried different things.

Being a vase mode print, there were of course the usual considerations for making sure all our angles are friendly, especially the merge and split points, where those surfaces coming together will form a vase-mode-unfriendly horizontal crease.  Those sorts of things are generally fairly predictable, but it's quite useful to sanity check it with a slicer preview.  It's almost meditative, sliding the preview layer endlessly up and down, watching the perimeter shape shift and change, but making sure it only changes slightly from each layer to the next.

Print Description

This is a vase mode print, so set your slicer accordingly!

Print Dimensions

By default, the Convolution Vase occupies 99mm x 99mm on the print bed and is 178mm tall, but can be scaled arbitrarily up or down.

Supports Needed?

Not at all!  Designed for straightforward printing!


As a vase mode print, this one will scale well up or down!

Print Orientation

As you'd probably expect, the Convolution Vase prints right-way-up.

File Location

You'll find this one at at 534 Convolution Vase

Link to dropbox post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/31697592

Further Thoughts

I don't often rebuild models from scratch through the prototyping process, but this one ended up being rebuilt twice! The overall design was nailed down in the first version, but the geometry had become overly complex thanks to me doing things once should not inflict on a parametric CAD package.  So, a rebuild was in order.  Except, I foolishly rebuilt it from memory, rather than comparing directly, and I didn't have quite the same angles on the twisty bits.  And, more importantly, it didn't look nearly as good!  There's probably a lesson to be learned in there :)

Happy printing!






I'm always amazed at your attention to detail and concern for precision and continuity. I can almost imagine you sitting at a computer in a dark room talking to yourself wondering if you had made the right choice then making changes over and over again until some unknown part of your brain is satisfied with what you see. Sorry, I may have projected a little bit of myself onto my imagining of you.😉


As always everything is wonderful. The Peculiarity Box And the Convolution Vase are particularly stunning.🤩 Thank you as always.


My pleasure! I'm never sure if anyone else will find these things as interesting as I do, so I very much appreciate that! :)